124 ADHD Research Topics & Titles

🏆 Best Essay Topics on ADHD

✍️ ADHD Essay Topics for College

  1. Sugar: Does It Really Cause Hyperactivity?
    The popular myth contends that the more sugar-filled products children consume, the higher their activity drive is. But the sugar alone does not affect children’s behavior.
  2. Diagnosis and Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    I have been having trouble coping with the fact that my son Ryan was recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).
  3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Students
    This paper reports the observation of a classroom with children with ADHD. It provides a brief overview of ADHD and summarizes articles regarding ADHD in children.
  4. ADHD in the Classroom: John’s Interrupting Behavior Analysis
    The focus learner selected for this project is John, a 15-year-old Hispanic male. John is in the ninth grade, and he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
  5. The Relation Between Attention Deficit Disorder and Colitis
    Patients suffering from co-occurring conditions find it hard to receive timely, quality, and safe medical support.
  6. Co-Occurrence of ADHD and Bipolar Disorder: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment
    The relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder has received a lot of attention.
  7. Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Academic Progress
    This work examines the use of stability balls in the classroom for the improvement of disciplinary and academic outcomes of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  8. Exploring ADHD: Genetics, Environment, and Brain Changes
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most prevalent child behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  9. Is ADHD Genetically Passed Down to Family Members?
    Genetic correlations between such qualities as hyperactivity and inattention allowed us to define ADHD as a spectrum disorder rather than a unitary one.
  10. Aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    The paper discusses attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a neurologic and developmental illness diagnosed in childhood.
  11. Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity a Real Disorder?
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most prevalent children neurodevelopmental diseases. It is identified during childhood and frequently persists into maturity.
  12. ADHD in Children and Adults: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
    The paper will try to explain why ADHD is serious, how it can damage a person’s quality of life long into adulthood, and how it can interfere with one’s communication ability.
  13. Stimulant Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Despite the potential for negative consequences, stimulant therapy is an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs.
  14. ADHD: The Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention Webpage
    The Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention webpage on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder sufficiently employs ethos, pathos, and logos rhetoric allures.
  15. Increase in ADHD Diagnoses
    The paper includes a different approach to diagnosis, changes in populations’ attitudes toward ADHD, and the influence of social media.
  16. Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    This is a systematic review of quantitative research studies and occupational therapy interventions for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  17. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Behavior
    Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a psychological disorder that causes a person’s brain to be abnormally hyperactive than usual behavior.
  18. Understanding ADHD: A Comprehensive Case Study
    The current paper presents a fictional case of hyperactivity disorder that entails diagnosis, problems, and treatment recommendations.
  19. Attention Deficit and Effective Treatment of Disorder
    Effective behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments help reduce the symptoms of ADHD. It can assist individuals in doing better at home, school, and in social situations.
  20. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment
    The Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Therapy mechanisms include psychoeducation, where parents are encouraged to discuss the condition with their children.
  21. Impact of ADHD on Students
    ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are experience challenges in managing high levels of energy, controlling impulses, and maintaining attention.
  22. Characteristics of ADHD
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder refers to disorders of the nervous system. Neurological disorders are based on prerequisites of a neurological nature.
  23. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prominent Aspects, Management, and Prevention
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity in a person.

🧠 ADHD Topics for Research Paper

ADHD in Women

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that is different for women and men. For females, it usually involves issues with focus and inattentiveness, whereas for men, it is about impulsivity and hyperactivity. Most women also display depression and anxiety disorders as part of the symptoms associated with ADHD. Here are some research questions about ADHD in women that may guide your writing process.

Difficulty Concentrating as a Symptom of ADHD

ADHD has numerous symptoms, including difficulties in focusing, anxiety, and impulsiveness. Children diagnosed with ADHD often struggle to concentrate on one boring task for several minutes. They are forgetful, disorganized, and easily distracted. However, an exciting project might trigger a child to be hyper-focused to the point of detaching from reality. Pick one of the following ADHD research topics on concentration to speed up home task completion.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Impulsivity

Impulsivity is a major symptom of ADHD. It means a person has issues with self-control and acts without thinking of the consequences. Other signs include impatience, blurting out answers, interrupting other people, engaging in reckless behavior, and temper outbursts. Treatment for ADHD impulsivity comprises behavior therapy, skills training, and psychological counseling. Looking for great ADHD essay topics linked to impulsivity? Here are some valuable suggestions to follow.

