287 Disaster Title Ideas for Research & Essays + Examples

Are you looking for a good idea for your presentation, thesis project, dissertation, or other assignment? StudyCorgi has prepared a list of emergency management research topics and essay titles about various disaster-related issues. Below, you’ll also find free A+ essay examples. Read on to get inspired!

🌋 TOP 7 Disaster Management Topics for Presentation

🏆 Best Natural Disaster Essay Topics

  1. MAP-IT Framework for Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community
    This Vila Health Disaster Recovery Plan will address the potential threat of the Monkeypox (MPX) outbreak in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area.
  2. Natural Disasters: Rebuilding and Recovery
    Using the case of Hurricane Sandy, this paper explores some of the best approaches that can be used to address social justice and multicultural issues related to rebuilding and recovery.
  3. Hurricane Katrina and Failures of Emergency Management Operations
    Hurricane Katrina came from the coast of Louisiana on August 29, 2005, immediately resulting in a Category 3 storm as winds reached the speed of over 120 miles per hour.
  4. Disaster Management in Nursing Practice
    Nurses play a significant role in disaster management – they disseminate knowledge, care for people, and develop improvement strategies.
  5. Natural Disasters and Disaster Management in Katmandu
    This paper identifies the major disasters in the Kathmandu valley, suggested strategies to mitigate them, and the government’s move toward disaster management.
  6. Flooding and Ways to Survive in It
    The principal idea of this paper is that floods can be predicted, which means that people have a high chance to take preventive measures to stay safe if not panic.
  7. Disaster Recovery Plan in Overcoming Disparities
    Health services are a social determinant and barrier that affects community health, safety, and recovery efforts.
  8. Galveston Hurricane of 1900
    The paper discusses Galveston, the 1900 hurricane. It remains the deadliest in terms of natural disasters ever witnessed in the history of America.
  9. The Flood in Genesis and Lessons Learnt
    The story of the Flood in Genesis is fascinating because it is illustrative of the new beginning and a chance to achieve a different result for humanity.
  10. Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan
    Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are raising length and quality of life, achieving health equity.
  11. Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness
    Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Nurses are involved in disaster planning, preparedness, response and recovery.
  12. Riverbend City’s Flood Disaster Communication
    Both communication and leadership styles can have profound effects on the behavior and productivity of individuals in their circles. This work analyzes the Riverbend City scenario.
  13. Hurricane Katrina: Government Ethical Dilemmas
    Hurricane Katrina is a prime example of government failure. That`s why the leadership and decision-making Issues are very important at every level: local, state and federal.
  14. Floods: Stages, Types, Effects, and Prevention
    Flood is the most regularly occurring and the most destructive natural disaster. The most flood-prone area in the world is Asia, but the US has its own share of floods.
  15. Henderson Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment
    A proper understanding of the disasters capable of disorienting the lives of the people of Henderson can guide different agencies to formulate interventions.
  16. Drought as an Extremely Dangerous Natural Disaster
    On our planet, especially in places with an arid climate, drought itself, like the dry winds that cause it, are not uncommon.
  17. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: Causes of the Tragedy and the Measures to Be Taken
    On January 28, 1986, the Challenger was launched to explode 73 seconds after its lift-off. The tragedy is commonly called “the worst disaster in the history of the space program”.
  18. Stop Disasters Game: Learning, Entertainment, or Both?
    It is worth mentioning that the game seems to be informative in helping the player understand how to get prepared for natural calamities.
  19. The Review of the Challenger Disaster
    This essay aims to discuss the Challenger Disaster and consider the details of the mission. It examines the reasons why the mission was conducted despite the warnings of engineers.
  20. Earthquake Resistant Building Technology & Ethics
    Foreign engineers aimed to replace Japanese architecture with a more solid one with masonry houses, new railroads, iron bridges and other European technological advances.
  21. Disaster Management Education for Teens: Developing Crisis Response Skills
    The significance of the role that a nurse plays in disaster management (DM) is often overlooked yet is crucial to the safety and security of community members.
  22. Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Causes, Impact, and Solutions
    The Deepwater Horizon disaster occurred in 2010 caused severe deterioration of the environment as well as significant financial losses.
  23. Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster
    On April 26, 1986, The Chernobyl Unit 4 Reactor was undergoing a test on the system that was meant to provide electric power in case of a power outage.
  24. Climate Activism to Prevent Ecological Disasters
    The most relevant concern of modern society’s activism revolves around the climate situation and ecological disasters threatening humanity.
  25. FEMA Assistance to Man-Made and Natural Disasters
    The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance to individuals and families who, as a result of natural disasters, have incurred expenses.
  26. Ethics of the Flixborough Chemical Plant Disaster
    The Flixborough chemical plant disaster exposed some problematic ethical issues found in the engineering industry.
  27. Nursing and Natural Disasters: An Emergency Planning Project
    The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of the nurse in an emergency situation (an earthquake) by listing priorities, resources, describing the nursing process.
  28. The Importance of Disaster Recovery
    The paper aims at providing a Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health community and presenting evidence-based strategies to enhance the recovery effort.
  29. William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster
    The 1928 St. Francis dam disaster in Los Angeles, California is one of the most devastating man-made failures in the history of the United States.
  30. Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia
    The effects of Tigris and Euphrates river largely impacted on the Mesopotamian culture more so with regard to its frequent and destructive floods.
  31. Valero Refinery Disaster and Confined Space Entry
    On November 5, 2010, a disaster occurred at the Valero Delaware City, Delaware. Two workers succumbed to suffocation within a process vessel.
  32. Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics
    Utilitarian moral principles are applicable to a wide range of extreme situations. One of the most relatable ethical issues in this context would be disaster triage.
  33. Mining as a Cause of Environmental Disaster
    Mining does great damage to the environment and biological diversity of the planet. The negative consequences of mining indicates the gravity of the present ecological situation.
  34. Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Vila Health Community
    The purpose of the presentation is to develop a disaster recovery plan that will address health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster.
  35. Ohio Catastrophe: Train-Induced Chemical Pollution Disasters
    The paper presents an overview of the chemical pollution incident caused by a train derailment in Ohio alongside possible remedies to combat the pollution.
  36. A Hurricane Threat: A Risk Communication Plan
    The paper discusses a risk communication plan for the residents of New Orleans about a hurricane threat. It addresses disaster scenarios and introduces the risk communication plan.
  37. Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed
    Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana.
  38. The US Disaster Recovery System’s Analysis
    The US disaster recovery system is operating below its potential, hence there is a need to review performance in past disaster incidents.
  39. Chornobyl Disaster: Exploring Radiation Measurement After Fukushima
    The event is the Chornobyl disaster. A flawed reactor design caused it (Westmore, 2020). It resulted in the discharge of radioactive particles.
  40. Earthquake’s Intensity and Magnitude
    Intensity measures earthquakes’ strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquake’s magnitude quantifies its size.

