🔝 Top 7 Capitalism Essay Topics
💵 Relevant Research Questions about Capitalism
How Capitalism Has Changed the World?
Over the last couple of hundred years, most of the world has shifted to the capitalist economic paradigm. It has become ingrained in the politics, culture, and other aspects of our society. It has ultimately resulted in greater financial and social security for a lot of people around the globe.
Is China a Communist or Capitalist Country?
China is a country that exists and operates under a communist regime. However, it still works within capitalist market economics. One can describe it as a state capitalist nation that operates within the structure of a Communist party government.
What Are the Worst Effects of Capitalism?
Capitalism has had plenty of positive effects on the world – nevertheless, it has also many flaws. One of the issues is that using money to determine the value of every facet of a person’s life can be dehumanizing. Additionally, it leads to inequity and exploitation between different social classes.
Why Is Capitalism Bad for the Environment?
Under capitalism, the main goal is profit, which means that environmental health isn’t a major concern. Deforestation, pollution, increased CO2 production, and material waste are all by-products of this pursuit. Overproduction and overconsumption are also the outcomes of capitalist competition between corporations.
How Does Capitalism Cause Inequality?
The capitalist system causes inequalities due to the concept of wealth accumulation. People who already have generational wealth find it effortless to keep their savings. On the other hand, those who do not have that advantage are compelled to spend their earnings as soon as they get them. This makes it more challenging to accumulate capital.
✍️ Capitalism Essay Topics for College
- Capitalism: History and BasicsCapitalism represents the dominant economic concept in modern reality, based on private property, the competence of actors, and the principle of supply and demand.
- Surveillance Capitalism in Shoshana Zuboff’s ViewSurveillance capitalism is different from information capitalism in that it is based on the commodification of behavioral analysis.
- Capitalism and Democracy: The Problem of CoexistenceThe paper examines whether the coexistence of capitalism and democracy provides mutual benefits or enforces detremial mechanisms that strain the relationship between these forces.
- Conscious Capitalism and Fair TradeThe paper discusses the concept of conscious capitalism. It supports fair trade and is relevant to many types of businesses.
- “Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not a Problem” by Jay RichardsIn his book “Money, Greed, and God,” Jay Richards, an American analytical philosopher, seeks to address the most common myths about capitalism.
- The Industrial Age and CapitalismIndustrial Age can be defined as the time when people became actively engaged in the development of manufacturing machinery.
- Capitalism vs. Socialism: Principles and ArgumentsThe rhetorical argument is effective because another claim is the statement about fair distribution based on the market mechanism.
- Individuals Are Motivated by the Need to Leave Behind an Inheritance: Shaw’s AnalysisSociety still goes ahead to praise those who seem to have amassed a lot of wealth for their future generations.
- Avant-Garde Art, Urban Capitalism and ModernizationThe avant-garde artists provided experimental and innovative arts, which transformed the social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of society.
- The Essay “Capitalism and Freedom” by Milton FriedmanWhile ‘some’ time has passed since 1962, Milton Friedman’s essay titled “Capitalism and Freedom” remains relevant to this day.
- Small Business in an Ideal Capitalist EconomyThe purpose of this piece of work is to examine the process and includes activities of small businesses ownership in ideal capitalism and evaluate the possible sides of the concept.
- Alienated Labor in Capitalist SocietiesThe alienation of labor is an integral part of capitalist society since it is built on producing and exchanging goods.
- Division of Labor in the Context of CapitalismThis paper discusses labor division in the context of capitalism and productivity and provides a real-life example.
- Capitalist Modernity in the 19th and the 20th CenturyThis essay examines the problems, discomforts, benefits and drawbacks created by capitalist modernity in the 19th and the 20th century and its impact on the human society.
- Deleuze’s “A Thousand Plateaus” and Guattari’s “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”The book “A Thousand Plateaus” written by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari is the second part of the project “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”.
- William Leach’s Analysis of U.S. Capitalism and Consumer Desires in Historical ContextWilliam Leach’s “Land of Desire” is concerned with exploring the development of consumer capitalism in the US between 1890 and 1932.
- Capitalism Reimagined: Comparing Adam Smith and Karl MarxComparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes.
- Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism: Key Concepts and Contemporary RelevanceThis article delves into Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism and explores Marx’s insights on the inherent problems of capitalism, such as alienation, insecurity, exploitation, etc.
- The “How Will Capitalism End?” Article by StreeckWolfgang Streeck’s article “How Will Capitalism End?” critically analyzes contemporary capitalism and its prospects for the future.
