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90 Affordable Care Act Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Affordable Care Act

✍️ Affordable Care Act Essay Topics for College

  1. Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act
    The paper provides a commerce clause brief, as held by various Supreme Court judges, by defending the position that Congress has no constitutional power.
  2. The Affordable Care Act Advances
    The changes to the U.S. healthcare system introduced by the Affordable Care Act positively affected several weak points that improved well-being.
  3. The Affordable Care Act’s Main Goals
    This essay examines the three main goals of the Affordable Care Act described by the American Public Health Association and how they have been achieved.
  4. The Affordable Care Act Discussion
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act represents the most far-reaching reforms to the American health care system since its inception.
  5. The Affordable Care Act’s Effects
    Various factors impact the capacity of the population to receive medical care. One may consider politics as one of the most influential factors.
  6. Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The policy under analysis is Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It has been in effect since the ACA was enacted in 2010.
  7. The Affordable Care Act: Reflections & Directions
    The crisis that arose in 2008 particularly demonstrated the problem of the expensive cost of health care in the United States.
  8. The Need to Improve the Affordable Care Act
    Since the signing of the Affordable Care Act into law, millions of Americans have reaped benefits from its medical insurance offers.
  9. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Policy Analysis
    The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act policy was to establish a framework of equality of access to healthcare services among the population of the US.
  10. The Affordable Care Act Replacement Efforts
    The Affordable Care Act has established itself as one of the pillars of the healthcare system of the United States for a long time.
  11. Current Healthcare Law: Affordable Care Act
    This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act, a legislation that has reformed and restructured nurses’ roles within the health care system.
  12. The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Reforms
    The Affordable Care Act was enacted to bring healthcare delivery changes and ensure more Americans had access to quality healthcare.
  13. The State of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The goal of the Affordable Care Act was to expand health care coverage nationwide. It would achieve the goal by offering tax breaks to small businesses.
  14. Affordable Care Act and Double Patient Service Standards
    In 2010, the US President decided to sign an Act for Affordable Healthcare to ensure that all patients were treated equally.
  15. Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Medicare Spending
    The financial impact of the Affordable Care Act implied significant cuts, which were carried out for a prolonged time period due to their complexity.
  16. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the US
    The United States government initiated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to minimize health disparities by lowering costs and improving the accessibility of healthcare.
  17. The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Fiscal Operations
    The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansions have impacted state governments in terms of budgetary and fiscal operations.
  18. Affordable Care Act and Dental Services Delivery
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed by President Obama in 2010. The purpose of the law was to reduce healthcare costs and promote insurance coverage in the country.
  19. Affordable Care Act for North Carolina Uninsured Population
    The Act has provisions that set the new guidelines for the health insurance industry, ensure the expansion of the health insurance market, and create subsidies for the premiums.
  20. HRM Software for Business and the Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act has its strengths, as well as weaknesses. The reason for it is the complexity of the law, which causes different challenges.
  21. Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act
    This paper describes the majority opinion of the United States Supreme Court about the ACA. The paper also discusses personal views on the constitutionality of the ACA.
  22. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obama Care
    Obama care inform that the main aim of the healthcare reform is to “improve community healthcare centers in an effort to improve health for those who cannot afford private health care”.
  23. Affordable Care Act’s Effects and Marketing
    The Affordable Care Act is a very significant federal statute in the American healthcare system. One of the most desired outcomes of ACA was to reduce the number of acuity visits.
  24. Affordable Care Act Critique Defense
    One of the undeniably positive impacts that ACA has had on health care delivery is the increased access to healthcare for people with preexisting conditions.
  25. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    This discussion is inclusive of the current status of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as well as the main issues in the Act that continues to pose a spur debate.
  26. Comparative Analysis: The Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts Healthcare Reform
    The Affordable Care Act is better than The Massachusetts Healthcare Reform because the act will reduce the number of unsecured Americans without much impact on the economy.
  27. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Implications in Advanced Practice Nursing
    The Act equally seeks to expand the workforce in the healthcare setting to cater to the growing number of patients at any given time.
  28. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Its Implications in Advanced Practice Nursing
    The PPACA has been a turning point in the US public health sector and advanced practice nursing. The last implication of the PPACA is long-term care.

