Human Resource Management: Hiring the Right Employee


Hiring the right employee is essential for any company to succeed and enhance its performance. In the given scenario, the general manager position at Midwestern Division would require developed leadership, communication, and organization skills. The individual selected for this job must be able to monitor and evaluate others’ performance and have a solid knowledge of planning and budgeting processes. The project manager (PM) position for the online marketing department requires effective communication, leadership, risk management, and critical thinking skills (Nickels et al., 2019). Furthermore, the PM must be familiar with relevant software and methodologies to succeed in this position.


When recruiting new employees, one can consider inside or outside candidates. I believe that the company’s policy of promoting from within can prove successful if executed correctly. A person who has spent some time within the organization can better understand its processes, culture, and opportunities for growth compared to an outside candidate (Nickels et al., 2019). At the same time, it is worth noting that an outsider might be able to notice weak spots and identify ways to optimize processes in the company more efficiently than an insider. Therefore, I should still consider outside applicants for these positions because they can have the potential to promote positive change and the company’s growth.

All things considered, I would hire Jacques Davidson as the general manager for the Midwestern Division because of his successful experience as a supervisor, which has provided him with the necessary skills for the job. Davidson’s team demonstrated the highest production efficiency in the company, indicating the possibility for growth in the general manager position.


Furthermore, I would hire Anylla Padova as the project manager in online marketing because of her diverse experience within the company and her familiarity with internal processes. Padova’s expertise and knowledge of foreign languages can contribute to her success in the new position. It is worth noting that such employee characteristics as age, race, and marital status should not be considered in order to promote equality in the workplace.


Nickels, W. G., McHugh, J. M., & McHugh, S. M. (2019). Human resource management: Finding and keeping the best employees. In W. Nickels, J. M. McHugh, & S. M. McHugh (Eds.), Understanding business (12th ed.) (pp. 266-299). McGraw Hill Education.

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