- Unveiling the Benefits and Drawbacks of Free-Market CapitalismThe essay evaluating credible sources, the “The Benefits of Free-Market Capitalism” and the “What Is Free-Market Capitalism?”, and discusses strategies for identifying information.
- Capitalism and Its Threats and Benefits for SocietyCapitalism is sometimes defined as an economic system in which individual actors own and dispose of the property following their interests.
- Capitalism and Socialism Systems’ MoralityThe paper focuses on the capitalistic views as more moral due to the opportunities for individual freedom and open markets that support the development of society.
- Capitalism and Socialism in the Marxist School of ThoughtThe Marxist school of thought claims that capitalism would ultimately evolve into socialism in the same manner that feudalism had developed into capitalism.
💸 Capitalism Research Topics: How to Choose the Best One?
The system of capitalism has a long and rich history, going back to the days of the Industrial Revolution. Choosing a title for your paper might be a challenge when talking about such a perplexing ideology. To select the optimal research topic, you might want to:
- Compare different systems. Try looking at the contrasts and similarities between capitalism and other ideologies, like communism or monarchy.
- Look at the role of capitalism. Think about how it has influenced our lives in tangible ways. You can assess culture, socioeconomics, or politics.
- Consider its history. In your essay, you could trace the inceptions of capitalism. Talk about some of the people, like Adam Smith, who have contributed to its advancement.
- Assess the limits and disadvantages. What are the shortcomings of capitalism as a system? Think about its limitations and address the potential concerns caused by this ideology.
👍 Good Capitalism Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Social Classes and Capitalism: Sociological TheoriesThis article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism.
- “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” by Max WeberIn his work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, Max Weber gives his ethical views on the protestant religion and its contribution to capitalism.
- Globalization: Climate Crisis and Capitalist IdeologyOne of the main features of the development of the world community in recent decades has been globalization as part of integration processes that are changing the world structure.
- Raciolinguistic Ideology: Language, Capitalism, ColonialismRaciolinguistic ideology was born from European colonialism, and it suggests that language and race are correlated.
- Capitalism as a Means of Promoting InequalityThe degree to which capitalism has impacted the distribution of wealth and opportunities in society has shaped the course of events in the world.
- Church’s Responses to Development of CapitalismThis paper analyzes different reactions of the Christian society to the Industrial revolution and defines which is the most consistent with Biblical Scripture.
- Contemporary Racial Capitalism in FlintThe research shows the poor living standards in Flint, which the author attributes to the deliberate negative activities of the administration.
- Marx’s Objections to CapitalismThis essay describes and evaluates Marx’s three main objections to capitalism and criticizes them on the grounds of his underestimation of capitalism’s creative force.
- “Modern Capitalism Needs a Revolution…” by CohenThe social and climatic consequences caused by people’s desire to produce more and more unnecessary goods become so devastating that humanity cannot cope with them.
- Capitalism and Religion: Sociological PerspectiveIn sociological tradition, such scholars as Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber are the most prominent researchers of religion’s role in society.
- The Market Economy and CapitalismThe choice of an economic model is determined by the nation’s economic state and governmental influences. Market economies are characterized by demand and supply forces.
- Poverty and Capitalism in Trash by Dorothy AllisonThe paper discusses the book titled Trash, author Dorothy Allison. It features the struggles of a violent survivor from a poverty-stricken family.
- Christian Business Operation in CapitalismAlthough some Christians agree with the fundamentals of capitalism, other Christian theologians propose different economic strategies that best represent Christian traditions.
- Capitalism as a Form of Social CompetitionThis paper aims to describe the thesis that capitalism drives society toward competition and rivalry with the help of scholarly literature and real-life examples.
- Conscious Capitalism: Marketing Plan ActionsThe intensity of the market competitiveness is reduced by the company’s deliberate focus on recreation and speed as key features of its products.
- Why Capitalism Is Superior to SocialismThe comparison of the two economic systems is rather complex and involves many aspects, but various facts and numbers are showing the superiority of capitalism over socialism.
- Capitalism in Brook’s Vermeer’s Hat and Rediker’s Slave ShipThis essay comprises a comparison of Brook’s and Rediker’s depiction of how global capitalism was perpetuated in a social, political, and economic context.
- Universal Health Care Under Free-Market CapitalismDuring the last centuries, certain attempts were made to stabilize healthcare services and choose between universal and single-payer care types.
- The Theory of Capitalism: Hayek’s ArgumentsFriedrich Hayek strove to defend traditional concepts of morality in economics and fought the progressive representatives of the new era who sought to destroy the classical canons.
- Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing and ContrastingDebates around the economic model of the social structure have not stopped since the XIX century when Karl Marx introduced his leftist paradigm.
- The Superiority of Socialism Over CapitalismIn the capitalist environment, which leaves large corporations to dominate the economic discourse, the planning process becomes disrupted and starts lacking homogeneity.
- Capitalism, Climate Change, and GlobalizationGlobalization allowed significant corporations to put a substantial strain on the environment in developing countries.
- Conscious Capitalism Description: Humanity and BusinessConscious capitalism or marketing is gaining popularity as companies seek to embrace compassion in their business ventures.
- Weber’s and Marx’s Views on Capitalism ComparisonThe purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast political theories and highlight similarities and differences between Marx and Weber.
- Crumbling American Dream: The Thrive of CapitalismThe notion of the American dream has now become a universal matter. The thrive of capitalism has made the American dream a desirable state of things unachievable in the near future.
💰 Inequity & Global Capitalism Essay Topics
There is much to talk about when it comes to the inequities caused by global capitalism. If you would like to tackle this topic in your paper, there are several things you might want to mention:
- Historical context. It would be useful to begin your writing by talking about the events that led us to this point.
- Economic system. In the following section of your paper, you could outline the capitalist system itself and how it operates.
- Structural inequalities. Then, start outlining the problems present in the system. You can talk about wealth concentration, exploitation of labor, and other issues perpetuated by capitalism.
- Impact on the environment. Finally, be sure to mention the effect that capitalism and the pursuit of wealth have on the environment. Talk about pollution caused by fast fashion, the issues facing the oceans, etc.
🔥 Hot Capitalism Ideas to Write About
- Rhetorical Analysis: Capitalism and SocialismBoth systems have their flaws, but capitalism is more practical and efficient in bringing prosperity and reducing scarcity, which means that it is better.
- The Impact of the Industrial Age and the Rise of CapitalismThe definition of the key features of the industrial epoch and the early capitalism would help discuss them in relation to modern times and values.
- Population, Consumerism and CapitalismThe author analyzes examines the joint impact of population, consumerism and capitalism on the economy and on the environment.
- Capitalism and Socialism, DemocracyThis kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality rights and freedom both in a social setting and political locale.
- Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of CapitalismThe content concept covers economics, sociology and history and is based on the notion that hard work is a necessary requisite for fulfillment of an individual’s personal calling on earth.
- Authoritarian Capitalism and Western Liberal VersionThis paper supports authoritarianism for economic development as compared to a democratic system. It mostly examines a state that advocates for the authoritarian regime.
- Democratic Capitalism and Morality in AmericaThe problem of the level of the salary in the modern world remains core in economics in the condition of the free market.
- Marx’s Criticism of Capitalism and Sociological TheoryThis paper tells about Marx who contributed to sociological theory by linking the economic structure of the society and how it affected social interactions.
- Democratic Capitalism and Individual LibertyDemocratic capitalism is the economic and political system based on individuals’ potentials in an environment of cooperation and trust.
- Zuboff’s “Surveillance Capitalism” and Hiring BiasThe paper explains what Zuboff means by surveillance capitalism, and how this concept could be used to understand problems like information pollution and hiring bias.
- Marx’s and Weber’s Opposing Views of CapitalismWeber is among the profound critics of Marxist ideologies. They have opposing views on the issue of capitalism even though they share some similarities on the same topic.
- Capitalism and Its Benefits to the Public GoodsThe basis of capitalism is the freedom of economic activity of individuals within the state, which provides protection, justice, and order for the functioning of the system by political power.
- Exploring Socialism as a Viable Alternative to Capitalism in the US ContextThis report seeks to evaluate socialism as an alternative to capitalism as the primary economic system of the United States and present viable solutions to the issue.
- Public Capitalism in Promoting the Common GoodCapitalism is both an economic and political system in which the financial market, production, and concepts of private ownership are driving factors for operation and success.
- Karl Marx’s Critique of CapitalismThis paper will examine the key ideas of Marx regarding class division, labor, ideology, and fetishism of commodities in the context of capitalism.
- “Freedom and Capitalism” by Milton FriedmanThe principle behind the book “Capitalism and Freedom” was that the government only existed for the will of the people, and thus served as the means towards a goal.
- The Industrial Revolution & the Rise of CapitalismThe Industrial Age and early capitalism have made a significant contribution to the perceptions of wealth and business. This paper discusses this theme in presentation style.
