Health for All: Community Teaching Plan


The proposed community teaching plan is intended for university/school health centers. However, it can also be implemented in any other setting if the audience is similar to the one targeted by the initial program. The location of teaching is North Shore Medical Center, as agreed with its managers. As for materials, they include the room provided by the center, informational leaflets, and memos. The teaching plan will be of interest mainly to uninsured or underinsured people. They will be informed on preventive measures allowing to promote their health and thereby lessen the financial burden.

Identification of Topic

The narrow topic selected for the proposed course is influenza. Its significance is conditional upon the fact that it is one of the most widespread viruses in the United States that cause death (Falcone, 2019). The researchers claim that this virus accounts for almost 50000 deaths annually across the country (Falcone, 2019). This issue is especially critical when it comes to uninsured or underinsured people since they usually neglect such needs as vaccination. This behavior results in specific complications that, in turn, are more expensive to treat. Therefore, vaccination among the population aged 19-65 is highly encouraged to mitigate the problem.

Teaching Plan Criteria

The proposed teaching plan addresses the critical factors, which define its overall success. They include acknowledging the negative impact influenza has on one’s health, patients’ willingness to take care of themselves and communicate with specialists and readiness to learn the new information. These factors are complemented by the primary healthcare model. It implies considering external circumstances such as environment, politics, education, nutrition, health services, and economics to trace their impact on the population’s health. This way, the teaching plan corresponds to Healthy People 2020 initiative’s goals that include the intention to increase immunization rates when it comes to seasonal influenza.

Objectives and Content

The successful conduction of the course also implies the orientation on specific objectives. They represent the outcome of the process that can be measured through feedback forms and questions. Thus, the students should be able to explain the overall risks of influenza, the ways it transmits, and the methods that can be employed to prevent the problem. Moreover, they should be aware of the programs available to them. As for the content of the course, it will include the definition of influenza, risk groups, infection risk factors, preventive measures, and programs. This information will be presented in the form of expository advance organizers.

Strategies/Methods and Creativity

The objectives and content presented above will be delivered through the use of specific measures. They include the initial acquaintance with the provided informational leaflets, educational videos on influenza and its preventions, and meeting with representatives of such initiatives as UUAV. All these methods will be complemented by motivational questions such as: What is the application of the received knowledge allowing to reduce expenses? What steps can one take to prevent influenza? What would be the consequences of the neglect of the health issue? As for creativity, it will be reflected in open discussions and the willingness to share regardless of knowledge.

Evaluation of the Course

The ultimate stage of the course will be the evaluation of objectives, the goal as well as the teacher and the lesson itself. The objectives will be assessed by analyzing the number of people enrolled in vaccination programs or other healthcare initiatives after the course. These indicators will be complemented by the total number of people interested in the topic. The goal will be evaluated by the increased number of patients enrolled in the course in the future. The success of the lesson and the teacher will be seen in the presence of abilities mentioned above and the involvement of all students. In this way, the proposed course will correspond to the initial plan.


Falcone, A. L. (2019). Improving influenza immunization rates in the uninsured. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(7), 391–395. Web.

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