207 Autism Research Topics & Paper Examples

Are you looking for research topics on autism spectrum disorder for your paper in psychology? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has prepared a list of topic ideas and questions you can use for your essay, thesis, debate, dissertation, and other writing assignments. Read on to discover the latest and most interesting autism topics to write about!

🏆 Best Research Topics on Autism

✍️ Autism Essay Topics for College

  1. Inclusive Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Autism spectrum disorder has become widely spread in the US today, resulting in developing the debates on the appropriateness of inclusive education for students with ASD.
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder Communication
    The study aims to study the communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder by assessing their ability to converse effectively within a dialogue.
  3. Autism: Diagnostics and Treatment
    Shedding light on the condition, its key symptoms and treatment options will help improve the quality of life in autistic people.
  4. A Skill Acquisition Plan for Children with Autism
    The skill acquisition plan is targeted at teaching a child to ask when he or she wants something. It is a crucial independence skill for kids.
  5. Autism, Autism Spectrum Sisorder (ASD), and Theory of Mind
    This paper aims to explore some common features of ASD, its impact on children’s cognitive, social, and physical development, and its relation to the theory of mind.
  6. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Behavior Analysis
    The paper assesses the status of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children, treatment approaches, and technological innovations for aiding patients in conquering the symptoms of autism.
  7. The Effectiveness of Peer-Mediated Intervention for Young Children with Autism
    Peer-mediated intervention is a prominent technique for developing social skills and fostering involvement in children suffering from autism.
  8. “Autism: Insight From Inside” Movie Reflection
    The movie “Autism: Insight from Inside” by Robert Parish reflects the issue of ASD’s effect on people’s lives.
  9. Development and Management of Autism
    The paper examines the causes, development process, and symptoms of autism and describes the ways how the disorder can be manageable.
  10. Autism Diagnosis Report Example
    Three children aged between 9 and 11 years are regarded as the ones having ASD, as stated by the licensed psychologist.
  11. Technical Quality of Autism Test (GARS-3)
    The work provides a review and analysis of articles devoted to the GARS-3 implication in the early diagnosis of autism among children.
  12. Causes and Treatment of Autism in Children
    This report focuses on determining the symptoms, causes, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in kids.
  13. Evidence-Based Strategy in Autism
    The report discusses the various evidence-based practices that can be adopted in diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder among children.
  14. Accessibility For Students With Autism in Education in K-12
    For most children and teenagers, K-12 education is the most valuable and influential part of their lives, providing them with many experiences.
  15. Autism and Associated Healthcare Issues
    This paper attempts to understand Autism as a health care issue by studying deeply its causes, characteristics, conditions, treatment options, and who can live with it.
  16. Contributing Factors of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects the way a person communicates and socializes.
  17. Literature Review: How Can Token Economy Diminish Off-Task Behavior in Students with Autism?
    The students’ academic success largely depends on their behavior, which is determined not only by the environment but also by psychological states.
  18. Genetics and Autism Development
    Autism is associated with a person’s genetic makeup. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this condition and the role of genetics in its development.
  19. Autism in Adults: Daily Challenges
    Siri Carpenter’s article “For Adults with Autism, a Lack of Support When They Need It Most” explores the way adult individuals with autism cope with the daily challenges.
  20. Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Depending on the situation, the representatives of the general public interact with autists when being at home, in the educational establishment, workplace, or other locations.
  21. Diagnosing Adults with Autism
    There is no single theory which any researcher in the study of autism has found to be convincing in that it thoroughly explains the origin and behavioral attributes of autism.
  22. Autism Syndrome Psychosocial Characteristics
    Autism spectrum disorders present symptoms that may be tricky for the parents to correctly diagnose the condition. The symptoms are sometimes mistaken for other disorders.
  23. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children
    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological disorder marked by the onset of social interaction and communication impairment at a young age.