- Milton Friedman vs Keynesian & Other Economic TheoriesA free market economy is a system in which the prices of goods and services are determined purely by the demand and supply in the market.
- Capitalism in “Out of This Furnace” by Thomas BellThis paper is intended to discuss the structure and general ideas of capitalism based on the phrase of the main character of the book “Out of This Furnace” by Thomas Bell.
- Exploitation and Profit in Capitalist Systems: Theoretical and Practical PerspectivesAlthough the exploitation of people by other people has always existed, the capitalist rule has transformed this practice into something unique and to some degree acceptable.
- East Asian Capitalism and Its HistoryThis paper examines the degree to which an individual or group of Asian capitalists fit into the overall process of adapting to capitalism.
- Economic Systems: Attitude to Work in CapitalismCapitalism highly contributes to the “I-don’t-care” attitude among workers because workers’ duty is to produce more products without concern for their welfare.
- The Industrial Age Impact and the Rise of CapitalismThe project focuses on defining the key characteristics of the Industrial Age and analyzing their impact on the worldview of modern people in developed countries.
- Social Values and Work Motivation: Weber’s Protestant EthicThe reasons why people work can be found in Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The key constituents are calling, predestination, and asceticism.
- The Decline of Capitalism: Financial Crises and Social ProgramsSocial programs carried out by the government are growing at one of the greatest rates in the history of America, and producing negative effects on our country’s economy.
- Capitalism in Communist China: Current Status and Future ChallengesIn the current paper, the author reviews some of the important factors needed for a capitalist economy to produce wealth. The discussion will be made in relation to DeSoto’s arguments.
- The New Spirit of Capitalism: Wealth and Resource UtilizationCapitalism is an economic policy used by the government aimed at minimal participation in production. This paper looks into issues associated with capitalism.
🎓 Most Interesting Capitalism Research Titles
- Consecrating Capitalism: The United States Prosperity Gospel and Neoliberalism
- Capital Ownership via Capitalism: Main Features and Differences
- Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work, and Learning in the New Economy
- Capitalism’s Anglo-American Model and the German Economic Alternative
- Industrial Production and Capitalism Drivers of Social Change in History
- Investor Capitalism and the Reshaping of Business in India
- How Did Communism and Capitalism Lead To the Cold War?
- Europe and the Economic Crisis: Forms of Labour Market Adjustment and Varieties of Capitalism
- How Does Shared Capitalism Affect Economic Performance in the UK
- Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change
- Cooperative Capitalism: Self-Regulation, Trade Associations, and the Antimonopoly Law in Japan
- Capitalism, Socialism, and the Mixed Economic System Compared
- Corporate Islam, Global Capitalism, and the Performance of Economic Moralities
- Criminal Justice System, Capitalism, and Victimization
- Free Marxism, Global Capitalism and the Human Being as a Commodity
- Global Capitalism and Imperialism Theory: Methodological and Substantive Insights From Rosa Luxemburg
- State-Monopoly Capitalism and Bourgeois Political Economy
- How Does the Spirit of Capitalism Affect Stock Market Prices in a Small-Open Economy
- Making Capitalism Work: Social Capital and Economic Growth in Italy, 1970-1995
- The Link Between State-Making and Mercantile Capitalism
- Cutthroat Capitalism Versus Cuddly Socialism: Are Americans More Meritocratic and Efficiency-Seeking Than Scandinavians
- The Link Between Colombia’s Capitalism and Drug Trade
- Workplace Relations, Unemployment, and Finance-Dominated Capitalism
- Cognitive Capitalism, Welfare, and Labour: The Common Fare Hypothesis
- Finance Capitalism and Germany’s Rise to Industrial Power
💡 Simple Capitalism Essay Ideas
- Max Weber and Karl Marx on Modern Capitalism
- Wealth and Inequality Over Eight Centuries of British Capitalism
- Globalization and the Contradiction of Peripheral Capitalism in Nigeria
- Why Does Marx Believe That Capitalism Will Inevitably Give Way to Socialism?
- When Managerial Capitalism Embraced Shareholder-Value Ideology?
- Imperialism and Colonialism Are Obstacles to Global Capitalism
- Capitalism Was Behind the American Colonization of Puerto
- Capitalism Dominates the Way How Humans Acquire Goods and Wealth
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Crony Capitalism in Taiwan
- Why Inheritance Undermine Capitalism?
