🏆 Best Essay Topics on College Students
✍️ College Students Essay Topics for College
- How Is Social Media Affecting College Students?The use of social network websites has been extensive that they have not just attracted the interest of industry and academic researchers all over the world.
- Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College StudentsThe significant impacts of marijuana use include mental challenges which inhibit cognitive development and psychological growth among college students.
- The Problem of Technology Addiction Among College StudentsThe rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation.
- In-State and Out-Of-State College Students’ Dropout and Success RateThe results of the proposed research are expected to be of help for educators and families of future college students in their attempts to improve the educational system.
- Why College Students Drop Out of School?Most students enter colleges with the aim of increasing their future earnings and having more career options, but not every student manages to successfully graduate the college.
- Social Media Usage in College StudentsConducting a literature review demonstrates that there are many negative and positive aspects of social media usage among college students.
- Mental Health Issues in College StudentsAlthough some types of mental health issues a college student usually faces might come from childhood traumas, some of them are appropriate in the grown-up period.
- Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College StudentsCollege with its numerous assignments, hectic schedule, and exams requiring total commitment and concentration is more or less stressful for everyone who enters tertiary education.
- Extracurricular Activities: Key Benefits for College StudentsIn this article, some facts about extracurricular activities and their worth for students are mentioned to make you believe in the power of these activities.
- Haircut Benefits for College StudentsA student needs a really good haircut at the beginning of the semester. This is your introduction to the other students.
- College Students’ Weight Gain and Its CausesColleges should not assume that freshmen students immediately know what to do when it comes to their newly independent lifestyles.
- First-Generation College Students’ ResilienceThe goal of this research is to find out if first-generation college students are more likely to have feelings of family achievement and breakaway guilt.
- Mental Health Issues in a College StudentMiss Okito, a college student diagnosed with anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, and dyslexia, was referred for further evaluation and treatment.
- Homelessness Among College StudentsThis paper explains why there is homelessness at a high rate, stating that fewer well-paying jobs for those without a college degree is one of the reasons.
- Obesity and Iron Deficiency Among College StudentsThe study seeks to establish the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency by analyzing the serum hepcidin concentration among individuals aged between 19 to 29 years.
- College Students and COVID-19: An Existential Nursing InterventionThis paper presents a quasi-experimental nursing intervention approach to reduce depression and stress in Korean students in the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
- E-Cigarette Use Among College StudentsThis paper examines the characteristics and prevalence of e-cigarette use among college students, and assesses the potential harm of these devices.
- The Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among College StudentsThis article explores the prevalence and potential dangers of using electronic cigarettes to consume substances other than nicotine among college students.
- Dietary Guidelines for a College StudentA standard diet is recommended at Sophia’s age, including a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and a water regimen.
- The Use of Social Media by College StudentsThis study aimed to identify how college students use social media and explain how they utilize social media to stay informed on important news and events.
- Major Depressive Disorder Among College StudentsIt is very important to identify signs of depression during the college years since this is when the symptoms develop first.
- FindDreamJob Ltd.’s Advice to College StudentsThis paper provides a formal business letter concerning FindDreamJob Ltd. offering advice to college students who are considering their career options.
- A Letter to a College Student in the FutureThe paper argues modern society is founded on several social institutions, with family and education being the most important of them.
đź‘Ť Good College Students Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College StudentsMost college students engage in casual sexual relationships to fit in, save time and money and avoid other long-term relationship constraints.
- Mindful Meditation as Reducing College Students StressThe study answers the question of what is the reported effect of mindfulness meditation on reducing stress in teenage college students and its overall effectiveness.
- The Problem of Anxiety Among the College StudentsCollege presents multiple points where uncertainty is high combined with stress and responsibility, causing people to experience anxiety and other psychological distress.
- The Problem of Anorexia Among College StudentsAnorexia nervosa and eating disorders in college students and adolescents are the problems that require immediate intervention.
- Body Weight Change in First-Year College StudentsWeight gain in human beings is a very slow process caused by a slow insidious imbalance in energy levels which has caused an overweight crisis in America.
- College Survival Skills for the Older StudentEvery student that attends college should be an efficient time manager, but for the older student this is especially important.
- Alcohol Abuse Among Students: Reforming College DrinkingA large number of works are devoted to the problem of alcohol abuse among students. One of them is Drinking in College: Rethinking a Social Problem by George Dowdall.
