Human Dignity in Patients’ Care

Conserving human dignity is amid the outstanding ethical obligations in medical sciences, especially nursing. It is a human right and foundation for health in clinical environments, and this right needs to be acknowledged (Winter & Winter, 2018). Respect for human dignity has been emphasized throughout history by various religions and philosophy schools (Winter & Winter, 2018). This discussion evaluates how privacy, communication, and care of emergency patients help in ensuring human dignity in all people involved.

Maintaining the privacy of patients plays a crucial role in enhancing human dignity. Healthcare practitioners need to value patients’ worth as it helps boost their self-esteem and enables them to feel psychologically, physically, and emotionally stable (Kadivar et al., 2018). Privacy activities range from giving easy access to their records, closing curtains, issuing private rooms, to managing their devices. In addition, regular communication and intimacy are critical factors in upholding patients’ dignity. The constant interaction between nurses and the sick promotes stress reduction and accelerates patients’ healing process (Kadivar et al., 2018). People admitted to hospitals talk more willingly about improvement issues and know what to do, and, concerning dosages or administering of injections, they feel free to reveal difficulties encountered (Kadivar et al., 2018). Intimacy enables free interactions with the personnel, which boosts the satisfaction of the patients.

Due to the patient’s vulnerability and suffering in emergencies, efforts should be payed to maintain dignity. Understanding the sick is paramount, and in critical situations, they should be treated with care as most of them are uncontrollable, have lost hope, and need patience to be handled (Simões & Sapeta, 2019). The presence and good care of nurses protecting patients’ wishes help the latter to heal quicker. In conclusion, breaching of communication, intimacy, privacy, and critical care during emergencies can suppress dignity as it has been shown in the above instances. Therefore, nurses and care practitioners need to serve the sick with the satisfaction that they require.


Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M. (2018). Concept analysis of human dignity in patient care: Rodgers’ evolutionary approach. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 11(4), 1-11. Web.

Simões, Â., & Sapeta, P. (2019). The concept of dignity in nursing care: A theoretical analysis of the ethics of care. Revista Bioetica, 27(2), 244-252. Web.

Winter, S. F., & Winter, S. F. (2018). Human dignity as a leading principle in public health ethics: A multi-case analysis of 21st-century German health policy decisions. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(3), 210-224. Web.

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