- The Role of Deng Xiaoping and the Origins of Chinese Capitalism
- The Truth Behind the Political System of Capitalism in the United States
- The Vanishing Hand: The Changing Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
- Capitalism, Globalization and the Perpetuation of Women’s Oppression: A Vicious Cycle
- The Global Financial Crisis, Neoclassical Economics, and the Neoliberal Years of Capitalism
- Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: A Binary Economic Critique
- Class System and Alienation Under Capitalism According to Karl Marx
- The Cotton Kings: Capitalism and Corruption in Turn-Of-The-Century New York and New Orleans
- Municipal Capitalism, Regulatory Federalism and Politics
- The Relationships Between Capitalism, Colonialism, and the Libratory Struggles
- Capitalist Transformation Without Political Participation: German Capitalism in the First Half of the 19th Century
- Civilizing Capitalism: “Good” and “Bad” Greed From the Enlightenment to Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929)
- How Capitalism, University, and Mathematics as Institutions Shaped Mainstream Economics
- Capitalism and Patriarchy Effect on Woman Abuse
- Unregulated Capitalism Undermines the Legitimacy of Liberal Democracy
📌 Easy Capitalism Essay Topics
- Colonial Capitalism: Changing Cultures and Lives
- How Sweet Capitalism Has Risen in Great Britain?
- Corporative Capitalism: Civil Society and the Politics of Accumulation in Small-Town India
- The Trade-off Between Capitalism and Democracy in a Historical Perspective
- The Causes and Effects of the Cold War Between Communism and Capitalism
- Learning Capitalism the Hard Way – Evidence From German Reunification
- The History and Impact of the Free Market System or Capitalism in the United States
- Capitalism and Western Philosophy Have Taken the World by Storm
- Re-Imaging Capitalism Through Social Entrepreneurship
- Vietnam War: The Product of Capitalism and Communism
- European Monetary Integration and the Incompatibility of National Varieties of Capitalism
- Entrepreneurship and the Defense of Capitalism: An Examination of the Work of Israel Kirzner
- Coordination and Organization: The Two Dimensions of Nonliberal Capitalism
- Does Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism Rest on a Fallacious Philosophy of History
- Differentiate Laissez-Faire Capitalism From State-Directed Capitalism
- The Nature and Functioning of European Capitalism: A Historical and Comparative Perspective
- Modern Capitalism: Its Origin and Evolution
- Welfare Over Time: Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism in Panel Perspective
- Why Does Market Capitalism Fail to Deliver a Sustainable Environment and Greater Equality of Incomes?
- The Differences Between Capitalism vs. Socialism
- The Contradiction Between Capitalism and Democracy in the United States
- What Can Marx’s Work on Capitalism Tell Us About Modernity?
- Capitalism, the State, and the Underlying Drivers of Human Development
- Slovenia’s Transition From Labor-Managed Economy to Privately Owned Capitalism
❓ Research Questions about Capitalism
- Are Democracy and Capitalism Compatible?
- Did John Maynard Keynes Save or Destroy Capitalism?
- How Does Capitalism Contribute To Unemployment?
- Why Did Karl Marx Condemn Capitalism?
- Does Capitalism Destroy Culture?
- How Did the Successive Stages of Capitalism Change the UK’s Accounting and Financial Reporting Processes?
- Can Democracy Survive Global Capitalism?
- What Does Advertisement Tell Us About America Before and After Capitalism?
- Did the New Deal Weaken or Strengthen Capitalism in the US?
- Has Capitalism Lifted Billions Out of Poverty?
- How Has the Internet Changed Modern-Day Capitalism?
- What Caused the Clash Between Communism and Capitalism During the Cold War?
- How Did Government Policies Affect Global Capitalism?
- Does Global Capitalism Mean Free Trade?
- Why Has Liberal Capitalism Failed to Stimulate a Democratic Culture in Africa?
- Are Managerial Capitalism and Crony Capitalism Incompatible?
- Did the Progressive Reform Substantially Restrain the Power of American Capitalism?
- Can the BRICS Help Global Capitalism Escape Its Crisis?
- Why Did Marx Believe That Capitalism Is Destined to Self-Destruction?
- Does Capitalism Maximize Human Well-Being?
- How Does Capitalism Differ From Socialism and Communism?
- Does Capitalism Promote Social Inequality?
- Is Capitalism Good for Poor Countries?
- Has Socialism Been Defeated by Capitalism?
- Did Marx Condemn Capitalism as Unjust?
- How Can Capitalism Take Control of People’s Lives?
- Why Did Early Capitalism Benefit the Majority?
- Does the Current Financial Crisis Mean the Crisis of Liberal Capitalism?
- How Does Capitalism Influence the Debt of Developing Countries?
- Did the USSR Really Benefit From Its Transition to Capitalism?