- The Impact of Parent’s Educational Level on College StudentsIt has generally never been given enough thought, as to whether the educational backgrounds of the families of students may also have an impact on the way they carry out their studies.
- Note-Taking Styles of College StudentsEach student can favour a different note-taking style, but one thing is common for all of them: they considerably enhance the process of remembering and revising the data.
- Art Exhibitions: A Vital Experience for MICA StudentsIn the community of MICA students, the process of selecting and attending art exhibitions can be compared to the process of choosing a movie to watch with friends.
- The Role of College Unions in Enhancing Student Culture and EngagementCollege unions are special student organizations where numerous issues may be discussed. You can find more facts about these unions in this article.
- Students’ Life in College: Classes, Exams, CoursesThe attention given to students’ life in college mostly covers its bright side, e.g., parties, sports, etc. This article covers the main side of life in college.
- Essential Tips for Choosing the Right College: Key RulesIf you want to find more reliable information on how to choose a college properly, you may read this article and make use of the ideas given.
- Teaching Comparative Politics for College StudentsThe topics of the semester are related to the political systems of different nations. The course is based on fundamental processes and concepts of comparative politics.
- Angela’s Schizophrenia: From College Dropout to RecoveryThe paper studies a case of schizophrenia, which manifested in a 39-year-old woman during her first year at college in the form of prodromal symptoms, which caused her to drop out.
- Weight Management Programs for College Students: Strategies for SuccessThe inexplicable weight gain among the college students has become a great challenge not only to the students but to the entire healthcare system.
- College Students and Weight Issues RelationsThe article provides a study of the concordance of self-assessment of college students regarding their height and weight to their actual body weight and height.
- Preparing Students for CollegeCollege life often presents formidable challenges and anxieties to many fresh students. In this perspective, learning how to endure the first year of college life is a challenge for every student.
- Financial Aid for College StudentsFinancial aid has been made available so that financially less fortunate students can get the proper training for their careers.
- Examining the Impact of Bernie Sanders on Political Engagement Among College StudentsIt is necessary to note that young people (especially college students) support Bernie Sanders. They launch various campaigns to promote the candidates’ ideas among their peers.
- College Student Life: Participation, Perceptions and SatisfactionIdentifying and assessing the efficacy of learning is difficult and this difficulty increases owing to the constantly evolving standards of quality characteristics.
🎓 Most Interesting College Students Research Titles
- Online Education and Its Operational Attractions to Traditional and Non-traditional College Students
- Beyond Depression and Suicide: The Mental Health of Transgender College Students
- Media Usage and Preferences Among College Students: A Comparison Between Television and Internet
- College Students and Credit Card Use: The Role of Parents, Work Experience, Financial Knowledge, and Credit Card Attitudes
- Acting for Happiness: Financial Behavior and Life Satisfaction of College Students
- Chronotype, Sleep, and Depressive Symptoms Among Chinese College Students
- Educational Performance and Persistence of Bereaved College Students
- Birth Order and Romantic Relationship Styles and Attitudes in College Students
- Factors Affecting Poor Reading Comprehension of College Students
- Affective and Daily Event Predictors of Life Satisfaction in College Students
- Can Gender and Age Impact on Response Pattern of Depressive Symptoms Among College Students?
- Alcohol and Marijuana Use Among College Students: Economic Complements or Substitutes
- Financial Education, Financial Knowledge, and Risky Credit Behavior of College Students
- Anxiety and Sleep Problems of College Students During the Outbreak of COVID-19
- Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Real-Life Violence Exposure Among Chinese College Students
- HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors and Perception of Risk Among College Students: Implications for Planning Interventions
- College Students’ Attitude Toward Marijuana Use on Campus
- Illegal Exchange and Non-Medical Use of Adderall Among College Students
- Challenges College Students Face and How They Overcome Them
- Adult Learning Theory: Applications to Non-Traditional College Students
- Characterizing Cyberbullying Among College Students: Hacking, Dirty Laundry, and Mocking
- Individual Attitudes and Social Influences on College Student’s Intent to Participate in Study Abroad Programs
- Childhood Maltreatment and Depression in Adulthood in Chinese Female College Students: The Mediating Effect of Coping Style
- Market and Nonmarket Influences on Curriculum Choice by College Students
- Cognition and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among College Students in Ireland