How the Biosphere Is Supported by the Other Three “Spheres”


Earth’s surface represents the point of four spheres’ meeting, where they overlap and interact. The atmosphere is the outer gas shell of the Earth, the lower border of which lies through the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is a water shell of the Earth, which includes all waters on its surface and in the air, like oceans, seas, lakes, and clouds. The lithosphere, in turn, is the outer sphere of the solid Earth. The biosphere is also widely known as the ecosphere, is connected to the three layers mentioned above, and embodies all living organisms on the planet. This paper aims to describe how the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere support the biosphere and strengthen the connection with examples.

Main body

The continuous interaction between the atmosphere and the biosphere impacts all living creatures on the Earth. The atmosphere serves as a guarding layer, protecting the planet’s surface from ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun and absorbing and emitting the heat. Besides, due to the presence of the atmosphere, most of the meteorites do not reach the Earth. For instance, when meteoroids enter the atmosphere at high speed, they burn up, and it is possible to see what is called shooting stars, or meteors (NASA Science). One can state that atmosphere represents a protector or a shield from the harmful influence on life on Earth.

Due to the natural soil erosion, the atmosphere and hydrosphere hide and even the craters from large meteorites. The lithosphere also serves as a protection for the ecosystems on the Earth. The most active interaction between the lithosphere and the biosphere occurs in the crust covering the planet’s surface. Plants penetrate the cracks with their roots, thus destroying solid rocks and turning them into sedimentary ones. The remains of plants and animals accumulate and settle to the bottoms of reservoirs. Consequently, this layer facilitates the existence of living organisms in the ecosphere. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the sustainable presence and functionality of all the spheres influence each other and maintain life on the Earth.

Works Cited

NASA Science. “Meteors and Meteorites.” Nasa Science Solar System, 2019, Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "How the Biosphere Is Supported by the Other Three “Spheres”." April 17, 2022.

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