Human Resource Practices and the Managerial Activities in the HRM

The article is found to be a good one as it covers in-depth analysis of the human resource practices and the current trends. The different human resource aspects include job design, specifications, knowledge process sharing, outsourcing, recruitment and training etc. The article finds an overall picture of current events in the HRM and it gives different views of the authors about the current trends and practices.

The article is good on the HRM trends because it covers mainly all focused trends. HRM mainly deals with job design, hiring, training and motivation. The main focus is on HRM research and the competitive advantages. It includes different views and opinion of the authors about the HRM practices and the trends which help make a clear understanding and good pictorization. The article also gives the idea of job design and how the jobs are subdivided and how they contribute for the competitive advantage for the organization’s well being to face the upcoming trends. The theoretical framework is given the utmost importance; it deals with social psychology and motivation and how much impact it has on the job characteristics, turnover and the knowledge sharing process. It covers all the aspects of knowledge sharing and different ways to achieve success in knowledge process.

This article mainly deals with the human resource practices and the other managerial activities in the HRM. Job design, job characteristics, motivation and sharing of information are the main HRM practices. Among the managerial practices, job design is considered to be the most important one. An effective job design is essential in an organization for achieving its goal. Job design is not only pact with the description of the job; it has other important task in the development of an organization. Job design has impact on the motivation of staffs and sharing of knowledge between the employees. It is the responsibility of the HR professional in job design to provide proper guidance and orders to the employees in order to increase their job performance and knowledge. Autonomy, task identity and feedback are the three important tasks of job design. An excellent job design produces talented staffs for the progress of the organization.

The two things which are specified by the article are job design and motivation for knowledge sharing. The job is to be designed in such a manner as to different kinds of them are to be specified and how each of them contribute to the well being of the organization has to be found out. In this topic, motivation is much important as knowledge can be gained only through continuous motivation.

One of the main points missed in this article is about performance appraisal. “Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee” (Performance appraisal, 2007, para.1). It is an important practice in HRM, because only after estimating the performance of the employees, it can provide essential guidance and motivation to them. As performance appraisal evaluates the performance of staff, it helps in better staff selection and it is an excellent tool for the promotion and development of the employees.

I am working in an IT company in the software development department. The most relevant thing needed for the staff in this organization is training. All the members of the project team have equal and mutual responsibility in achieving the project goal. For this task, talented and skilled staff is essential. In order to increase the performance and knowledge of the staff, proper training is essential. Training helps in improving the quality of both staff and works which results in the achievement of organizational goal.


Performance appraisal. (2007). Appraisals. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Human Resource Practices and the Managerial Activities in the HRM." November 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Human Resource Practices and the Managerial Activities in the HRM." November 19, 2021.

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