Planning a Wedding: Hiring a Professional Manager


Planning a wedding is a task that requires meticulousness and much attention to detail. Usually, the best way to organize a wedding is to hire a professional manager with the skills and connections needed for such a task. The manager’s responsibilities include developing the wedding plan with the clients, planning activities, assigning roles among the guests, finding appropriate staff, inventory, and decorations, and controlling the whole process at every stage. It is helpful to prepare a list of assumptions based on preliminary data to use as a basis for a wedding planner. An indentured list is a valuable and convenient tool for visually representing all stages and activities included in the wedding ceremony together with the responsible persons.


Developing a list of assumptions is essential to begin planning the wedding. One of the top priorities is to establish the scale of the wedding. Considering that Tony is from a large farming family and Peggy Sue is from an affluent political family, a medium wedding with up to 150 guests is probable (Thomas, 2022). Since Tony is from a large family with small-town roots and Peggy Sue likely has many acquaintances, an equal distribution of guests of all ages can be assumed (Thomas, 2021). As both families are traditional, a similar wedding ceremony will likely be preferred (Mackey, 2022). Weddings with more than 100 guests averaged $38,000 in budget in 2021, so settling with a 15-percent cushion at $43,000 is an option (The Knot 2021 Real Weddings Study). With the initial assumptions made, it is possible to begin settling on the activities.

The next step is to develop a WBS and a corresponding list of activities. A WBS is an efficient way to present a structured process visually (Online PM Courses – Mike Clayton, 2019). The Work Breakdown Structure for the wedding ceremony preparation divides the process into three levels of activities and assigns responsible persons. Primary (P) and Supporting (S) roles are assigned to the responsible persons to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts during planning. The Work Breakdown Structure can be found in Appendix A.

Table 1: WBS indentured list

WBS Number Activity Responsible Deliverables
The Wedding
1 Guests
1.1 Guest List Mother of the bride (P) A guest list of up to 150 people is jointly developed
Mother of the groom (S)
1.2 Invitations Bride (P) Invitations are designed, prepared, signed, and sent
Groom (P)
Designer (S)
1.3 Guest seating, toasts, and readings Father of the groom (P) Guest seats are assigned, toasts and readings are distributed
Father of the bride (S)
2 Ceremony
2.1 Wedding bands Groom (P) Wedding bands are prepared
Bride (P)
Bridesmain (S)
Best Man (S)
2.2 Developing the ceremony Mother of the groom (P) The type of the ceremony is decided upon, main ponts of the ceremony are established
Mother of the bride (P)
Manager (S)
Official (S)
3 Logistics
3.1 Transportation Manager (P) Transport for the guests is hired
3.2 Accommodation Manager (P) Means of accommodation are reserved for the guests
Bride (S)
Groom (S)
3.3 Legitimacy Father of the bride (P) The acquiring of the marriage licence is planned
Mother of the groom (S)
3.4 Catering Mother of the bride (P) A caterer is hired, menues are prepared
Father of the groom (S)
3.5 Decorations Mother of thr groom (P) The general style and decorations are agreed upon and ordered
Mother of the bride (P)
Designer (S)
3.5.1 Flowers Mother of the bride (P) Flowers are chosen and bought
Florist (S)
Designer (S)
Manager (S)
3.5.2 Dresscode Father of the bride (P) Dresscode for guests is agreed upon
Mother of the groom (P)
Designer (S)
3.5.3 Bride’s dress and groom’s suit Bride (P) A dress and a suit for the couple are chosen and prepared
Groom (P)
Father of the groom (S)
Mother of the bride (S)
4 Rehearsal
4.1 Rehearsal ceremony Manager (P) The ceremony details are settled
Mother of the bride (S)
Official (S)
4.2 Regearsal dinner Manager (P) The dinner details are settled
Mother of the groom (S)


Mackey, J. (2022) An easy breakdown of wedding ceremony outline. Brides. Web.

Online PM Courses – Mike Clayton. (2019). What is a work breakdown structure – WBS? PM in under 5 [Video]. YouTube. Web.

The Knot 2021 real wedding study. (2022). The Knot. Web.

Thomas, A. (2021). How to decide how many guests each family can invite to the wedding. Martha Stewart. Web.

Thomas, A. (2022). Here is the average guest list size for small, medium, and large weddings. Martha Stewart. Web.

Appendix A

Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure

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