đź‘Ť Good Affordable Care Act Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Act” by Stolberg
    “Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Act” by Stolberg narrates the ultimate goal of the President Donald Trump government.
  2. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Healthcare Law Suit
    The Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act requires legal residents of the US to maintain health premium coverage from an authorized private health insurance provider.
  3. Affordable Care Act 2010: Mental Health Illness
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, also commonly referred to as Obamacare, can be termed as the most progressive and inclusive piece of healthcare legislation ever
  4. Molded Affordable Care Act 2010
    The affordable Act of 2010 thus has the potential to help many people who do not have health insurance all over the United States of America.
  5. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is aimed at reforming the existing health care and insurance systems of the United States.
  6. Achievements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also frequently referred to as Obamacare or Affordable Care Act, is a decree of the American federal government.
  7. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare
    Financing is an essential aspect of a healthcare system and a clinical practice, so it is important to consider the sources of policy funding and its costs.
  8. Affordable Care Act for LGBTQ Populations
    The paper will provide a detailed description of the Affordable Care Act, indicate its supporting and opposing aspects, and analyze its impact on LGBTQ populations.
  9. The Adoption of the Affordable Care Act in the State of Florida
    The advantages and disadvantages of the Florida authority’s approach to the ACA will be analyzed. It will also discuss the influence of this attitude on the stakeholders.
  10. Benefits of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can restructure the health care systems by increasing the accessibility of health cover.
  11. Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Hospital Business Models
    This paper will focus on the issues presented by the implementation of the new legislation – the Affordable Care Act enacted in 2010 to improve the quality of care and lower costs.
  12. Healthcare Reform: Affordable Care Act
    Personal knowledge or information with essential certainty, basic truth, law, or assumption, from lessons, is an indispensable part of healthcare financial management.
  13. Affordable Care Act Role on the Care of Patients
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) represents an extensive medical reform that was signed into law by President Obama at the beginning of the year 2010.
  14. The Cost of the Affordable Care Act
    The paper will discuss the cost of the Affordable Care Act, analyze the proposed initiatives and current cost-containment strategies, as well the impact of healthcare financing.
  15. Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reimbursement Rate
    This essay aims at highlighting the Affordable Care Act, as well as Medicaid reimbursement in New York during this coronavirus pandemic period.
  16. Affordable Care Act as a Fundamental Human Right
    Healthcare should be recognized as a fundamental human right, which can be based on a new Medicare for All program to be cost-effective and affordable.
  17. Affordable Care Act: A Critical Analysis
    This paper elaborates on economic concerns, the actual availability of medicine, and the consistency of public policies about the current state of health care and nursing practice.
  18. The Affordable Care Act: Improved Medical Care and Health Among Low-Income Adults
    Many changes take place within the health and human services system each year. They shape ordinary citizens’ lives, who rarely clearly understand them.
  19. The Affordable Care Act Overview and Analysis
    The Affordable Care Act was enacted to increase the population of insured American citizens. This paper discusses the impact of ACA on employers and workers.
  20. Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill and Its Issues
    Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill is Waivers denying health insurance coverage for some pre-existing conditions.
  21. Healthcare Policy and Nursing: Affordable Care Act
    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as a healthcare improvement initiative addresses multiple steps aimed at increased insurance and promotion of self-care
  22. Safe and Affordable Health Care Services
    The proper access to healthcare services is one of the most critical ethical issues associated with financing.
  23. Affordable Care Act and Health Disparities
    ACA is a law that contributes to a more effective collaboration between the American health-care and public health systems.
  24. Healthcare Policy Effects on Individual: Affordable Care Act
    This paper considers the effects of healthcare policy on individuals and policymaking implications using the example of the Affordable Care Act.
  25. American Health Care Act vs. Affordable Care Act
    Despite all the discussions about expenditures and shortcomings associated with the ACA, the new Health Care Act is still vague and underdeveloped.

