Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success


Hope for the best helps a person to survive, to fight for his life and happiness, no matter how terrible and difficult his life circumstances may be. Having lost hope, a person actually signs a sentence for themselves before fate does. Meanwhile, everything can change dramatically at any moment, but one still needs to reach this point without giving up, and without losing the will to live. However, it is not productive to hope for the best, completely surrendering to the hands of the Lord.


If a person has ideas and plans, it is necessary to make efforts to implement them. Constantly waiting for a favorable opportunity will not lead to any opportunity. As a result, people who, apart from hope and prayer, do not take any action, achieve nothing in life and do not realize their potential. Endless hopes without any activity aimed at achieving the desired are absolutely useless. A fruitless belief in illusions can only make a person live a life in vain.

Hard work is an important part of life: to achieve any desired goal, it is necessary to make an effort. Those who only hoped and prayed are thrown to the side of life because while others worked, studied, and acquired new knowledge and experience, they did not develop in any way. Hard work, both mental and physical, requires strength. It can be drawn from hope and prayer, but it is worth using them only as auxiliary actions, not the main ones. Prayer and hope are necessary for people to constantly keep themselves in good shape and strive to achieve new goals. However, it is hard work that allows a person to feel like the creator of their own life, and of all that is beautiful in it.

Hope and prayer embody the realization of the psychological function of ensuring security with the help of religion. A believer feels protected, evaluates his capabilities higher, and feels more emotional comfort. Prayer and hope are psychological resources that provide security, but at the same time, it is an anti-incentive to activity. When the effect of psychological stimuli is mitigated, the motivation to resolve adverse situations becomes lower.

There is always something unknown and unexpected in a person’s life. Any forecast has a probabilistic character. The situation of uncertainty leads to strong tension. Prayer and hope act as defense mechanisms of the individual. They play an important role in reducing anxiety and getting rid of a number of fears. This is an easy way to switch attention from assessing the significance of the situation and thinking and making a decision. A person has an illusion of security associated with the fact that higher powers will take care of them and are responsible for their lives.


Only by working hard, a person is really able to reach their full potential. Prayer and hope can give strength and desire to develop, which, of course, will open up new prospects for a person. However, if a person does not make any efforts, then hope and prayer, unsupported by any actions, will not give results. Prayer and hope are certainly comforting in difficult situations, but they should not turn into expectations of happiness without action. Therefore, people should take responsibility for one’s lives and try their best to succeed without postponing life for later and waiting for a magical solution to happen.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 31). Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success. https://studycorgi.com/hard-work-as-a-guarantee-of-success/

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StudyCorgi. "Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success." January 31, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hard-work-as-a-guarantee-of-success/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success." January 31, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hard-work-as-a-guarantee-of-success/.

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