How Are Women in Qatar Involved in Healthcare?


The issue of women’s health remains a complex one in the Qatar setting due to the cultural specifics of the country and its people. Specifically, the current state of women’s rights in Qatar is quite concerning, since the range of opportunities for female Qatar citizens is substantially curtailed by the Wahhabi representation of the Quran ideas (Liloia, 2019).


Combined with the recent focus on female empowerment in Qatar, the present state of women’s involvement in healthcare represents a unique situation. Due to the consistent effort among Qatar women to receive education and high-quality healthcare, the current involvement rates in healthcare among Qatari women have been growing.

Despite the pressure of rigid religious and cultural principles that restrict women’s involvement in education and healthcare, Qatari women seek options for involvement in healthcare actively. Specifically, reports state that women have been actively involved in the development and enhancement of the primary healthcare system within the state (Zaidi et al., 2021). The observed change can be regarded as a product of two key factors, namely, the rising wave of female empowerment in the Qatari cultural context and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created a tremendous demand for qualified healthcare experts (Farrell et al., 2020). As a result, the extent of female citizens’ involvement in healthcare has risen recently, which indicates the presence of a positive trend that must be actively supported.

Caused by a rise in female empowerment combined with the impact of Wahhabi religious standards curtailing women’s access to healthcare, the current involvement among Qatari women in healthcare represents an attempt at regaining opportunities for proper health management. Specifically, a significant number of Qatari women seek health-related education and further employment options in the healthcare sector.


As a result, while the range of barriers to involvement in healthcare for Qatari women remains high, the range of female healthcare experts is growing, which signifies prospects for change.


Farrell, T., Reagu, S., Mohan, S., Elmidany, R., Qaddoura, F., Ahmed, E. E., Corbett, G., Lindow, S., Abuyaqoub, S. M., & Alabdulla, M. A. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the perinatal mental health of women. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 48(9), 971-976. Web.

Liloia, A. (2019). Gender and nation building in Qatar: Qatari women negotiate modernity. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 15(3), 344-366. Web.

Zaidi, A., Elmasaad, A., Alobaidli, H., Sayed, R., Al-Ali, D., Al-Kuwari, D., Al-Kubaisi, S., Mekki, Y., Emara, M. M., & Daher-Nashif, S. (2021). Attitudes and Intentions toward COVID-19 Vaccination among health professions students and faculty in Qatar. Vaccines, 9(11), 1275. Web.

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