👍 Good Research Topics about Autism

  1. Autism in the School Environment and Inclusion in the Classroom
    ASD students may struggle to communicate effectively, making it challenging to practice speaking a new language in a classroom setting.
  2. The Autism-Gender Relationship Analysis
    This paper examines the relationship between gender and autism, including the possible involvement of various genetic, environmental, and physiological factors.
  3. Autism and the Education System
    Teaching children with autism in the context of their growth and development is one of the urgent issues in the modern education system in the United States.
  4. Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum
    The bibliography analyzes educators’ current practices, approaches, tactics, and strategies for teaching students with autism.
  5. Applied Behavior Analysis with Children with Autism
    This paper discusses the application of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
  6. Importance of Learning More About Autism
    Autism awareness addresses stereotypes and misunderstandings, increases early intervention, and makes society more accepting of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
  7. Autism Among Kindergartners in Victoria, Australia
    This paper will postulate two teaching frameworks in an attempt to support previous legislation and policies formulated by different stakeholders.
  8. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dialogue Framework
    The research aims to assess the communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder by assessing their ability to converse effectively within a dialogue framework.
  9. Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis
    Autism spectrum disorder is a collection of neurological conditions in which a person’s speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted.
  10. Functional Communication Training via Telehealth for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Randomized Controlled Trial was employed for the investigation to compare the therapy with Functional Communication Training.
  11. Autism: Child and Family Involvement
    Autism spectrum disorder affects many people aside from its primary target, emphasizing the significance of early identification, and behavioral programs.
  12. Autism Causes and Treatment in Childhood
    Autism spectrum disorder is broadly complicated, and with time and research, it becomes a more significant brain condition.
  13. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Immunization
    Autism is a more frequently diagnosed ailment than was formerly acknowledged, and much is now being written in the mainstream media.
  14. Autism and Vaccination: The False Health Claim
    One of the most popular false health claims concerns the relationship between autism and vaccination, suggesting that the latter causes the former.
  15. Autism Complementary Treatmen: Diet and Relaxation
    The following paper proposes diet and relaxation as a form of complementary therapy to the main treatment of autism disorder.
  16. Correlation Between Vaccines and Autism
    Before vaccination, large numbers of people with different backgrounds suffered from smallpox and other diseases.
  17. Dietary and Relaxation-Based Treatment for Autism
    Exploration studies have been conducted to determine the value of casein/gluten free diets as an intercession to improve cognitive and social functioning of autism patients.
  18. Complementary Alternative Therapy for Autism
    The report suggests diet and relaxation as the form of complementary therapy to the central treatment of autism disorder.
  19. Social Skills for Preschoolers With Autism
    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a family of mental disorders that cause deficits in social awareness, communication skills, and stereotyped behaviors.
  20. Sources Credibility: The Case of Autism
    Attention to sources’ reliability is vital for any realm, including the healthcare system, especially – the evidence-based models.
  21. The Link Between Epidurals and Autism Spectrum Disorder
    This study captures the uproar that followed after a recent study attributed autism spectrum disorder to labor epidural analgesia.
  22. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Antecedent Manipulation Project
    L. is a 10-years-old male student, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The student is to be observed, and his parents and educators are to be interviewed.
  23. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents Below 18 Years
    The problem that has been chosen for conducting nursing evidence-based practice is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adolescents below 18 years.
  24. Teaching Communication Skills for Elementary School Students With Autism
    Documentation by research has shown that non-handicapped youths can be of great assistance in teaching social skills for students with autism.
  25. Inclusion of Students With Autism in General Education Classrooms
    The article’s main purpose is to sensitize the need for new strategies that would harness the inclusion of students with ASD into general classrooms.

