US Election: Clinton vs. Trump – A Controversial Battle

The elections of the new president in the United States have never been more interesting and controversial as the current opposition of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The peculiarity of the current presidential campaign is the presence of the person whose business achievements are indisputable. Donald Trump is an extraordinary businessman who has achieved a variety of business heights during his life.

However, he is a very non-traditional politician whose position regarding the different sensitive aspects and issues of the American economy and society appeared to be so radical that even the most odious and recognizable public figures have admitted that Trump had crossed the line (“US Election: Obama Slams ‘Anti-Intellectual’ Trump Campaign” par. 8). His words about the immigrants, African-American social groups, populist claims about the improvement of the economic situation in the country, and the continuous criticism of the current policy of the White House have made Trump the hero for the marginalized and radically-oriented part of American society.

On the other hand, Donald Trump became the target number one to avoid his candidature being accepted as the potential President of the country for the variety of social groups that united to the groups of interest. This interest is to not give America to the hands of the man who allows himself to talk the way he talks, justifying all this situation by the slogan “Make America Great Again!” (“US Election: Obama Slams ‘Anti-Intellectual’ Trump Campaign” par. 2).

Trump has become the real candidate to oppose Hilary Clinton, so the rivalry continues. There are many groups of interest that may support or not support Clinton, but there is a huge group of people united by the idea of not letting Trump become the next President of the most powerful country in the world. It may seem obvious that radical Trump will not beat rational and wise Clinton, but the recent event state that it is not that clear.

The authors state that the polls of March 2015 have shown that the majority of people would not support Trump as the candidate for the presidency (Hook and Langley par. 3). However, today the situation is significantly different.

It is clear that the scattered groups of interest that supported their interests, such as parties’ leaders and other people involved in the active political life of America wondering now how it is even possible that such a provocative campaign based on so many shocking ideas have become so popular among the masses (Hook and Langley par. 9). It is clear now that only the unity of these scattered groups can help to keep Trump away from the White House and big politics in the international arena.

The protests raised concerns in the media, and the careful evaluations of Trump’s methods will not help. Only the votes of the voters in the most crucial moment will make the difference.

The task of the groups of interest is to provide as many people as possible with a clear understanding of the reality that Trump is going to create in the case of becoming the President. People should realize what real democracy is and how it can be affected by people like Trump. It should be noted that Trump is much similar to Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, in his desire to reinstall the Soviet Union in its long-gone greatness. America should become better than it is now but not look back at its greatness in the past.

Works Cited

Hook, Jane and Monica Langley. “How Trump Won—and How the GOP Let Him.The Wall Street Journal. 2016. Web.

US Election: Obama Slams ‘Anti-Intellectual’ Trump Campaign, Saying ‘Ignorance Is Not a Virtue’” 2016.

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