Hamas Commander Killing in Dubai

Introduction: Facts about the case: Hamas Commander, Mr. Mabhouh, assassinated in Dubai, was the chief Hamas operative. Pursher (Para 1) mentions that he was the main person of Hamas who used to pass on weapons from Iran to Gaza. Mr. Mabhouh was found dead in a luxury hotel on 20 January.He was the man whom Israel always wanted for kidnapping and klling his two soldiers twenty year ago (Prusher, Para 1).

In Gaza, officers of Hamas suspected that initially he died due to heart attack but there were some evidences showing that he was killed by Israeli agents (Prusher, Para 2).

The deputy director of the INSS, Ephriam Kam says that killing of Mabhouh frightens Hamas and Hizbullah. It gives them warning if they attack Israel, they will never be safe anywhere (Prusher, Para 4).

Prusher (Para 10) states though Israel’s Defense Ministry and Israel’s Defense Forces have not commented on Hamas Commander’s killing, yet a defense officer has said that Mabhouh had been followed by Israel extensively due to his involvement in kidnapping and killing two Israeli soldiers (Prusher, Para 10).

Who is responsible for the crime?

Many media channels have given reference of Dubai police that is saying that the Mossad, which is an intelligence agency of Israel, could be put responsible for the killing of Hamas commander but the killers had not been identified as they already ran away from the country (Prusher, Para 13).

Now Dubai police has requested for international manhunt. It has released names and photos of 11 member European hit sqaud who is responsible for stalking and killing Hamas commander. Their plot involves disguises of fake beards and wigs (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 1).

Dubai police authorities have suspected that the suspected killers took the same elevator which was taken by Mabhouh before he was killed in the hotel room (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 2).

But when the Dubai authorities made the names, pictures and passport details of the killers go, it raised several questions. These suspects include six Britons, three Irish and one each from France and Germany (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, 2010, para 3). Ireland denied recognizing the three Irish citizens by saying that such persons donot exist. German ofiicers claim that they donot have complete passport details of the killer suspected from Germany. These details were given to them by Dubai authorties (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 3).

Fake identities are also creating doubts about the case of killing Hamas commander (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 9).

Ireland Departmnet of Foreign Affairs said that it was not able to find the passport records and of those three people showing from Ireland and who have been suspected in this case of murder. The numbers, which they have with them are forged as these are the wrong digits without having any letters (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 10). Ireland has never issued such kinds of passports on such people’s names (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 10).

Germany’s Interior Ministry also commented that the pasport no. given by Dubai police is of five digit number, which is very short and it does not have letters (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para11).

The Dubai police identified a man as a suspect named, Melvyn Adam Mildiner and he was shocked to know about the release of Dubai police which contained his name as a suspect (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 12-14). He told that he holds a British and Israeli passport. He also confirmed his name and the passport number but he was not aware how someone took his UK passport (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 12-14).

Dubai officers have stated that they would take the help of Intepol in this case. They will also force individual nations to supprt them in finding out the suspects (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 15).

Dubai Police Chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim has menationed about some scrutiny video clips which illustrate the arrival of those suspected people at airport and their quick departures to Europe and Asia (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 16). It happened before Mabhouh’s body was found in the hotel (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 16).

Tamim mentioned that these suspects came to Dubai in different times, staked Mabhouh in the hotel, paid all expenses, used different phone cards so they should not be traced out. They were all in disguise including a woman wearing a wig, a big hat and sunglasses (Dubai: European hit squad killed Hamas leader, para 17-18).

What was the method for killing the victim?

Hamas officres suspected that he died initially due to heart attack (Prusher, Para 2). But different media sources are giving different reports as a Palestinian source said that traces of poison have been found in his body (Oweis, Para 19).

Fayek, Mabhouh’s brother told Reuters that Mabhouh was killed by squeezing his throat and taking his life out after giving him electric shock (Oweis, Para 20).

Reporting to Interpol: In my report to Interpol, I would prefer to address the chief inspector of crime and fraud that must be an efficient designatory in solving this case.

Works Cited

“Dubai: European Hit Squad killed Hamas Leader”. 2010. Web.

Oweis, Khaled Yacoub. 2010. “Hamas says top commander killed by Israel in Dubai”. Reuters. Web.

Prusher, Ilene R, 2010. “Israel: Hamas commander killed in Dubai was key arms smuggler”. The Cristian Science Monitor. Web.

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