💡 Simple Disaster Management Research Topics

  1. Links Between Natural Disasters, Humanitarian Assistance, and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Perspective
  2. Global Warming: The Overlooked Man-Made Disaster Assignment
  3. Natural Disaster, Comparing Huadong and Spence Views
  4. Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
  5. Natural Disaster Equals Economic Turmoil – Trade Deficit
  6. Disaster and Political Trust: The Japan Tsunami and Earthquake of 2011
  7. Minamata Mercury Pollution Disaster
  8. Natural Disaster Damages and Their Link to Coping Strategy Choices: Field Survey Findings From Post‐Earthquake Nepal
  9. Flood Forecasting: Disaster Risk Management
  10. Disaster Relief for People and Their Pets
  11. Man-Made Natural Disaster: Acid Rain
  12. What Spiritual Issues Surrounding a Disaster Can Arise for Individuals, Communities, and Health Care Providers
  13. Natural Disaster Management Strategy for Common People
  14. Flood Disaster Management With the Use of Association for Healthcare Philanthropy
  15. Disaster Relief and the United Nation’s Style of Leadership
  16. India’s 1984 Bhopal Disaster Analysis
  17. The National Disaster Management Authority
  18. Natural Disaster Insurance and the Equity-Efficiency Trade-off
  19. What the Puerto Rican Hurricanes Make Visible: Chronicle of a Public Health Disaster Foretold
  20. Disaster, Aid, and Preferences: The Long-Run Impact of the Tsunami on Giving in Sri Lanka
  21. Natural Disaster Early Warning Systems
  22. Disaster Preparedness for Travis County Texas
  23. Establishing Disaster Resilience Indicators for Tan-SUI River Basin in Taiwan
  24. Natural Disaster Death and Socio-Economic Factors in Selected Asian Countries
  25. Managing the Arsenic Disaster in Water Supply: Risk Measurement, Costs of Illness and Policy Choices for Bangladesh
  26. Large-Scale Natural Disaster Risk Scenario Analysis: A Case Study of Wenzhou City, China
  27. Hurricane Katrina: Natural Disaster or Human Error
  28. Disaster Relief and the American Red Cross
  29. Extreme Natural Events Mitigation: An Analysis of the National Disaster Funds in Latin America
  30. The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster and Its Effects on the World