👍 Good ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Theoretical Approach to ADHD: Case Study Analysis
    The executive function (EF) theory by Russel Barkley applies to understanding and developing strategies to improve the child’s learning process.
  2. A Counseling Theory for Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
    Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is usually spread among children and adolescents. Proper educational counseling can help students with ADHD to cope with the problem.
  3. Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Though ADHD is not a very dangerous illness, it is better not underrate its effects. Many patients may feel rejected by society, and this alienation is likely to worsen the situation.
  4. The Effects of Food on ADHD
    The issue of ADHD and its relation to food has been a concern for a while. According to the outcomes of the study, the daily intake of food must be controlled in ADHD patients.
  5. Mental Health and ADHD in Universities
    The issue of mental health in university learners is rarely brought up, yet it has a tangible effect on the target audience’s health and ability to learn.
  6. ADHD and Socially Constructed Impairment
    ADHD is responsible for many complications in the life of people suffering from it, including limited educational achievement, and low self-organizational capacity.
  7. Sleep Disturbance and Neuropsychological Function Within ADHD
    Sleep disruption is an inherent behavioral feature in childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD.
  8. Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Sleep Issues
    The document to be analyzed is “The moderating roles of bedtime activities and anxiety/depression in the relationship between attention-deficit/hyperactivity” by Tong
  9. ADHD: Treatment and Over Medication
    When children have ADHD, it is possible to influence their symptoms by forging a special supportive bond between them, parents, and the education system.
  10. The Phenomenon of the ADHD Disorder
    The paper analyzes the facts represented for whether or not attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is real.
  11. Childhood Mental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Description, causes, symptoms, discussion around possible treatment options for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  12. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Stimulants: Research Method
    The article that highlights the evaluation of study with regard to the Utility of illegal Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Stimulants among college students.
  13. Critique of Articles on Parenting, ADHD, Child Psychology, and Development
    In this work, the author criticized articles on parenting, ADHD, child psychology, early adult romantic relationships and development.
  14. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Analysis
    ADHD, usually starts presenting it self during childhood, and is thought to be a continual chronic condition, and there is no medical cure for this disorder.
  15. Identifying Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Students
    The criteria for identifying students with the ADHD problem required identifying the essential patterns of attention exhibited by the patient.
  16. Developmental Disorder Overview: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    One of the developmental disorders often diagnosed in the middle childhood years is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  17. Kendra’s Interaction Patterns and Personal Problems
    Mood disorders are adjustment problems that come from stressors emanating from inside and which can be triggered by factors that cannot be controlled.
  18. ADHD: Profile, Symptoms, and Occupational Therapy Approaches
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that is expressed by extensive impulsivity and deficient attentiveness.
  19. Teaching Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impulsive actions that are not related proportionally to the age of the affected person.
  20. ADHD: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a childhood disruptive behavioral disorder that manifests in “inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity” and can persist into adulthood.
  21. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Addressing Challenges in School Settings
    This work is observations of Jacob, a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which was made at Cornell Junior Public School.
  22. ADHD in Children: Diagnostic Assessment, Challenges, and Importance
    The purpose of the study is to evaluate current clinical evidence on the value of different diagnostic tests of children and adolescents with ADHD in social and educational contexts.
  23. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: Studies Analysis
    This paper analyzes five scholarly articles on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. The authors studied the effects and treatment of the disorder.
  24. Developing a Special Education Plan for a Grade 1 Male Student with ADHD: Strategies and Insights
    It is important to know the needs of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and make the necessary modifications to accommodate them in the classroom.

🤔 ADHD Dissertation Topics

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Here are some interesting research questions about ADHD and its impact on a person’s life.

Personal and Societal Costs of ADHD

Treating ADHD is pricey, and studies show that in the US, an estimated $31.6 billion is the total annual cost that covers healthcare for people diagnosed with ADHD, family members caring for people with ADHD, and the work absenteeism of ADHD adults and their caregivers. Finding ways to enhance the health of those with ADHD can help many individuals and families save more money and possibly lower this financial burden.

Policies Related to ADHD

Various policies govern the authorization of ADHD treatment. Such treatments are usually authorized and compensated by specific health plans or government programs. One crucial policy affecting ADHD treatment is a pre-authorization requirement by health plans before physicians can prescribe specific medications. Thus, the state program or health insurance must review the prescription request before granting the medication coverage.

Due to the rise of ADHD cases among children over the years, many state programs have improved pre-authorization policies related to ADHD medications for pediatric use. Look through the list of research topics on ADHD policies presented below.

Factors Increasing the Risk of ADHD

The causes of ADHD are yet to be established. However, research shows that genes play a significant role in facilitating ADHD and related symptoms. Some families have more prevalent cases of ADHD, while others have minimal cases. Environmental exposure might be another critical factor that contributes to ADHD despite the inconsistent evidence. Understanding the factors increasing ADHD symptoms will help public health experts act accordingly and introduce practical recommendations. Next comes a list of ADHD titles on this subtopic.

