Global Warming: Understanding Causes of Event

Global warming is a phenomenon characterized by the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere regulates the earth’s temperature, which has since increased by 0.8 to 33.40 due to global warming (Solar Impulse, 2022). Global warming is attributed to different activities people engage in varying capacities. It is crucial to expound on the causes and effects of global warming.

Extensive research has been conducted to ascertain the leading causes of global warming to determine the most effective course of action. Some of the most common causes of global warming include; greenhouse gases, deforestation, and incomplete combustion of fossil fuels (Harris, 2022). Deforestation has been rampant recently due to increased population and industrial activities. Trees play a critical of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is used in photosynthesis and other processes in plants, which helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Solar Impulse, 2022). Earth’s atmosphere acts as a protective blanket that helps maintain the surface’s temperature. An increase in the production of greenhouse gases has led to increased temperatures therefore, global warming.

The overproduction of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons has brought about global warming. This is because when these gases are released into the atmosphere, they form a canopy, thus trapping excess heat from the earth’s surface. Since heat is energy, it changes climate by disrupting weather patterns (Zandalinas et al., 2021). Nevertheless, it is uncertain why the effects of global warming are more prevalent in some regions while in other regions the effects are minimal. Earth’s atmosphere plays a significant role in regulating temperature, and this is by transferring excess heat energy toward the Polar Regions, which are usually characterized by shallow temperatures.

Over the years, people have indulged in activities that influence the environment differently. These practices have culminated in global warming, environmental degradation, and pollution. Global warming has, in turn, resulted in drastic changes in climatic patterns. Some of the activities that have led to global warming comprise; deforestation, greenhouse gases, and fossil fuels.


Harris S. A. (2022). The nature causes effects and mitigation of climate change on the environment. IntechOpen.

Solar Impulse. (2022). Global Warming – Solutions to solve global warming. Web.

Zandalinas, S. I., Fritschi, F. B., & Mittler, R. (2021). Global warming, climate change, and environmental pollution: recipe for a multifactorial stress combination disaster. Trends in Plant Science, 26(6), 588-599.

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