How Emails Have Affected Government Agencies

Through e-mails, communication between government agencies has been made easy and faster. Large corporations can also communicate with one another so effectively. The government can now offer its services to the citizens more efficiently and effectively. This is done by having some of its transactions being done online. Likewise, large corporations can also have their services being offered online to make the transaction faster and more efficient. This can involve filling and sending some business transaction forms through e-mail.

The security personnel can also communicate through emails and this can help to improve the security services being offered to the public and also the security of the large corporations. An example of this is the communication between NASA and Mr. Daugherty.

An E-mail has also an impact on accountability in that it can be used to question various actions that a government has undertaken. Also, the government can send its accounts through emails hence enhancing accountability.

On responsibility, emails can be used to make people more responsible for everything they write and send to others. On the other hand, it has led to irresponsibility in the fact that some e-mails have unknown sources hence no one is responsible for such.

On deniability, e-mails have affected it the fact that most commercial e-mails are untraceable and no one can pinpoint the sender of such an e-mail. This spam has led to an increase in deniability. (Mike A.)

An e-mail can be used as evidence to convict. For instance, the e-mails sent by Mr. Daugherty can be used to convict him that he knew everything concerning the shuttle tires and their ability to land even before the space shuttle Columbia was lost on re-entry to the earth’s atmosphere.

On the other hand, e-mail can be used as evidence to defend one’s self. For example, Mr. Daugherty defended himself with the fact that his e-mails were meant to attract technical people to discuss the technical issues in his e-mails. E-mails can thus affect the governance and also the relations between the large corporations either in an advantageous or disadvantageous way.


Mike Adams: Internet Users Must Take Responsibility for Spam Problem: Web.

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