Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries as Russia, China, and India. It can be argued that under Russian leadership, the fundamental rights of the LGBTQ community would be denied.

It can be argued that with the declining American and European leadership, some liberties and values are in danger. With China and Russia’s growing economic power, human rights can be influenced on a global scale. If Russia becomes more influential, the LGBTQ community can be substantially impacted due to its anti-LGBTQ position. Same-sex marriage is not legal in Russia, with the latest change in the constitution defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman (NBC News, 2020). Although same-sex relationships are decriminalized, there is ongoing hostility towards them (NBC News, 2020). The rights of transgender people are also under threat, with one of the bills proposing a ban on changing sex on the birth certificate after the transition (Human Rights Watch, 2020). Overall, the LGBTQ population’s rights in Russia are being threatened by the country’s government and some of its citizens.

Overall, given more political and economic power, Russia can influence other countries and their ruling parties by supporting candidates who have a similar view on the LGBTQ community. The union of several states with an anti-LGBTQ position can impact smaller countries in the region and force them to adopt similar doctrines. Therefore, international human rights organizations must continue their work to ensure that the LGBTQ’s liberties are not further limited.


Human Rights Watch. (2020). Russia: Reject anti-LGBT ‘Traditional values’ bill. Web.

NBC News. (2020). Russian constitution change ends hopes for gay marriage. Web.

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