Diverse Perspectives on Leadership: Essential Traits for Success


Leadership is a multi-disciplinary concept that requires a person to make sacrifices to attain the desired results. A leader’s ability to influence and inspire people working under him determines the level of success he is likely to attain in an organization. It is important for a leader to understand his attitudes and how they impact on his ability to develop good relationships with his subordinates. A leader needs to be aware of the situation an organization is in and how this impacts on its performance and stability. Therefore, he needs to formulate appropriate strategies which are responsive to different issues an organization faces in its operations.

How did your article from “The Leader’s Companion” better help you understand leadership and or being a leader?

The article made me understand that a leader needs to consider all relevant factors that impact on the organization he manages. Moreover, the article reveals that leaders need to act desirably to encourage their subordinates to perform their responsibilities more effectively. More importantly, a leader needs to communicate his vision to all employees to increase their dedication and self-confidence. Additionally, the book has shown that a leader needs to rely on his intellect to make appropriate decisions which satisfy expectations of all stakeholders (Wren, 1995, p. 49). Therefore, he needs to have an open mind to accept innovative ideas that are proposed by his subordinates to bring positive changes. This approach encourages continuous learning and knowledge sharing in a firm.

The article highlights behavioral as well as situational factors that impact on leadership in different organizational contexts. In many instances, leaders are unwilling to address the needs and expectations of their subordinates, and this leads to mistrust in an organization. As a result, they are not able to motivate their workers to be more dedicated in their duties, and this leads to poor results in the end. Such leaders have poor judgment because they do not consult their juniors to find out specific changes that need to be made to improve performance (Wren, 1995, p. 50). For instance, some authoritarian leaders do not share information with their subordinates, which makes it difficult for their organizations to overcome different problems they are facing.

From the New York Times articles, which article most, resonated with you? How did it add to your perspective on leadership?

Brooks (2014) discusses epic moments by great leaders in the past whose resilience resulted in social and political progress in their respective societies. The article reveals new leadership perspectives that focus on sacrifice, dedication, and integrity. The article shows that great leaders are measured by the choices they make and thus need to endure different challenges before they succeed. Additionally, good governance has been described by the author as one of the main qualities a good leader must possess. He insists that for a person to understand and act upon other peoples’ needs, he needs to be a keen observer and listener. These virtues enable a person to exercise good judgment in his dealings with other people, and as a result, he acquires positive traits that make him a transformational leader.

There is a strong connection between this article and the leadership presentations used to teach this subject in class. Problem-solving and the willingness to learn new concepts and ideas are relevant ideals which good leaders are measured by. In his article, Brooks (2014) makes relevant assertions about why leaders need to anticipate different issues that may either bring success or failure to their organizations in the long run. He insists that strong leaders get out of their comfort zones and explore the environments they work in to understand different types of issues their organizations face. Therefore, they are more willing to plan to ensure they achieve their personal as well as collective objectives.


Brooks, D. (2014). The leadership revival. The New York Times. Web.

Wren, T.J. (1995). The leader’s companion: Insights on leadership through the ages. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, May 16). Diverse Perspectives on Leadership: Essential Traits for Success. https://studycorgi.com/general-leadership-perspectives/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Diverse Perspectives on Leadership: Essential Traits for Success." May 16, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/general-leadership-perspectives/.


StudyCorgi. "Diverse Perspectives on Leadership: Essential Traits for Success." May 16, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/general-leadership-perspectives/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Diverse Perspectives on Leadership: Essential Traits for Success." May 16, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/general-leadership-perspectives/.

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