💡 Simple Autism Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Behavior Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    The purpose of the article is to expound on the interfering behaviors in persons with autism spectrum disorders, formulate an approach for preventing them.
  2. Autism and Other Neurological Disorders
    Autism and other neurological disorders are defined by characteristics of behavior and are commonly considered to be biological in origin and not caused by improper parenting.
  3. Biological Bases of Autism: General Analysis
    The purpose of this paper is to explain the biological bases of the disease while considering specific areas of the brain that are affected together with their associated symptoms.
  4. Autism as Developmental Medical Condition
    The paper tries to discuss the meaning of autism, the causes and the possible treatments that have been found to curb the severe symptoms experienced by the victims.
  5. Autism and Alzheimer’s Comparison
    This work is aimed at identifying differences and similarities in the mechanism of the formation of Alzheimer’s disease and autism and consideration of their progression.
  6. Autism in Toddler: Effects of Dietary Intervention
    Rigorous behavioral programs for developing positive behaviors, correcting certain sensory problems, will be the best alternative to control problems caused by autism.
  7. “Assessing the Value of Token Reinforcement for Individuals With Autism” the Article by Fiske, et al.
    The article raises the problem of assisting the children with autism with their learning and interaction with a teacher in a classroom.
  8. Autism Universal Screening: Response to Media Article
    The paper provides discussion of the article “Why There’s Disagreement over Screening Every Child for Autism?” published in The New York Times.
  9. Autism, Myths and Realities
    Autism belongs to developmental disabilities that are frequently characterized by brain-functioning complications.
  10. Autist Students Identification: Distinctive Features of Autism
    In identifying autism, there is the triad of autism which consists of autistic aloneness; speech and language disorder, and obsessive desire for sameness.
  11. Vaccines and Autism: Does the Controversy Persist?
    Scientists managed to find quite a few vaccines against various diseases. The connection between vaccines and autism was proposed recently.
  12. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Twins: Genetics Study
    Autism spectrum disorder is a behavioral condition caused by genetic and environmental factors. Twin studies have been used to explain the hereditary nature of this condition.
  13. Autism Treatment: Natural vs. Medications
    The purpose of the paper is to prove that natural treatment must be the basis for addressing the autism issue.
  14. Pharma Controversy Presentation: Vaccination and Autism
    Parents often associate MMR vaccination with autism. No qualitative evidence for the MMR vaccination-autism link.
  15. Vaccines and Autism Relationship and Debates
    The link between vaccination and autism is hotly debated in the media despite the fact that the alleged evidence is definitively disproven by the scientific community.
  16. Early Social Interaction: Children with Autism
    This paper analyzes an article addressing how the involvement of parents in the ESI programs affects the outcome of improved social and communication skills among children with autism disorders.
  17. Pharma Controversy: Vaccines and Autism
    At the end of the 20th century, Andrew Wakefield conducted his research, revealing the connection between childhood vaccines and autism.
  18. Autism Ethics: Accept or Cure?
    The paper considers the debate on whether autistic people should be accepted by the community as a diversity of the society or a cure should be found out and developed.
  19. Social Science Perspectives on the Autism Spectrum
    This report will discuss autism, its characteristics, causes, diagnosis, and management. Autism refers to developmental disorder that impedes a person’s ability to communicate and relate to people.
  20. The Effects of Risperidone on Children with Autism
    The goal of this paper is to determine if using risperidone can affect cognitive performance in pre-adolescents and adolescents with autism.
  21. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Control and Prevention
    This paper aims at determining whether television watching by children below the age of two years can lead to the development of autism.
  22. Teaching Communication Skills for Students with Autism
    Ehrough games and other forms of interaction with his/her peers, a child with autism disorders is able to develop in his/her areas of deficiency.
  23. Concept and Cause of Autism: Reports on Autism
    A recent survey on people’s attitude toward Autism reveals that a significant percentage of parents still believe that the disease is caused by vaccines taken during childhood.
  24. Childhood Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorders
    In case of autism spectrum disorders the presence of other childhood disorders in a patient often complicates the traditional diagnostic procedure.
  25. Cell Phones May Cause Autism
    The main idea of the article is the harmful effect of the wireless radiation which ray cell phones in particular.
  26. Education for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia
    Students with autism in Saudi Arabia are secluded from the mainstream learning institutions because teachers lack the knowledge and awareness related to the condition.
  27. Effects of Music Therapy for Adolescents with Autism
    Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional.

