Mercy Miami Hospital: Cultural Impact and Nursing Solutions

This project is based on an interview with one of the employees at Mercy Miami Hospital. The peculiar feature of this site is that its people underline the importance of cultural differences and use them as one of the main strengths of the organization (Careers at Mercy Miami hospital 2016). After the communication with a nurse, it becomes clear that, in the USA, policymakers focus on immigration policies because of their effectiveness in solving such problems as nursing shortage and oversupply. The nurse of the Mercy Miami Hospital says that the chosen site finds it necessary to hire foreign-trained nurses due to the necessity to promote the differences in cultural backgrounds and the possibility to exchange the experiences. Still, several requirements have to be met. First, visas should be open to all potential employees (Masselink & Jones, 2014). Second, nurses should have degrees or be ready to study at local colleges or universities. Finally, all foreigners should speak English.

The nurse admits that in the hospital, there are several people from such countries as Canada, the UAE, India, and Mexico. Several years ago, two people from the UK and other European countries worked there. Still, they had to leave the place because of some personal issues.

As a rule, the nurses use their credentials in the form of their already received degrees or the documents that proved their current education and the necessity to have a practice. A license could be got after a Foreign Educated Nurses course is taken. Besides, people may use the services of such organizations as Christine Paris Enterprises USA Inc. or CMS in Miami. The impact of such programs and extended opportunities is great indeed because they help to find real experts in nursing and develop their skills properly. Besides, the patients of this hospital are the citizens of different countries. In case they find a nurse, who shares the same cultural background, they demonstrate a desire to cooperate and address the same site in case of an emergency. Effective communication, the possibility to share the same cultural preferences, and respect to patients are the benefits of foreign-trained staff of the hospital.

Canada is one of the countries from which the nurses of the Mercy Miami Hospital are recruited. It is an industrialized nation with some opportunities available to people from different countries. Still, it is also characterized by several rules and restrictions. Therefore, some people find it easier to come to the USA and find a good job in a short period.

Regardless some shortages and challenges the citizens of Canada have to face with from time to time, the healthcare system of the nation remains to be one of the most powerful because the government takes responsibility for organizing and delivering health services in the best possible way (Allin & Rudoler, 2016). There are publicly and privately financed health care systems that cover services, cost-sharing spending, and safety nets. Besides, there is Medicare that helps people get medical services free under the conditions of the Canada Health Act.

Canadians want to avoid any kind of health care risks. Therefore, they raise the importance of such health concerns as knowledge of diseases and health conditions, the effects of the environment, smoking dependence, the use of drugs, and the choice of appropriate lifestyle practices.

The main contributions that could be offered to the Canadians include the appropriate education and the policies that help to deal with the nursing shortage. For example, the majority of Canadian provinces require a bachelor’s degree from nurses to enter the profession. Besides, it is important to succeed in managing the work of nurses and make them confident and mature in the development of their clinical abilities (Wong et al., 2013). Because constant improvements and developments are offered to the Canadian healthcare system, the issue of nurse shortage is not as burning as in other countries is, the USA included.

Nursing in the USA is one of the most frequently discussed topics due to the necessity to cover some issues including the importance of education, the necessity to follow certain legal and ethical regulations, and the possibility to improve the existing healthcare system with the help of modern cultural and organizational contributions. Nowadays, the government takes numerous steps to improve the process of recruitment of nurses from different countries to ensure the safe staffing of US employees. During the last ten years, nursing has become a profession with a significant level of shortage. Therefore, the US government tries to focus on recruiting home-grown nurses. However, such organizations as the Mercy Miami Hospital finds it necessary to pay attention to the opportunities available because of the cooperation with other countries.

For example, nurses from Canada could demonstrate their excellent management skills and ideas on how to improve the organizational details of the hospital (Wong et al., 2013). The employees taken from India are used to promote the perfect completion of tasks and duties and underline the importance of cultural differences in the staff. It is not an easy task to gather people from different countries and make them work as one team. However, the results demonstrated by the employees of the Mercy Miami Hospital prove that the recruitment of foreign nurses has several benefits. Therefore, it is better not to spend time on the creation of the restrictions but to focus on the development of the policies that may be implemented in other organizations and improve the current US health care system.

For example, it is possible to provide foreign nurses with a chance to work and study at the same time with minimum costs spent on education. People should be eager to visit the USA and work as nurses to develop the health care system and improve the medical services offered by nurses. Besides, visa regimes should be facilitated for people, who come to the USA to work as nurses. There are many professions with too high levels of shortages. Nursing is one of the fields under threat. Therefore, the intentions of different international people to work in American hospitals should be defined as a chance to deal with the nurse shortage in 2017.

In general, communication with the Merci Miami Hospital’s nurse and the evaluation of the current US and international healthcare systems show that certain improvements could be made. The only step that should be taken first is the recognition of the needs and possibilities of the American hospitals in terms of services, culture, and knowledge provided to ordinary people.


Allin, S., & Rudoler, D. (2016). The Canadian health care system, 2015. In E. Mossialos, M. Wenzl, R. Osborn, & D. Sarnak (Eds.), 2015 international profiles of health care systems (pp. 21-30). Web.

Careers at Mercy Miami hospital. (2016). Web.

Masselink, L.E., & Jones, C.B. (2014). Immigration policy and internationally educated nurses in the United States: A brief history. Nursing Outlook, 62(1), 39-45.

Wong, C.A., Spence-Laschinger, H.K., Macdonald-Rencz, S., Burkoski, V., Cummings, G., D’Amour, D.,… & Perkin, K. (2015). Part 2: Nurses’ career aspirations to management roles: Qualitative findings from a national study of Canadian nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(2), 231-241.

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