Google Inc.’s Aggressive Marketing

The most famous international corporations do their best to succeed in the market, and Google is no exception. The organization hires the most professional employees and actively relies on innovations to overcome competitors. However, it is impossible to mention that the business has achieved all its success by fair means, and particular scandals prove this statement. For example, the European Union issued a €1.5 billion antitrust fine for Google’s aggressive marketing. Under legal contracts, clients agreed to include a Google search engine on their sites, while the techno giant also forced them to avoid including rivals’ search engines (Vincent, 2019). This strategy was unethical because it led to unequal competition that implied negative consequences for Google, and the latter was forced to take specific steps to mitigate these effects.

In addition to financial losses, the scandal resulted in additional consequences for Google. On the one hand, the organization’s image suffered because people understood that the business relied on unfair practices. On the other hand, it became challenging for the techno giant to conclude new contracts because partners were aware of the potential limitations of working with Google (Vincent, 2019). That is why one can stipulate that the company experienced adverse economic and ethical consequences from the scandal.

Google was forced to take specific measures to mitigate the negative effects. According to Vincent (2019), the organization dismissed this discriminatory practice and allowed partners to include other search engines on their websites. Even though this step can be considered a scandal end, it is challenging to ignore that Google has already earned many benefits because of this unethical practice. Thus, it is possible to conclude that Google’s reputation has experienced significant harm that is more significant than the economic advantages.


Vincent, J. (2019). Google hit with €1.5 billion antitrust fine by EU. The Verge. Web.

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