Discussion on Google Recruitment

Google encourages its employees to communicate freely with upper management. This openness, combined with a genuine feeling of caring, has made the company an industry leader in employee satisfaction. Additionally, when hiring new employees, Google prioritizes four main characteristics: intelligence, leadership, googlability, and relevant experience. Intelligence suggests that Google is seeking individuals with high intelligence quotients (IQ) and the ability to grasp new concepts and adapt to changing circumstances quickly (“re:Work – Guide: Use structured interviewing”, 2022). This indicates that grades and standardized test scores are less important than a candidate’s demonstrated ability to learn and solve complex challenges in the real world.

Google suggests that when it comes to leadership, they specifically look for emerging one. This type of leadership disregards official titles, and at Google, various team members will need to assume leadership positions, contribute, and — just as importantly — withdraw after the demand for their particular skills has passed (“re:Work – Guide: Use structured interviewing”, 2022). Googlability means that the company is looking for indications that the candidate might be successful at Google, such as an inclination toward action and a desire to work with others in a team setting. Finally, if a candidate has relevant experience, Google cares about them and strives to provide them with the best chance to succeed in their role.

If I were a recruiter at Google, my behavioral question would be: Tell me about a time when you failed, while my situational question is: Tell me why you think you are a good fit for the position at Google. Additionally, background checks, initial screening, on-the-job testing, and interviews are Google practices that I admire, and they are conducted for all applicants without considering their GPAs. These techniques appealed to me because they provide employers with a chance to hire individuals with talent despite their academic shortcomings.


re:Work – Guide: Use structured interviewing. Rework.withgoogle.com. (2022). Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Discussion on Google Recruitment." August 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-on-google-recruitment/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Discussion on Google Recruitment." August 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-on-google-recruitment/.

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