Healthcare Service Management Course

Healthcare service management course is a program that encompasses various aspects of hospital administration units. The course is essential in imparting learners with significant skills and competencies required to effectively promote equitable and quality healthcare delivery. During the program, I have learned different techniques that can be used to influence and inspire individuals. Furthermore, the course has enhanced my ability to make critical decisions useful in the complicated healthcare system. In addition, through the program, I have been exposed to different management approaches encompassing financial and human aspects which are necessary for becoming a good organization manager.

Despite the effective delivery of course content, I have encountered a number of challenges making the program to be problematic. For instance, the increasing reliance on online teaching has lowered my ability to concentrate in classes. Furthermore, it offers limited interactive sessions impacting my confidence level. As a manager, I will use the management skills gained in the course to organize staff members for the proper delivery of services. Similarly, I will use the ability to manage material resources to maximize the utility of limited properties available to ensure all patients’ and nurses’ needs are met (Paarima et al., 2021). Moreover, I will apply leadership competency to motivate and advocate for the welfare of practitioners to ensure they remain active and committed to service delivery.

In order to improve the outcome and effective content delivery in healthcare service management programs, different media types should be used to explore and engage various learning scenarios. Moreover, educators should incorporate a cohort-based program to allow students to share ideas among themselves for better understanding (Rice et al., 2022). Gamification should be added to ensure students experience a virtual situation that reflects the reality they will face in the real world.

The healthcare service management program offers future hospital managers a platform to gain the necessary skills and knowledge required to manage the institutions. The course improved my abilities to handle technical situations one might face in the workplace. However, online teaching limits the interactive space making the program influence less confidence. I will use the competencies learned during the course to impact the operation of nurses in the healthcare setting. To improve the course outcome, the tutors should incorporate a cohort-based approach to enable easy interaction and exchange of ideas among the learners.


Rice, M. L., Beavers, B., McNeill, L., & Benson, A. (2022). The cohort experience in a hybrid instructional technology Ph. D. program. TechTrends, 1-11. Web.

Paarima, Y., Kwashie, A. A., & Ofei, A. M. A. (2021). Financial management skills of nurse managers in the Eastern region of Ghana. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 14, 100269. Web.

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