🎓 Most Interesting ADHD Research Titles

  1. ADHD and Its Effects on the Development of a Child‘s
  2. How ADHD Medication Affects the Brain?
  3. The Epidemiological Rates for ADHD
  4. ADHD and Its Impact on Mainstream Schooling
  5. Effective Teaching Strategies for Students With ADHD
  6. The Debate Over Ritalin Use by Children With ADHD
  7. ADHD Diagnosis, Diagnostic Tools, and Its Cultural and Ethical Implications
  8. Dealing With Children Suffering From Add and ADHD
  9. The Link Between ADHD and Electronic Stimulation
  10. Affordable Non-Drug Solution to ADHD
  11. Ten Positive Things About ADHD
  12. ADHD and What Causes the Childhood Behavioral Condition
  13. Treating ADHD Long Term Can Cause Harm by Creating Thoughts of Suicide
  14. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Psychostimulants in the Treatment of ADHD
  15. ADHD and Antisocial Behavior Juvenile Delinquency
  16. Scientists Probe ADHD Treatment for Long-Term Management of the Disease
  17. The Correlation Between Technology and Adolescent Mental Health Particularly ADHD
  18. Over Diagnosis and Medication for ADHD
  19. How Do School Systems Deal With ADHD?
  20. Resting-State Brain Signal Variability in Prefrontal Cortex Is Associated With ADHD Symptom Severity in Children

🆚 ADD versus ADHD

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ADD means attention-deficit disorder, while ADHD is known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADD is an initial term that was used in the 1980s to diagnose children with this condition. However, in the early 90’s, the name changed to ADHD, with the inclusion of hyperactivity.

Since the 1990s, ADHD has been associated with three types of diagnosis – inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined type. Most people still use the term ADD to identify the inattentive type since it does not have the hyperactivity aspect. Today, ADHD is commonly diagnosed according to the symptoms rather than the types. It helps avoid the confusion between ADD and ADHD.

Therefore, there is no factual difference between ADD and ADHD. ADD is an old term, while ADHD is the new abbreviation used in the medical world.

💡 Simple ADHD Essay Ideas

  1. Social-Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Alongside ADHD Education
  2. The Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatments for ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  3. Comorbidity Between Reading Disability and ADHD
  4. ADHD: Parents Should Use Alternative Treatments for Illness
  5. Parental Income, Education and the Diagnosis of ADHD in Children and Adolescents: The Case for Germany
  6. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Treatments of ADHD
  7. Twice-Exceptional Students With ADHD Characteristics and Strategies
  8. Psychosocial Academic Interventions for Children With ADHD
  9. Impact of Misdiagnosis and Overprescribing of ADHD Medications
  10. The Relation Between Sleep, Memory Enhancement, and Causes of Emotional Deficiency Among ADHD Patients
  11. How Can You Tell if an Adult Has ADHD?
  12. About the Controversies Between the Existence of ADHD, and the Different Viewpoints
  13. The Effects of ADHD Pharmacological Treatment on Teens’ Risky Behaviors
  14. ADHD Children and How Behavior Therapy Is Necessary With the Use of Medication
  15. Effective Management Techniques for Children With ADHD
  16. Side Effects ADHD Ritalin Symptoms
  17. ADHD: The Serious Public Health Problem
  18. Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy and ADHD Symptoms
  19. Should Children Diagnosed With ADHD Be Given Medication to Address Their Symptoms
  20. The Young Children and Children With ADHD, and Thinking Skills

❓ ADHD Research Questions

  1. What Are the Effects of ADHD in the Classroom?
  2. What Effect Does Being Identified With ADHD Have on a Child?
  3. What Are the Nine Symptoms of ADHD?
  4. What Are the Three Key Symptoms Used to Diagnose ADHD?
  5. What Are the Seven Types of ADHD?
  6. Is ADHD on the Autism Spectrum?
  7. At What Age Can ADHD Be Diagnosed?
  8. Can You Treat ADHD Without Medication?
  9. Is ADHD a Serious Mental Illness?
  10. Can You Have ADHD Without Being Hyper?
  11. What Is Ring of Fire ADHD?
  12. At What Age Does ADHD Peak?
  13. Do ADHD Brains Look Different?
  14. Is ADHD Classified as Special Needs?
  15. Can People With ADHD Have Special Interests?
  16. Can Additional Training Help Close the ADHD Gender Gap?
  17. Can Sports Affect Impulse Control in Children With ADHD?
  18. How Does ADHD Affect School Performance?
  19. Should Children With ADHD Be On Ritilan or Similar Drugs?
  20. Do People With ADHD Have Sensory Issues?
  21. What Is the Most Common Treatment for ADHD?
  22. Can ADHD Be Mistaken for Bipolar?
  23. Why Is ADHD Not Considered a Disability?
  24. Can ADHD Cause Panic Attacks?
  25. Why Is It So Hard to Get Tested for ADHD?
  26. What Foods Should Be Avoided With ADHD?
  27. Can ADHD Be Cured or Grown Out Of?
  28. Does Omega-3 Help ADHD?
  29. What Is the Mental Age of Someone With ADHD?
  30. Does ADHD Affect Intelligence?

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