Resolutions to Fight Water Scarcity

The World Health Organization outlines water scarcity as a global crisis affecting more than 2.8 billion people. The California drought is a notable instance of water scarcity that began in 2012 (Roggenburg et al., 2021). Water scarcity is primarily associated with rapid climate changes resulting in extreme weather conditions, eventually leading to droughts (Dunca, 2018). The increasing population is putting more strain on water resources. Water scarcity has negative implications, such as the spread of diseases, poverty, hunger, weak immune system, destruction of habitats, and starvation. Water scarcity can be addressed through population control measures, better water distribution infrastructure reduced chemical farming, and saving water whenever possible.

Educating society on saving water whenever possible is an important measure to address water scarcity worldwide effectively. Creating public awareness on how to curb water scarcity can equip society with fundamental ways to conserve water. Some effective methods that can be used to save water include: taking short showers, turning off the tap when brushing teeth, checking leaks in pipes, and recycling water for other home activities. The Soil and Water Conservation Society is a global organization that focuses on enhancing people to conserve water to avoid scarcity and the negative consequences of water scarcity.

Water pollution is also the primary concern of many researchers, who believe water pollution in water bodies such as; lakes, rivers, or dams is a significant cause of water shortage. Local people sometimes encounter water shortages due to pollution due to restrictions on using water from surrounding water bodies (Dunca, 2018). Some common water pollutants include chemical waste, oil spillage, and factory waste, among others. The local government and international community should formulate rules to regulate water pollution to reduce water scarcity and protect aquatic animals. Addressing water pollution can significantly reduce water shortage, thus saving many lives.

In conclusion, water scarcity is a global crisis mainly caused by climatic changes. Water scarcity results in starvation, hunger, the spread of diseases, poverty, and consequently, economic decline, among other negative consequences. The rapid increase in population is another cause of global water scarcity. Effective methods that can help manage water scarcity include the reduction of chemical farming, saving water, and better water distribution infrastructure.


Dunca, A. M. Water pollution and water quality assessment of major transboundary rivers from Banat (Romania). Journal of Chemistry, 2018.

Roggenburg, M., Warsinger, D. M., Evans, H. B., & Castillo, L. (2021). Combatting water scarcity and economic distress along the US-Mexico border using renewable-powered desalination. Applied Energy, 291, 116765.

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