Human Psychology and Physiology Relationship

From a sociological perspective, the central qualities of human beings are deeply rooted in social backgrounds and the environment. These qualities can be identified as mind, self, and symbol, which are influenced by genetic and social factors. Human beings are highly social creatures, which means that social structures and interactions shape the very essence of core behaviors and views of the world. In other words, human psychology and partly physiology evolved to live and survive in a social group, which is why modern human behaviors and communication are reflective of the human need for social interactions. The main reason is evolution, where humanity’s very survival was dependent on social elements. Therefore, humans need socialization for survival and individual development because, for early evolutionary ancestors, social groups were only enablers of protection. Since human beings do not possess any exceptions traits of other animals, such as size, strength, or speed, using intelligence alongside social and cultural elements were only effective tools at the disposal of early human species.

Symbols are projections of meaning onto an object or pattern, whereas the mind is an element and enabler of awareness and consciousness. Self is an individual’s unique, essential being, which is distinctive from the others. Culture is a collection of behaviors and social norms developed within a certain group. Human beings are cultural means that it is a natural tendency for a group of humans to create some form of culture based on common experience, knowledge, and interactions. The overall implication of humans as social and cultural beings is manifested in the fact that many aspects of human life are dictated by these forces, such as ads using elements of patriarchal culture to promote products with the use of female objectification.

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