🔍 Research Questions about Natural Disasters

What Is the Rarest Disaster?

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There are a few suggestions on what the rarest disaster can be. One of them is a limnic eruption. It is described as a sudden eruption of CO2 in the deep lakes. The gases from such an explosion form toxic clouds capable of killing everything near it. Such a devastating event occurred in 1986 when over 1,500 people were found dead.

What Was the #1 Natural Disaster?

The first big natural disaster is believed to be an earthquake in 1755 in Lisbon, Portugal. Its impact was so significant that it changed people’s perception of natural disasters. These phenomena used to be seen as supernatural and were sent upon humans by the gods. After the massive earthquake in Lisbon, the view shifted towards a more scientific direction.

How Do Disasters Affect Human Life?

Disasters are extreme events that affect thousands of people at a time. No matter whether it is naturally occurring or not, a disaster may leave you without a home, personal items, or even loved ones. Life and health are at stake, and with all the losses, it’s common for victims to develop post-traumatic disorder as well.

What Are the Effects of Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters leave previously prospering lands empty and dead. In addition to casualties and injured victims, they also affect the economy and environment. Services and businesses can’t resume their usual work, and the damaged areas become inhabitable, forcing people to flee. Others stay but suffer significant financial losses.

👍 Good Disaster Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis
    Water released from the lake through the spillway was halted to assess the damage, which caused the quick rise of Lake Oroville water levels.
  2. Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery in the US
    PDD-39 and HSPD-5 are very similar safety directives, united by the provisions concerning terrorism as a world problem and the attitude of the United States towards it.
  3. An Agent-Based Model of Flood Risk and Insurance
    This paper provides all essential information concerning the nature of property and liability insurance along with its core principles.
  4. Hurricane Maria and Community Response to Hazard
    Hurricane Maria, which took place in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Dominica on September 20, 2017, is believed to be one of the most devastating natural disasters.
  5. Discussion of Managing Disasters in the USA
    People in the United States of America are constantly in danger of natural disasters, such as storms and tornadoes.
  6. Hurricane Response Plan: Analysis
    The City of Baton Rouge Emergency Services has developed a five-step detailed response plan in the event of a major hurricane to reduce risks to civilians and city infrastructure.
  7. Emergency Operations Plan During Earthquake
    Timeliness and quality of response to environmental challenges are the primary factors that can save the lives of thousands of people.
  8. The Hurricane Katrina: Consequences
    Hurricane Katrina is one of the unprecedented disasters that led to deaths and the destruction of economic resources.
  9. The Possibility of Agroterrorism: Disaster Management Efforts
    The U.S. needs to prepare for the possibility of agroterrorism. Local administrators are responsible for disaster management efforts.
  10. Earthquakes Preventions in USA and Japan
    The article clarifies the issue of earthquakes in the United States, investigate the weaknesses of the American system, and explore the benefits of the Japanese technique.
  11. Aspects of Hurricane Irma: Analysis
    The paper examines Hurricane Irma and the responses of the country, state, and Monroe County to the disaster. Irma was one of the most powerful hurricanes.
  12. Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
    The earthquake is considered one of the costliest natural disasters in history. Thousands of buildings, cars, and other property were damaged or destroyed completely.
  13. Researching of Record-Breaking Floods
    Floods are natural disasters, usually caused by excessive precipitation, leading to severe consequences. The most significant flood in the world occurred in 1931 in China
  14. Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
    The paper analyzes the characteristics of public and private partners concerning disaster, their advantages and disadvantages, and the government’s role in disaster control.
  15. Bhopal Disaster: Analytical Evaluation
    The Bhopal accident occurred in India almost 40 years ago, on December 2, 1984. This disaster claimed the lives of 3800 people.
  16. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
    Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, on the United States Gulf Coast, on August 29, 2005, leaving a path of devastation and flooding in her wake.
