How Is a Birthday Party Planned?

Some people think that they need to break the bank in order to throw a decent birthday party either for a child or adult. That is because most people get caught up in the swirl of activities and events that some people throw into their parties. They go to the extent of hiring professional party planners in order to make sure that they will have the perfect birthday party. What these people do not realize is that the event can actually be thrown at half the cost and in 4 easy steps.

The first step to remember in planning a birthday party is that you have to time the event during a time that is most convenient for people you are planning to invite. If you are planning a children’s birthday party, make sure to plan it around their nap and mealtime. According to Joe Boujia, author of the article 5 Steps to planning a fabulous birthday party;

A two-hour event is usually long enough to do all that’s needed for a first birthday party in this case. Increasingly though, I have seen more and more families throwing a much larger bash for a first birthday party. These are usually prolonged parties, serving meals, hiring entertainment and even renting party halls to hold the party. This is a great way to share quality happy moments with your friends and family.

However, if you are planning the party for an older child, you should opt to involve him or her in the next step which is planning the theme and activities to be held at the party. But do not allow them to plan the theme in its totality. According to the website;

If your child is old enough, sit down with him or her and offer a few suggestions for the party, and let the birthday boy or girl choose from your list the one they want. Don’t ask your child to come up with the party plan because disappointment may follow when you say no to a petting zoo on your apartment’s balcony.

Now that you have your date for the party and the theme all planned out, the next logical step would be to plan the food that you would be serving at the party. Remember that kids have simple food tastes and you can probably get away with a simple meal of ice cream and cake. Adults however are another case, the food menu will need to be more intricate and formal.

The final step in the party planning process is also the most important aspect of party planning. In order for a party, be it a children’s party or an adult party, there has to be one major activity planned for the guests to enjoy. By having one major activity or attraction for everyone to enjoy, you will discover that almost everyone will jump into the activity and actually have fun amongst themselves. Thus removing the brunt of party entertainment from the shoulders of the party host.

Planning a birthday party does not really need to involve professional party planners as long as you are willing to do the legwork in order to get everything done. As you can see, it can even be done in 4 easy steps. What is important is the host’s willingness to celebrate the event and the desire to throw a party with a personal touch.

Works Cited

Boujja, Joe “5 Steps to Planning a Fabulous First Birthday Party.” 5 Steps to Planning a Fabulous First Birthday Party. 2009. Web.

Mothergoosemouse. “5 Steps To The Perfect Birthday Party For A 7-Year-Old Girl”. mothergoosemouse. 2009. Web.

Kidspot Australia. “10 Steps To A Perfect Party”. Birthday Parties. 2009. Web.

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