🎓 Most Interesting Autism Research Paper Topics

  1. Autism and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
  2. How Autism Affects Regular Brain Functions as Well as Socialization Skills
  3. Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Similarities and Differences
  4. How Autism Affects the Person With It and Those Around Them
  5. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Comorbidities
  6. Music Therapy and Drug Therapy for Children With Autism
  7. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attitudes About Inclusion Teaching
  8. Psychological and Social Factors in Informed Consent for Patients With Autism
  9. Autism and Environmental Determinants of Behavior
  10. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Narcolepsy: A Possible Connection That Deserves to Be Investigated
  11. Augmentative and Alternative Communication: For Students With Autism
  12. Dietary Patterns Impact Temporal Dynamics of Fecal Microbiota Composition in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  13. Autism: Characteristics, Diagnosis, and Understanding
  14. Diagnose Autism Simply With ‘iPad’ Games
  15. Atypical Resource Allocation May Contribute to Many Aspects of Autism
  16. Early Behavioral Treatments for Children With Autism
  17. Children With Autism May Be Especially Susceptible to Bullying
  18. Autism and the Physiological Effects on the Brain
  19. Common Chromosomal Abnormalities Associated With Autism
  20. Parent and School Autism Wars: A Civil Rights Struggle
  21. Genetics Studies Indicate That Neural Induction and Early Neuronal Maturation Are Disturbed in Autism
  22. Aberrant Cerebellar Cerebral Functional Connectivity in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  23. Dynamical Methods for Evaluating the Time-Dependent Unfolding of Social Coordination in Children With Autism

🔥 Hot Topics in Autism for a Research Proposal

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Causal Relationship Between Autism & Vaccine
  2. China Multi-Center Preschool Autism Project: Design and Methodologies to Identify Clinical Symptom Features and Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorders
  3. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Effective Education Strategies
  4. How People With Autism Experience the World
  5. Chromatin Regulators, Phenotypic Robustness, and Autism Risk
  6. Autism: How Developmental Psychology Can Inform Practice
  7. Music Therapy Use for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  8. Individuals With Autism and the Difficulties to Understand Different Emotions
  9. Asperger’s Syndrome: “The Higher Functioning Form of Autism
  10. Self Management, Autism, and Skills of Social Interaction Questions
  11. Are There Cultural Differences in Parental Interest in Early Diagnosis and Genetic Risk Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  12. Improving Interactive Play for Students With Autism
  13. Evidence for Brainstem Contributions to Autism Spectrum Disorders
  14. Early Childhood Education for Children With Autism: How Teacher and Classroom Characteristics Influence Student Learning
  15. Communication Barriers That Exist With Autism
  16. Abnormal Functional Connectivity During Visuospatial Processing Is Associated With the Disrupted Organization of White Matter in Autism
  17. Genetically Modified Foods Cause Autism
  18. Elevated Plasma Reelin Levels in Children With Autism
  19. Researchers Are Still Unsure of the Origin and Causes of Autism
  20. Genetic Causes and Modifiers of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  21. Modern Computer Technologies for Autism
  22. Dismantling the Presumptions About Autism in the Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida
  23. How Autism Spectrum Disorder Affects Students Reading
  24. Acoustic Hyper-Reactivity and Negatively Skewed Locomotor Activity in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

📌 Easy Autism Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Living With an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. How the Media Perpetuated the Autism-Vaccine Scare
  3. Living With the Form of Autism Called Asperger’s Syndrome
  4. Autism and Its Treatment: Applied Behavior Analysis and the Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based Model
  5. Gluten and Casein Diet for Children With Autism
  6. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Theories, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children in the United States
  7. Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  8. Fluoxetine but Not Risperidone Increases Sociability in the BTBR Mouse Model of Autism
  9. Cognitive-Behavioral Approach for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  10. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Interpersonal
  11. Lost for Emotion Words: A Study on Autism Spectrum
  12. Autism Prevalence, Research, and the Historical Viewpoint
  13. Families and Therapeutic Goals Regarding Autism
  14. Increased Awareness Benefits Autism Spectrum Disorder
  15. Play-Based Therapy for Children With Autism
  16. Arousal and Attention Re-Orienting in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence From Auditory Event-Related Potentials
  17. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Perioperative Management
  18. Financial Issues Associated With Having a Child With Autism
  19. Autism Explain the Importance of a Person-Centered Approach
  20. Genetics and the Possible Causation of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  21. Precentral Gyrus Functional Connectivity Signatures of Autism
  22. Autism Among Preschool Children and the Interventions to Help Them
  23. Genetic Syndromes, Maternal Diseases and Antenatal Factors Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorders

❓ Autism Research Questions

  1. Does Autism Really Affect People’s Daily Lives?
  2. Which Areas of the Brain Are Impacted in Autism and or ADHD?
  3. Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Affect the Brain Development of a Person?
  4. How Is the Brain Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  5. What Is the Mental Age of Someone With Autism?
  6. Can Brain Scans Identify Autism?
  7. How Does Autism Affect a Child Intellectual Development?
  8. When Does the Autistic Brain Stop Developing?
  9. How Is an Autistic Brain Different From a Normal Brain?
  10. Can a Child With Autism Go to Normal School?
  11. What Are the Negative Effects of Autism?
  12. How Does Autism Affect the Brain and Nervous System?
  13. Is High Functioning Autism Considered a Disability?
  14. What Are the Main Difficulties of Students With Autism?
  15. How Does an Autistic Child Learn Best?
  16. What Should You Avoid if Your Child Has Autism?
  17. How Does Autism Affect Regular Brain Functions and Socialization Skills?
  18. What Is the Hardest Part of Life for a Child With Autism?
  19. Can Autism Go Away Without Treatment?
  20. What Does a Psychologist Do for Autism?
  21. Which Is the Best Therapy for Autism Adults?
  22. How Do Doctors Test for Autism?
  23. Does Autism Come From the Mother or Father?
  24. Can a Child With Autism Live a Normal Life?
  25. What Jobs Are Good for High-Functioning Autism?

🔎 More Research Questions about Autism

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How does genetics contribute to autism development?
  2. What are the gender differences in autism prevalence and symptoms?
  3. What is the role of environmental factors in autism development?
  4. What social and emotional challenges do people with autism face?
  5. How can assistive technology enhance communication for people with autism?
  6. How do cultural beliefs affect autistic children’s parents’ experiences?
  7. What factors contribute to the burnout of caregivers of people with autism?
  8. How does nutrition affect autism symptoms?
  9. What are the long-term psychological effects of growing up with an autistic sibling?
  10. How does social media foster social connections for people with autism?

✅ Autism Topics for Presentation

  1. Understanding autism: a condition overview and diagnostic criteria.
  2. Brain structure and function in autism.
  3. Strategies for enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication skills in people with autism.
  4. ABA therapy for autism: principles, applications, and controversies.
  5. Assistive technologies in autism: applications and latest developments.
  6. Autism-friendly classroom practices.
  7. Strategies for reducing sensory overload in people with autism.
  8. Ways to support autistic adolescents’ transition to adulthood.
  9. Creating opportunities for autistic people’s participation in sports.
  10. Sleep problems in autism: causes, effects, and interventions.

🗣️ Controversial Autism Topics for Discussion

Overwhelmed with your ideas? Check our free essay toolkit:
  1. Is there a link between vaccination and autism?
  2. ABA therapy in autism treatment: is it effective or harmful?
  3. Inclusive vs. special education for autistic children.
  4. Alternative and complementary treatments for autism: are they safe?
  5. Should autism research receive more funding?
  6. Medications in autism: are they overprescribed or necessary?
  7. Chelation therapy for autism treatment: is it worth the risk?
  8. Do parents of autistic children receive enough support?
  9. Are individuals with autism capable of providing informed consent in healthcare?
  10. Should teachers be allowed to restrain and seclude misbehaving students with autism?

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