  17. “Emergency Management”: Building Disaster-Resilient Communities
    “Emergency Management” exemplifies the opportunities available currently in regard to building disaster-resilient communities to strengthen emergency management in the US.
  18. Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Results
    After the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, NASA identified the management failure elements that led to the disaster and substituted them with sustainable alternatives.
  19. Hurricane Vince: The Tropical Cyclone
    Hurricane Vince is a tropical cyclone that formed and developed in the eastern region of the Atlantic Ocean in 2005, near the Iberian Peninsula.
  20. Consequences of Northridge Earthquake
    The paper discusses Northridge Earthquake. A blind thrust fault provoked an earthquake of a magnitude of 6.7, which is high for such a natural phenomenon.
  21. Humanitarian Assistance After 2010 Haiti Earthquake
    This paper aims to discuss how the people of Haiti experienced the earthquake, as well as how humanitarian aid from various organizations helped make a difference for Haitians.
  22. Disasters Influenced by Technology
    Depending on the natural environment of a community, social and building systems could either be strong or weak and vulnerable to a disaster.
  23. Disaster: Typhoon in Philipines
    Developing countries struggle to receive equal access to the same options. States like the Philippines do not have enough resources to invest in resilience and prevention measures.
  24. Destructive Atlantic Hurricane Season in 2017
    The deadly and destructive 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season affected many people in society as it made people lose over 200 billion dollars.
  25. The Tohoku Earthquake: Tsunami Entry
    The paper discusses the Tohoku earthquake. The tsunami evacuation can be described as one that was preceded by warning, preparation, and knowledge.
  26. Earthquakes: Determination of the Risk
    There is a need to create awareness and knowledge about earthquake disasters and how to mitigate and respond to such disasters.
  27. Disaster Management and Analysis of Information
    The assessment and analysis of a disaster help understand the main problem, causes, and effects on human safety and security.
  28. Disasters and Emergency Response in the Community
    The onset of a disaster prompts the nation, region, or community affected to depend on the emergency response team.
  29. Disasters and Actions of Rapid Response Services
    The collaborative work of rapid response services in emergencies is crucial for the rapid and effective elimination of their consequences and for saving people’s lives.
  30. Earthquake Mitigation Measures for Oregon
    Oregon could prepare for the earthquake by using earthquake-proof construction technologies and training people.
  31. Earthquake Threats in Bakersfield
    Earthquakes and dam failures are the most severe threats to Bakersfield, both of which can result in gas leaks and power disruptions.
  32. Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response
    One of the three most dramatic catastrophes of the millennium, hurricane Katrina highlighted weak points of government and military forces.
  33. Earthquake: Definition, Stages, and Monitoring
    An earthquake is a term used to describe the tremors and vibrations of the Earth’s surface; they are the result of sudden natural displacements and ruptures in the Earth’s crust.
  34. Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community
    The Vila Health community has significant limitations as it has many elderly patients with complex health conditions, with shelters for the homeless running at capacity.
  35. Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health
    Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities.
  36. Flood Environmental Issues in the Netherlands
    With the current constantly rising sea levels, the Netherlands is at constant risk of floods, and those calamities were harsh incentives for the country’s development.
  37. Preventing Forest Fires in California with Forestry Changes
    From the beginning of the 21st century, California has been experiencing an increase in forest fires, destroying citizens’ lives and property.
  38. Preparedness Planning in Case of Flooding
    According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a preparedness plan for floods is divided into multiple steps that meet a national preparedness goal.
  39. Earthquakes as the Natural Disaster Posing the Greatest Danger to Societies
    The scope of irreparable damage, human losses, and paralyzed infrastructure due to earthquakes causes high economic costs for rescuing, preventing, reconstructing, rehabilitating.
  40. Disaster Planning for Public Health: Darby Township Case
    The present paper is devoted to flood preparedness and planning in Darby Township (DT) located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

