It needs to be said that smartphone market was not the same ever since Apple presented its unique device in 2007. The number of iPhones that were bought is truly astounding, and the latest figure that was revealed by the company is 700 million (Costello par. 2). The functionality and innovative approach has shocked the public and it still one of the most important devices even today.
One of the main reasons why it is so successful is because Apple utilizes all the latest technologies during the development of its range of products. It needs to be said that the progress is quite noticeable, and it is not hard to distinguish the device that was introduced only recently from the others (“iPhone Models”).

iPhone Models
It should be noted that competitors have researched the advantages that this particular device has, and tried to develop prototypes that are quite similar (Magid par. 2). One of the strongest points of iPhone is its user interface. iOs is extremely fast and is incredibly easy to use, and there are no issues that frequently occur on other operating systems such as Android and Windows Phone.
The introduction of App Store was especially important, and has put Apple was ahead of its competitors. It is paramount to note that it is now a new concept, but the way it was done by Apple is quite different. The number of smartphone applications that are currently available is truly astounding, and some of them are truly unique (“iPhone Apps”).

iPhone Apps
iPhone is also known for the quality of the photographs that are taken, and the functionality of the applications is improved dramatically with every single update. Tools for editing are outstanding, and it is possible to achieve professional results (“iPhone Photos App”).

iPhone Photos App
One of the most significant aspects that need to be discussed is that this device by Apple made smartphones much more accessible for general public (Frommer par. 5). Some of the models that were available on the market were popular only in small circles of individuals. However, iPhone has changed the situation, and it has opened the doors for numerous competitors that are still attempting to repeat its success.
The frequency of software updates is another factor that needs to be discussed. It is so important for modern technologies because the testing periods are reduced significantly in most cases, and some minor issues that are noticed can easily be fixed. The fact that the experience of customers is improved is also essential, and most are not ready to deal with problems that are present on other smartphones. File synchronization is another aspect that is worth noting. It is incredibly handy that photos, videos, and music are transferred between the devices if there is a connection to the Internet, and it is not necessary to deal with cables.
Siri is another vital function that needs to be noted that was way ahead of its time when it was first introduced. It is a personal assistant that can perform a range of essential functions. It is important to say that similar technologies have been previously used in different areas. However, the way it functions on iPhone is truly unique because it takes preferences of the user into account (Daw par. 8). It is paramount to note that such software is a necessity nowadays because consumers are used to it and have high expectations. For example, Windows Phone that was launched in 2012 was not successful because it lacked a range of essential functions, and the company developed a similar service titled Cortana to attract customers.
Force Touch feature that was introduced in the latest model is also worth mentioning. It allows users to experience new ways in which the device can be controlled (Sullivan par. 5). It is likely that this technology will be copied by the competitors, and it will be available on other smartphones pretty soon. The fact that Apple attracts the biggest number of new developers is also significant and should not be disregarded because it leads to the introduction of innovative applications that are not available on other platforms. Support for older models is also offered, but only for a limited amount of time because it is important to devote all the resources to latest devices. It is necessary to note that many think that some models of this device can only be viewed as a slight improvement over the previous one. However, some small changes that are not often discussed make a huge difference. Some innovations do not need to be disruptive, and stability is necessary in most cases. The increase in the speed of new models of this smartphone also should not be disregarded because it is quite drastic (“iPhone CPU Performance”).

iPhone CPU Performance
It needs to be said that such changes were necessary because the range of functions that are offered is always extended and it is important to make sure that the device can run them as smoothly as possible to meet the expectations of customers. It is paramount to note that it has also changed the music player industry and made most of them obsolete because it offers similar functionality, and much more (Elgan par. 12).
The main reason this smartphone is so successful is because applications that were offered by competitors were incredibly outdated, and it seemed like not enough effort was put into their development. On the other hand, Apple utilized the experience that they gained when promoting iPad, and the current version of iTunes, a music player application, is close to being perfect. Another significant aspect that should not be disregarded is an excellent marketing by Apple. It is extremely efficient, and most customers think that is it necessary to purchase every single model of the device that is offered to stay intact with the latest trends.
In conclusion, it needs to be said that it is evident that the introduction of iPhone has had a tremendous influence on the industry as a whole. It is also paramount to note that Apple took some risks that are associated with the release of such innovative product, and it was hard to predict the reaction of customers. Nevertheless, the company was able to utilize the strength of its brand. iPhone has kept the position of the leader of the market for many years, and the situation is not going to change anytime soon because the company has all the necessary resources to develop and introduce new technologies. Overall, the number of customers is always growing, and it has become a cultural phenomenon.
Works Cited
Costello, Sam. “How Many iPhones Have Been Sold Worldwide?” About Tech. 2015. Web.
Daw, David. “What Makes Siri Special?” Tech Hive. n.d.
Elgan, Mike. “How iPhone Changed the World.“ Cult of Mac. 2011. Web.
Frommer, Dan. “History Lesson: How the iPhone Changed Smartphones Forever.” Business Insider. 2011. Web.
“iPhone Apps” n.d. Web.
“iPhone CPU Performance” n.d. Web.
“iPhone Models” n.d. Web.
“iPhone Photos App” n.d. Web.
Magid, Larry. “Happy 5th Birthday iPhone: You Changed Everything.” Forbes. 2012. Web.
Sullivan, Mark. “History Lesson: How the iPhone Changed Smartphones Forever.” Venturebeat. 2015. Web.