Miami-Dade Obesity Issues: Health Programs & Future Needs

My county is Miami-Dade that ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases, among which obesity may be noted as one of the most critical health problems. The recent report shows that 35.8 percent of the identified population are overweight, and 27.4 percent are obese (“County health profile,” 2017). The key risk is associated with sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy nutrition, and a lack of adequate physical activity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 40 percent of the US population has some excessive weight (“Adult obesity facts,” 2018). The most critical complications promoted by overweight and obesity are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. At the same time, the mentioned source reports about the fact that Hispanics are more likely to develop obesity compared to other ethnicities (“Adult obesity facts,” 2018).

In order to address the identified health problem, the Office of Community Health and Planning (OCH&P) in Miami-Dade offers a range of programs as part of community health planning (“Community health and planning,” n.d.). In particular, the following initiatives may be noted: Community Health Action Team (CHAT), Healthy Start Data Management (HSDM), the Consortium for a Healthier Miami-Dade, and Tobacco Prevention and Control, and Worksite Wellness. The pivotal goals of the above programs are to promote health prevention and increase patients’ awareness through their education. As declared by OCH&P, the majority of chronic conditions, including obesity, may be addressed in their onset based on lifestyle changes (“Community health and planning,” n.d.). In this regard, a range of services is offered for the population such as health education presentations, percent body fat analysis (BFA), body mass index (BMI) control, and specific nutrition programs.

Most importantly, the goals proposed by Miami-Dade’s health department align with those identified by Healthy People 2020 initiatives. The promotion of recommended levels of physical activity as well as the consumption of healthy diet is assigned a top priority in the field of nutrition and weight status (“Nutrition and weight status,” 2018). For example, it is suggested by this county’s health department that school students should receive compulsory wellness programs to ensure adequate weight. Speaking of the future services that will be required within ten years, it is essential to assume that obesity would remain a critical issue. The pace of life becomes faster, while people tend to rely more on technology and move less. Therefore, one should state that nutritional programs, individual weight reduction planning, and physical activity encouraging services will be needed. In addition, health promotion should cover all ages, ethnicities, and genders, while targeting the needs of specific populations.

Response to Post 1 (Harris County, Texas)

Considering the health problem of obesity identified in this post, it is important to agree that this issue is rather critical. Indeed, many rural areas lack proper access to supermarkets because of transportation problems. Moreover, low-income areas have more options for fast food. In order to address these problems, I would recommend considering the implementation of a special program providing transportation for rural areas. Such decision may focus on the provision of transportation once a week and opening of healthy food stores in low-income areas. Even though the cost of healthy nutrition cannot be reduced significantly, it may be useful to collaborate with local farmers about the delivery of vegetables, fruits, and other products. Since the transportation costs would not be high, it would be possible to reduce healthy food costs at least to some extent.

In my opinion, the needs specified in this post are relevant. I agree with them as people need more information about obesity, its prevention, and other related issues. The inclusion of nutritional consultation in insurance options seems to be good motivation for them to start learning about health promotion and weight status improvement (Bailey, 2013). It is significant to stress that these needs and recommendations are feasible as funding in local and federal health organizations is an ongoing process supported by the government and private companies.

Response to Post 2 (Multnomah County, Oregon)

The Connections Program for Young Parents seems to have great potential for reducing early pregnancies in adolescents. Based on both health education and child development education, it is likely to increase awareness of young parents and prevent further health complications (Goesling, Colman, Trenholm, Terzian, & Moore, 2014). Even though significant resources are required to introduce the above program, I guess that the results would be impressive.

The types of services identified in this post are sex education in schools, racial diversity promotion in neighborhoods, and improved inclusive hiring. Consistent with Goesling et al. (2014), I consider that sex education for school-age children would prevent many adverse impacts such as early pregnancy, sexually-transmitted disease, et cetera. In my point of view, diversity in health care services should be promoted to ensure that all populations have proper access to it and that they are treated respectfully.


Adult obesity facts. (2018).

Bailey, J. (2013). Who pays for obesity? Evidence from health insurance benefit mandates. Economics Letters, 121(2), 287-289.

Community health and planning. (n.d.).

County health profile. (2017).

Goesling, B., Colman, S., Trenholm, C., Terzian, M., & Moore, K. (2014). Programs to reduce teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and associated sexual risk behaviors: A systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5), 499-507.

Nutrition and weight status. (2018).

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