Healthcare System in America vs. England

The healthcare systems in the United States and the United Kingdom are close to being at opposite ends of the spectrum. The former has one of the largest private sector systems, while the latter provides coverage to all. In terms of financing and quality, the U.S. healthcare system is typically inferior to the UK system. However, when it comes to accessing these services, the general population, particularly the poor, appears to suffer more than the rest. On the other hand, because it offers a universal health care system to all of its residents regardless of their class, age, or money, the UK’s health services appear to be superior to the U.S.

The extent of access to healthcare options for the target population is quite different in the U.S. and the UK. Notably, the current healthcare access rate among adults in the U.S. varies depending on their income (“Brief comparison – UK healthcare system vs. U.S. healthcare system,” 2022). People with sufficient income can afford private insurance, while unemployed people must rely on governmental support. Those adults who lost their income can receive medical care through Medicaid. Some children born in such families are covered by the same program, while others are supported through the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) (Alker & Brooks, 2022). Elderly individuals who are retired and reached the age of 65 are covered through the Medicare program (CMS, 2021). However, the main issue of all these programs is that they cover some population groups but still apply eligibility requirements that prevent some people from receiving social insurance.

In the United Kingdom, the National Health Insurance (NHS) ensures access to essential medical services for all citizens. In the UK, the percentage of adults and children getting healthcare services is presently at around 84% (McNeill et al., 2022). However, older people may have difficulties receiving patient-specific treatment options in the UK due to inconsistencies in customer support, the failure to conduct a follow-up, and related issues (McNeill et al., 2022). Thus, like in the case of the American system, further adjustments should be made to UK health care.

Everybody in the UK has access to free health care at the point of delivery thanks to the NHS, which has been around for over 50 years. Taxpayers pay for this service so that they can profit from it themselves (Coyle et al., 2021). However, individuals can still buy private health insurance if they wish. Most people in the U.S. have medical insurance directly tied to their jobs or purchases. Fortunately, access to emergency services is guaranteed by the federal government, regardless of a person’s financial situation. Additionally, as mentioned above, Americans have publicly financed healthcare programs that offer services to the underprivileged, old, and disabled.

Children, unemployed people, and retired who are not eligible for Medicare and Medicaid may access health care in the U.S. if they have insurance. However, the cost of insurance can be expensive for most people under those categories (Vogenberg, 2019). In the UK, all permanent residents are eligible for the NHS, which is funded by general taxes and offered free of charge at the point of use (Coyle et al., 2021). Therefore, children, unemployed, and retired people can access healthcare. Additionally, the resident’s burden has been lessened because they can now receive the advantages without additional co-payments, which are almost always required in the United States.

When it comes to medication coverage, in the U.S., the majority of health insurance policies include some prescription medication coverage. Due to the high cost of prescription pharmaceuticals, health insurance policies often only cover a part of these costs. In contrast, most working-age persons in England are required to pay prescription fees. Certain populations are eligible for free NHS prescriptions, and some recommended products, such as contraceptives and hospital inpatient medicine, are always free (Coyle et al., 2021). Regarding referrals to see a specialist, in both countries, people should go first to a primary care physician who will then refer them to a specific specialist. In most cases, it is a simple process in which patients are recommended to visit other medical professionals, and the process is not complicated. Moreover, both the U.S. and the UK provide coverage for pre-existing conditions if there is a request from a patient.

Each of the groups in question will require a unique type of access to healthcare. Specifically, American children will have to be provided with options, including a hotline and an opportunity to talk to a pediatric psychologist. Furthermore, programs for parents’ education and family involvement via social media must be provided for the specified group. For the unemployed, cheaper healthcare options, state-sponsored testing, and direct consultations must be provided (“Increased mental health support for children and young people,” 2022). Finally, for the elderly, free testing online services and remote geriatric care opportunities must be introduced.

The UK approach has the benefit of a service that is not dependent on a person’s ability to pay. As healthcare organizations are not required to maximize profits, assistance is mainly given to cure the injured rather than run an efficient business, prioritizing the quality of care. The key drawback of the concept is that inefficiencies might emerge in the UK’s healthcare system since prices play such a small role in motivating healthcare providers. Given the demand and supply for healthcare, the US’s competitive healthcare market means that the amount of treatment delivered is probably closer to the level that would be considered socially ideal. Patients are more vulnerable to healthcare prices, and their access to the services depends on their income.


Alker, J., & Brooks, T. (2022). Millions of children may lose Medicaid: What can be done to help prevent them from becoming uninsured? Georgetown University. Web.

Brief comparison – UK healthcare system vs. U.S. healthcare system. (2022). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

CMS. (2021). Medicare program – General information. Web.

Coyle, D., Dreesbeimdiek, K., & Manley, A. (2021). Productivity in UK healthcare during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. National Institute Economic Review, 258, 90-116. Web.

Increased mental health support for children and young people. (2022). Gov.UK. Web.

McNeill, S., O’Donovan, D., & Hart, N. (2022). Access to healthcare for people experiencing homelessness in the UK and Ireland: A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-13. Web.

Vogenberg, F. R. (2019). US healthcare trends and contradictions in 2019. American Health & Drug Benefits, 12(1), 40.

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