📌 Easy Disaster Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Concrete Homes Your Fortress in a Natural Disaster
  2. II-the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster the Year
  3. Hurricane Katrin Human-Made Disaster
  4. Hurricane Sandy: Lessons Learned From the Natural Disaster
  5. Thomas Drabek and Crisis and Disaster Management
  6. Disaster Management: The Cases of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, and Hurricane Ike
  7. Natural Disaster, Environmental Concerns, Well-Being and Policy Action
  8. Improving the American Red Cross Disaster Relief
  9. Union Carbide Disaster: Bhopal, India
  10. Managing Risk the Disaster Plan That You Will Need
  11. Disasters: Disaster Management Cycle and Major Disasters in India in the Year 2017
  12. Ready for the Storm: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
  13. Fire Prevention and Basic Disaster Management
  14. Japan Tsunami Disaster March 2011 Present the Earthquake-Tsunami Hit Japan
  15. Indian Ocean Tsunami: Disaster, Generosity, and Recovery
  16. Gauley Bridge Disaster and Bhopal Disaster
  17. Natural Disaster Shocks and Macroeconomic Growth in Asia: Evidence for Typhoons and Droughts
  18. Disaster Recovery Toms River After Sandy
  19. The History about the Bhopal Disaster Construction
  20. The Black Death Was the Largest Disaster in European History
  21. Middle Tennessee Disaster Analysis
  22. Living With the Merapi Volcano: Risks and Disaster Microinsurance
  23. Natural Disaster Risk Management in the Philippines: Reducing Vulnerability
  24. Korea’s Neoliberal Restructuring: Miracle or Disaster
  25. The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Economic Impact, Disaster Management, and Lessons
  26. Modeling the Regional Impact of Natural Disaster and Recovery
  27. Knowledge Management Systems and Disaster Management in Malaysia
  28. Disaster Planning and Emergency Response
  29. Disaster Vulnerability and Evacuation Readiness: Coastal Mobile Home Residents in Florida
  30. Hurricane Katrin Disaster Response and Recovery System

