How Would the One Health Concept & Antibiotic Stewardship Work in a Non-Hospital Setting

Antibiotic stewardship and the One Health concept are crucial in addressing the global issue of antibiotic resistance. In non-hospital practice settings, including primary care clinics and community pharmacies, implementing these approaches requires a coordinated effort between healthcare providers, veterinarians, and public health officials. One Health highlights the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, and therefore, antibiotic stewardship programs in non-hospital settings must consider the use of antibiotics in all sectors.

Healthcare providers can receive education and training on evidence-based practices for diagnosing and treating bacterial infections and the potential dangers of improper antibiotic usage. Furthermore, patient education can help promote the responsible use of antibiotics and the avoidance of unnecessary prescription requests (Mathew et al., 2020). Strategies for fostering alternative treatments, such as probiotics and herbal remedies, can also be implemented in non-hospital settings. Successful implementation of One Health concepts and antibiotic stewardship in non-hospital practice settings requires a multidisciplinary approach. By working together, healthcare providers, veterinarians, and public health officials can develop effective antibiotic stewardship programs that help preserve the efficacy of antibiotics and combat antibiotic resistance.

Pharmacotherapeutics is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the therapeutic uses and effects of drugs in the treatment of various diseases and disorders. It encompasses the entire process of drug therapy, which includes drug selection, dosing, administration, monitoring, and evaluating the patient’s response. The aim of pharmacotherapeutics is to ensure safe and effective drug use to optimize patient outcomes. It plays a critical role in the management of chronic diseases and the improvement of patient health. By developing and administering medications, pharmacotherapeutics helps patients manage their conditions and advances medical research to promote better health outcomes.


Mathew, P., Ranjalkar, J., & Chandy. S. J. (2020). Challenges in Implementing antimicrobial stewardship programmes at secondary level hospitals in India: An exploratory study. Frontiers in Public Health, 8. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "How Would the One Health Concept & Antibiotic Stewardship Work in a Non-Hospital Setting." February 12, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "How Would the One Health Concept & Antibiotic Stewardship Work in a Non-Hospital Setting." February 12, 2024.

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