Peter’s British-German Heritage and Cultural Background

Every individual comes from a family. The history of each family can help to determine the cultural background. The heritage assessments provide helpful information about the historical record of Anne and Peter.

African American Lady

Anne is the daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Jane. She is my cousin. John is a South African native who came to Kenya after school. He met with Jane in Kenya, and they got married after a two-year-long relationship. Her mother is a Kenyan, and her father comes from South Africa (Heritage & Popham, 2013). Her maternal grandparents are Ugandans. John’s father’s mother comes from Botswana. He has a paternal grandfather from South Africa.

Anne has three brothers and four sisters. While her father grew up in the rural setting, her mother had the urban upbringing. Anne and her siblings grew up in an urban environment. Her father grew up in South Africa while her mother grew up in Kenya (Heritage, 2010). Anne’s parents started working for a non-governmental organization in the United States of America. When she was 16 years old, they moved to the US. At that time, her mother was 38 years old, and her father was 45 years of age. She lived with her mother most of the time.

Her relatives lived near them, and she used to visit them once a year. They did not change their original family name. She is a Pentecostal Christian together with her husband. They are both African natives. Anne went to public schools.

She lives in a metropolitan area with neighbors who do not share her ethnic background and religious views. Anne is an active member of her church and attends services every Sunday. She practices her religion at home through her diet, praying, reading the Bible, and celebrating Christian holidays. She likes African food and culture and uses them to remember her history. Anne has also found friends who came from Kenya and spoke Swahili. She also reads Swahili books.

She maintains her health through belief in the healing of God. She also takes care of her diet through traditional practices. She consumes herbal medicine for treatment. It is part of her African culture from her parents.

An American Man from Britain

Peter has a British mother and a German father. His maternal grandparents are both Britons. His paternal grandparents are both of German descent (Heritage, 2010). He only has one sister. He grew up in the urban settlement.

His father and mother grew up in Germany. Peter was only six years old when he came to the US (Heritage & Popham, 2013). His mother was 35 years old, and his father was only 29 years of age. He lived with both parents all through his childhood years. Most of his relatives lived very far from them, but he used to visit them every month.

They did not change their original family name. Peter is a Catholic. His spouse is a Buddhist and comes from China. Peter attended Parochial schools. His neighbors do not share his ethnic and religious beliefs. He does not have an active role in his church and never attends church services. He does not practice it at home. He has left his ethnic views and does not practice them. His friends come from the various religious group and racial backgrounds. He is Scottish but rarely speaks the language.

Peter believes in the modern medicine technology. He reads many magazines concerning health and avoids eating junk foods. Peter visits the public health center for treatment purposes. He believes that science has a solution for every ailment.


Heritage, M. (2010). Formative assessment. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin.

Heritage, M. & Popham, W. (2013). Formative assessment in practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

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