🔥 Hot Disaster Management Topics to Write About

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Disasters Caused by Climate Change
    This paper focuses on several recent natural disasters caused by climate change – simultaneous fires in Russia and floods in Pakistan.
  2. “Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al.
    This paper analyzes the scientific study “Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data” and the content of the article.
  3. Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection
    This essay focuses on evaluating overpopulation as one of the greatest environmental threats, the relationship between the problem of overpopulation and harm to harmony in nature.
  4. Disaster Preparedness Experience
    It is essential to conduct such training for water damage, which can come from floods or even a small leak that goes undetected for some time.
  5. Noah’s Floods: Development of the Grand Canyon Rocks
    The paper discusses Noah’s floods. Developing a distinction between the sole causes for the development of the Grand Canyon rocks is still a daunting task.
  6. Disaster, PTSD, and Psychological First Aid
    Psychological first aid should be consistent and evidence-based, practically applicable in the field, appropriate, and culturally flexible.
  7. IT Disaster Recovery Plan
    Information technology disaster recovery management procedures remain an important element of the overall corporate strategy.
  8. Human Factors In Aviation: Tenerife Air Disaster
    The probability of mistake linked to the issue estimates around 30%, which is too high for aviation. For this reason, there is a need for an enhanced understanding of the problem.
  9. Spiritual Considerations in the Context of a Disaster
    The purpose of this essay is to discuss the spiritual considerations arising after disasters and a nurse’s role in this scenario
  10. The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management
    Taking action in the event of adversities and helping out communities in recuperation is a central part of public health nurses.
  11. Loss Prevention and How It Was Affected by Hurricane Katrina
    The most damaging flood in United States’ history, is known as the 2005 Great New Orleans Flood or Katrina. It is estimated that the damages were incurred in 2005.
  12. Prevention of Nuclear Disasters
    The paper reports on the mechanical and engineering failures that sparked a nuclear meltdown in the Three Mile power plant, its effects and the ways to improve safety.
  13. A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms
    The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. Moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake.
  14. Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology
    The fallout’s impact poses a danger to animal and plant life because of the half-life of the released isotopes. Longer exposure to radiation may lead to the burning of the skin.
  15. Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning
    Disaster recovery planning is the procedure and policies set aside by a given organization to ensure their continuity and recovery from a natural or human-caused disaster.
  16. Disaster Responses: Improving the State of Affairs
    Despite technological improvements and increased knowledge, humanity is still struggling against disasters because they cannot either predict them or respond to them appropriately.
  17. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare
    The impromptu nature of emergency and disaster occurrence makes it almost impossible to prepare for emergencies and other challenges.
  18. Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Harvey
    The coast of the United States in general and Texas in particular experiences tropical storms on a regular basis. Hurricanes hit the Texas coastline, often causing property damage.
  19. Hurricane Katrina: Improvised Communication Plan
    This article seeks to highlight improvised communication plans adopted by the victims in the shelter at the Houston Astrodome.
  20. Lazarus Island: Disaster Systems Analysis and Design
    This paper aims to develop a web-based emergency management system for the government of Lazarus Island. This system will be used at the response stage of disaster management.
  21. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
    Data loss is the center of focus of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), as this is the lifeblood of business operations today.
  22. Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health
    At Vila Health, the use of inadequate protocols caused confusion, staff overload, and excessive use of resources, so an improved Disaster Recovery plan is needed.
  23. Fire Disaster Plan For a Skilled Nursing Facility
    The purpose of this fire disaster plan is to provide guidance to the skilled nursing facility on fire emergency procedures to protect the lives and property of staff, residents.
  24. Community Disaster Preparedness in Nassau County, New York
    The objective of disaster management is to design a realistic and executable coordinated planning that minimizes duplication of functions and optimizes the overall effectiveness.
  25. Article Review: “The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Trust in Government”
    The research applies trust concept to and measured in dwellers of several counties within Mississippi and Louisiana.
  26. International and South Africa’s Disaster Management
    When South Africa gained self-governance status in 1931, one of the issues that its government focused on was the management of major disasters.
  27. Disaster and People Behavior Changes
    Some of the behavioral changes that occur due to the presence of a disaster relying from research from sources across the world on the countries affected by the disasters.
  28. Disaster Planning and Health Information Management
    This paper discusses promising measures and practices to help the organization to avoid situations with loosing all health information in case of future disastrous events.
  29. Organizational Behavior and Motivation in Hurricane Response
    This article examines methods that could be used to manage the aftermath of the Katrina disaster by some theorists in the field of creating mechanisms to regulate human behavior.
  30. All-Hazards Disaster Preparedness: The Role of the Nurse
    Preparing for hazards means developing skills and gaining knowledge that will allow allocating less time to decision-making in case of emergency.
  31. Hurricane Katrina’s Mental Health Impact on Populations
    The occurrence of Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami disasters called for the development of specialized techniques that would respond to a crisis.
  32. Disaster, Crisis, Trauma: Interview with a Victim
    An interviewed process suffered trauma in 2008. He was just a teenager when all the members of his family died in a plane crash.
  33. Effects of Earthquakes: Differences in the Magnitude of Damage Caused by Earthquakes
    There are various types of earthquakes depending on the cause of the earthquake hence have different effects and damage to property and loss of life.
  34. How Natural Disasters Impact Systems at Various Levels?
    Health complications such as cancer are associated with nuclear disasters. Such diseases are hard to cure and manage.
  35. Disasters’ Benefits to People Who Experience Them
    The disasters cause more harm than good. This is because their negative consequences supersede the positive impacts.
  36. Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact
    Future efforts to prevent the impacts of a disaster similar to the Chernobyl accident is to invest more in public information, considering the previous misconceptions.
  37. Causes of the Haiti Earthquake
    This paper defines what an earthquake is, then discusses and reviews the causes of the Haiti Earthquake and the possibility of another Earthquake.
  38. Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum
    Naturally, disasters occur without any notification. Depending on the type of disaster, it is always important to approach the problem with immediate effect.
  39. Was the BP Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf Avoidable
    Most of the people feel that the government would have done something to prevent the occurrence of the spillage.
  40. The 1900 Galveston Hurricane: Disaster Management Failure
    Isaac Cline, who by then was the director of the Galveston Weather Bureau, placed his arguments which were based on the statements saying that the city of Galveston did not require a seawall.