🎓 Most Interesting Affordable Care Act Research Titles

  1. Mental Health and the Affordable Care Act Coverage
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that mental disorders and substance abuse problems continue to affect millions of American citizens.
  2. The Affordable Care Act: Controlling Health Care Costs
    The Affordable Care Act, the original purpose of which was the improvement of public health through an increase in insurance and coverage rates, is achieving unsatisfactory results.
  3. The Affordable Care Act and Its Implications
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced multiple changes to the healthcare system of the United States, supposedly improving access to health-related services.
  4. Health Care for Immigrants: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    For two years already The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is working. It was made to improve access to healthcare for vulnerable populations.
  5. The Affordable Care Act in the US
    Affordable Care Act aimed to decrease the number of people without insurance, but US states apply their particular approaches in implementing the legislative changes.
  6. Primary Nursing Care in Affordable Care Act
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an important legal step in improving nursing and patient care in the United States.
  7. Ethics and the Affordable Care Act’s Conflicts
    The major purpose of the Affordable Care Act not only to allow the citizens of the United States to access health care services easier but also to stay protected by the system from possible abuse.
  8. Affordable Care Act and Its Stakeholders
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a landmark health legislation signed into law in 2010. This paper gives a detailed analysis of three stakeholders impacted by the ACA.
  9. Affordable Care Act and Related Ethical Conflicts
    The paper seeks to identify and discuss the ethical conflicts brought by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare or Trumpcare
  10. Affordable Care Act: Nursing and Social Media
    The paper discusses the Affordable Care Act’s benefits and flaws. It also states that social media can be used to interact with the patients and improve the quality of healthcare.
  11. Affordable Care Act and Its Future Paradigm
    The paper will identify the main aspects of the issue of unaffordable healthcare based on the latest evidence provided in the scholarly sources.
  12. Affordable Care Act and Medical Communications
    This research paper will focus on the Affordable Care Act, as well as the health care organizations, policies, and improvements to medical communications that it brought with it.
  13. The Affordable Care Act: Healthcare and Ethics
    This paper aims to outline the main conflicts between health care and ethics that arose due to the ACA, as well as to suggest ways in which the nurses could negotiate such conflicts efficiently.
  14. The Affordable Care Act and Its Future Paradigm
    The present paper is devoted to the discussion of healthcare policy development, implementation, and its relation to healthcare professionals.
  15. The Impact of the Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced by President Obama in 2010 remains one of the most controversial bills in US history.
  16. History of the Affordable Care Act and Ethics
    Critics have claimed that Obamacare creates conflicts of interest and moral dilemmas, and Trumpcare violates fundamental principles of medical ethics.
  17. Affordable Care Act: Institutional Policy Analysis
    One of the changes introduced by the ACA provision is the orientation toward an optimized financing model of the healthcare providers.
  18. The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Improvement
    ACA sparked off a lot of controversy dividing the people into two sides; some sing the praises to the act while others take a dim view believing that it has more cons than pros.
  19. Affordable Care Act in the USA
    ACA has introduced a set of policies and requirements that should be acknowledged by the U.S. citizens. All the individuals must have coverage or they will have to deal with a penalty.
  20. Affordable Care Act, Its Functioning and Improvement
    This paper reviews the Affordable Care Act and proposes a change to one core problem that considers being critical to ACA’s functioning.
  21. Nursing: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The state law Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, adopted in 2010, defines rather significant changes in the American health policy.
  22. Mental Health Illness: Affordable Care Act 2010
    This paper critically looks at the implications for mental health illnesses and substance abuse under the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
  23. The Affordable Care Act Progress
    The article analyzes the progress of the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act is a bill passed into law by U.S. President Barrack Obama in the year 2010.
  24. Affordable Care Act and Its Achievements
    The fee-for-service model common before the establishment of the ACA has several flaws, including the possibility of needless treatment, also termed overutilization.
  25. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for Nurses
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is an American health care reform act expected to affect millions of citizens.
  26. Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Illness
    The enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 was a positive move toward mitigating mental health and substance abuse problems in the United States.
  27. American Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was to ensure all citizens in America had access to affordable and quality health care.
  28. Mario-Diaz Balart and Affordable Care Act
    The paper reviews Mario-Diaz Balart’s, a Congressional representative from Miami, political viewpoint on the Affordable Care Act who supports innovation in healthcare.
  29. Affordable Care Act: Good or Bad?
    The adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has given rise to various debates among different policy-makers, medical workers, patients.
  30. The Affordable Care Act Enactment Purpose
    The main objective of ACA is addressing the accessibility and quality of healthcare. It also seeks to control the increase in healthcare expenditure in the US.

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