Healthcare Services for Vulnerable Populations in Georgia

Daily Bread

The Daily Bread provides hot meals, a place to shower, clean clothes, modest medical treatment, and social assistance to the homeless and destitute. The center assists those who require mobile phones, identity, and other forms of documents, as well as tax preparation, literacy lessons, and job searches. Donations and a thrift store on the property provide the majority of their revenue. Since 1988, The DailyBread has been serving the neighborhood. They “collect and distribute around 755,000 pounds of food every year,” according to their website (Daily Bread, n.d.). In Daily Bread’s 2015 annual report, they state that helping people find jobs and assisting the homeless with housing are two of the most significant services they make to the people they serve.

Circles of Care

Circles of Care is a behavioral health organization that helps people with mental illness, as well as alcohol and drug addiction. It has contracted for hospital, residential, outpatient, in-home, on-site, professional consulting, and public information/education services through local hospitals and the state and county (Circles of Care, n.d.). They are supported by a state contract, Medicare, Medicaid, third-party insurers, a county contract, drugstore earnings, and rental and investment revenue.

Healthy Start Coalition

Healthy Start is a local non-profit organization that assists pregnant women in having healthy infants, lowering infant mortality, and improving the general health of children in the county. Care coordination, birthing classes and education, breastfeeding aid, and resources, cigarette cessation support, parenting support and education seminars, and community resources are among the free services offered by Healthy Start (n.d.). A fund also exists to assist with specialty drugs and formulas, premature diapers, care repairs, eyeglasses, transportation, and utility expenses, among other things. The state of Florida provides funding for this program.


Circles of Care. (n.d.) Circles of Care, Inc.: History. Web

Daily Bread. (n.d.). Daily Bread Inc: Food for dignity.

Healthy Start. (n.d.) About Healthy Start Coalition.

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