WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies

The World Health Organization (WHO) undertakes numerous initiatives and activities to transform the medical outcomes of the greatest number of people. Its current global health agenda is aimed at addressing existing gaps in health care using innovative practices. This paper discusses available opportunities for developing interdisciplinary approaches to advance the program.

Existing Opportunities

The global health agenda requires the commitment and contribution of different professionals and disciplines to tackle most of the diseases affecting humanity. The first opportunity for this kind of collaboration is the existence of different organizations that seek to tackle various diseases. Such institutions can present superior insights and concepts for pursuing this health agenda (Morley & Cashell, 2017). The second one is that of modern health technologies. The existence of new systems can make it possible for different professionals and scholars in the field of medicine to exchange ideas and propose evidence-based solutions to medical challenges.

The third opportunity is the nature of new trends in health research. Leggio and D’Alessandro (2015) indicate that many countries are presently embracing the power of collaboration whereby psychiatrists, physicians, scientists, microbiologists, and environmentalists are working together to present superior medical concepts. Lastly, learning institutions are pursuing a new global culture whereby students can receive instructions encouraging them to work in multidisciplinary teams. Such achievements indicate that global society is capable of achieving the intended goals.

Multiculturalism, Diversity Practices, and Policies

My clinical organization has a role to support the realization of the WHO global agenda. Several attributes are essential to promote the concept of interdisciplinary practice. For instance, the idea of multiculturalism means that health leaders (HLs) can employ professionals from diverse backgrounds and empower them to meet the needs of all patients (Morley & Cashell, 2017). Individuals working in the hospital can develop cultural competencies to offer exemplary care to individuals from different racial or religious backgrounds. Diversity practices mean that teams comprised of people from specific backgrounds will become common. Practitioners can also acquire additional training in different languages and monitor the cultural beliefs of the people they serve.

My organization requires superior policies to guide practitioners and ensure that they address the unique needs of diverse populations. This institution can support evidence-based guidelines that foster teamwork and encourage nurses to develop superior competencies. Such professionals can also form interdisciplinary groups to deliver exemplary medical services to more patients (“Global health,” n.d.). The application of these initiatives will make it possible for my organization to capitalize on every available opportunity for advancing the WHO global health agenda.

Lessons Learned

The studied course has equipped me with numerous ideas that describe how advanced practice nurses (APNs) can influence this global agenda. They can engage in lifelong learning to acquire superior concepts for providing exemplary services to individuals from diverse backgrounds. I have also appreciated the concept of multidisciplinary teams since it can improve the delivery of high-quality care to underserved populations. APNs can establish teams with colleagues from diverse backgrounds to improve their cultural competencies (Morley & Cashell, 2017). They can also offer their services in different regions to achieve the outlined mission.


The above discussion has indicated that there is a need for different stakeholders to consider existing opportunities to support the WHO global health agenda. The introduction of superior policies and multiculturalism models in different clinical settings will deliver positive outcomes. APNs should also engage in lifelong learning and acquire superior competencies that will guide them to meet the medical demands of diverse populations.


Global health agenda. (n.d.). Web.

Leggio, W. J., & D’Alessandro, K. J. (2015). Support for interdisciplinary approaches in emergency medical services education. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 1(1), 60-65. Web.

Morley, L., & Cashell, A. (2017). Collaboration in health care. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 48, 207-216. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 2). WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies. https://studycorgi.com/global-health-agenda-and-development-opportunities/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies'. 2 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies." January 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-health-agenda-and-development-opportunities/.


StudyCorgi. "WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies." January 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-health-agenda-and-development-opportunities/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "WHO Health Goals: Interdisciplinary Approaches & Policies." January 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-health-agenda-and-development-opportunities/.

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