Gay Marriage: Support of the Legalization

“Love has no gender” was the phrase I heard in a teenage TV show at the age of thirteen. The idea of loving someone of your own gender has stuck with me as I pondered upon the possibility of two men being in a loving relationship with each other. My curiosity reached its peak in 2015 because of a controversial US Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in all fifty states (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). I have had gay friends and casual acquaintances over the years, but I never asked myself if I support the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Firstly, it is important to define the term ‘marriage’ in order to further investigate the individual right to marry a person of the same gender. Some people argue that marriage is a union between a man and a woman since it involves procreation and starting a family (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). According to this definition, sexual relationships between two people become important to society only if they can produce a child. In my opinion, such a justification discriminates against sterile, infertile, and older individuals who do not have an opportunity to procreate biologically. As long as marriage licenses are granted without checking medical records and fertility test results, it is only fair for same-sex couples to have a right to legalize their relationship and enjoy the benefits of being officially married.

Religion plays an immensely important role in the public debate over the legalization of same-sex marriage. Mainstream Islam and Christianity are among the influential systems of faith that actively oppose same-sex relationships (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). The Bible calls gay sex abomination, while the Qur’an condemns lesbian relationships, arguing that they are illegitimate (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). I pride myself in being tolerant and respectful towards all religious practices as long as they do not infringe the rights of non-believers. Religious institutions should have a right to decline to perform non-traditional wedding ceremonies based on their interpretation of sacred texts and doctrines such as the Qur’an or the Bible. However, religious leaders and their followers must be aware that they cannot dictate laws since they would affect non-believers and members of other religious groups. Marriage remains a civil institution that needs to be defined by legal authorities, which are superior to religious leaders based on the notions of diversity, tolerance, and individual liberty.

Marriage is a window to starting a family, which is why it is crucial to consider the parental roles of same-sex partners and their influence on the child’s well-being. Children raised in same-sex relationships are at higher risk for sexual abuse, unemployment, and teenage pregnancy, according to some researchers (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). On the other hand, the latest scientific findings confirm that children of gay parents are as well-adjusted as kids adopted by heterosexual couples (Baiocco et al.). The authors claim that there is no connection between parents’ sexual orientation and child health outcomes (Baiocco et al.). While various researches on the issue seem to be polarizing, it is impossible to form opinions and draw connections using science alone. It is essential to consider the real-life experiences of children raised by gay couples.

In conclusion, gay marriage remains a controversial topic of public debate and discussion that is often rooted in religious beliefs and various definitions of marriage. As our society moves towards acceptance and global diversity of races, ethnicities, and sexualities, it is integral to remain tolerant and understanding. Based on the notions of civil superiority, religious freedom, and the latest scientific research, it is apparent to me that gay marriage is not a privilege of heterosexual couples, but a fundamental right that same-sex partners must-have.

Works Cited

Baiocco, Roberto, Carone, Nicola, Ioverno, Salvatore, and Lingiardi, Vittorio. “Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Families in Italy: Is Parents’ Sexual Orientation Associated with Child Health Outcomes and Parental Dimensions?” Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, vol. 39, no. 7, 2018, pp. 555-563,

“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?” ProCon, 2019.

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