❓ Essay Questions about Natural Disasters

  1. How Can We Prevent Natural Disasters?
  2. What Is the Relationship Between Disaster Risk and Climate Change?
  3. How Does Disaster Affect Our Lives?
  4. Where Do Natural Disasters Happen?
  5. What Natural Disasters Are Caused by Climate Change?
  6. How Can We Communicate Without a Phone or Internet in a Disaster?
  7. What Is the Difference Between Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery?
  8. Can Natural Disasters Be Prevented?
  9. How Can We Reduce Disaster Risk?
  10. Are Natural Disaster Situations a Formidable Obstacle to Economic Growth?
  11. Why Is Communication Important in Disaster Management?
  12. How Do Natural Disasters Help the Earth?
  13. What Are the Principles of Disaster Management?
  14. Are There Any Aspects of BP’s Ethical Culture That Could Have Contributed to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster?
  15. Why Is Governance Important in Disaster Management?
  16. How Does Weak Governance Affect Disaster Risk?
  17. What Are the 5 Important Elements of Disaster Preparedness?
  18. How Can Climate Change Affect Natural Disasters?
  19. What Is an Alternative Communication System During a Disaster?
  20. How to Cope With the Stress of Natural Disasters?
  21. Does Economic Growth Really Reduce Disaster Damage?
  22. Who Is Responsible for Disaster Management?
  23. What Is the Importance of Disaster Risk Assessment?
  24. How Important Is Disaster Awareness and Preparedness?
  25. Does Natural Disaster Only Harm Humankind?

🎓 Most Interesting Disaster Research Titles

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Managing Change, the Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters
    The crash of the Columbia and Challenger space shuttles is often construed with varied opinions. Both the incidences are blamed on a mixture of both technical and organizational breakdown.
  2. Ethical and Legal Issues During Catastrophes or Disasters
    This paper will discuss the ethical and legal issues during catastrophes or disasters, with particular reference to the Haiti earthquake disaster.
  3. Has the Media Changed the Response to Natural Disasters?
    This ethical information structure of this paper will be based on expounding the issues of the media and the way the media has played its part during a disaster.
  4. Energy Safety and Earthquake Hazards Program
    The distribution of earthquakes around the world is not uniform. Some parts experience earthquakes frequently while others do not.
  5. Recovery Efforts During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina
    It is a prerequisite of any government in place to always be prepared for any disaster of whatever nature whether natural or humanly initiated.
  6. Hurricane Katrina as One of the Worst National Disasters in the USA
    This paper illustrates the reasons why american levees failed to control the flooding problems during the Katrina hurricane what attributed to engineering ethics and the precaution.
  7. Destructive Force: Earthquake in Aquila, Italy
    A high magnitude earthquake shook Central Italy and the worst hit was the city of Aquila, the pain and sorrow were palpable but it did not take long before the people decided to move on.
  8. Hurricane Katrina and the USA’s South
    While the hurricane Katrina was natural, the destruction it caused was largely the result of the USA’s disregard of the south and its people.
  9. International Studies: Global Disasters
    Natural disasters traditionally have been reasoned to be an effect of environmental conditions like volcanoes, cyclones, earthquakes, droughts, etc.
  10. Historical Perspective and Disasters as a Process
    Natural disaster should be analyzed on the social level, because disasters are socially constructed and experienced in different ways by individuals or groups of individuals.
  11. Hurricane Katrina: Determining Management Approach
    This paper discusses approaches to organizational change, their advantages, and disadvantages in connection with emergency management, for such disasters as Hurricane Katrina.
  12. Scientific Responsibility for Earthquakes in Japan
    Extensive geological studies of the occurrence of earthquakes not only in Japan but also around the world have uncovered useful information on their devastating potential.
  13. Media Coverage of the China 2008 Earthquake
    The Television and Video News websites used animate visuals to capture the aspects of the devastating epidemic of earthquake that struck China SiChuan region.
  14. Vulnerability of Hazardville to Flooding Disasters
    History, research and the recent catastrophes of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and the more recent Midwest floods have determined that the United States of America is highly vulnerable to natural disasters.
  15. Natural Sciences. 1996 Mount Everest Disaster
    The events of spring 1996 are now remembered as one of the most unfortunate as fifteen individuals lost their lives during the summit to the Everest.
  16. Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Disasters: A Critical Analysis
    The idea of people’s adaptation to the potential disaster is considered in the context of a human trait to accept any threat.
  17. Emergency Management & Title VI: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina provided a lesson for the authorities of different levels. This paper analyzes the connection between the National Guidance and Hurricane Katrina.
  18. Disaster Operations and Decision Making
    This paper discusses disaster operations issues, particularly the planning process, decision making, operations plans, protection in place and evacuation, and others.
  19. Psychological Issues After a Crisis or Disaster
    Crisis and major changes in life have similar features but how an individual or community copes with different life crises has extremely distinct magnitudes and impacts on life.
  20. Improving Emergency Response with Training & Crisis Management
    A national emergency management training center’s existence ensures a higher level of cooperation, experience exchange, and knowledge accumulation.
  21. Hurricane Preparedness for New Orleans: Mayor’s Action Plan
    This paper discusses public administration action during Hurricane Katrina, examines key omissions, Super Dome, a “location of last resort,” and other related issues.
  22. Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster
    The decision-makers in the case of the Hillsborough Disaster were the event organizers, road engineers, and policemen handling the crowd.
  23. Dell Technologies Company’s Disaster Recovery Plan
    The goals of Dell Technologies include not only succeeding in its target market and attracting new customers but also demonstrating that its technology can be safer.
  24. The Key Role of Emergency Planners
    This paper discusses the key role of emergency planners. It explains how the emergency planner takes part in each stage of the preparedness cycle.
  25. Business Impact Analysis in Disaster Recovery Planning: Key Insights
    Avery organization must design a comprehensive disaster management plan in case of a disaster occurring in the area and disrupting the operations within a company.
  26. Supporting Hurricane Sandy Victims: Stages of Loss and the New Normal
    Many people were affected by Hurricane Sandy. This discussion uses the concept of “new normal” to explain how the major stages of loss can be used to support the affected individuals.
  27. Disaster Management: Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes
    The main challenge that faced the emergency response to Hurricane Katrina and Rita was the inadequate protection of evacuees with medical and other special needs.
  28. Top Crisis Response: American Red Cross, FEMA, & ENTS
    The paper describes the American Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the European Network for Traumatic Stress and explains their crisis-responding roles.
  29. Houston Floods: The Destruction and Resilience Against High Waters
    It may not be surprising that Houston was flooded since it is located in the wetlands that have been dried for years now.
  30. Post-Hurricane Hanna: Recovery Challenges and Strategies
    The consequences of the hurricane Hanna that were described by the Federal Emergency Management Agency suggest possible long-lasting environmental issues.
  31. Legal Framework for Emergency and Disaster Management: Key Components
    Natural disasters occur with increasing frequency, due to climate change, human endeavors, and many other factors largely outside of our control.
  32. Resources and Strategies for Disaster Victims: Miami & FEMA
    This paper focuses on resources offered by the City of Miami and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to aid victims recovering from a terrorist attack or natural disaster.
  33. The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Hurricane Katrina
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina, mainly from psychological perspectives.
  34. India’s, Indonesia’s, Haiti’s, Japan’s Earthquakes
    In 2001, the major tremor hit the Indian state Gujarat. It was reported as the most significant earthquake in the region in the last several decades.
  35. Disaster Management Plans in Hospitals: Key Roles and Strategies
    The paper dwells upon the content of the disaster plan, the role of health care staff in its activation, and potential threats to quality care delivery in a disaster.
  36. Hurricane Katrina’s Path: From Bahamas to Gulf Coast
    Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005 and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles.
  37. Family Self-Care and Disaster Management Plan
    The intervention that may be suggested for the family is the home-based self-care intervention delivered by a healthcare provider.
  38. Terrorism & Emergency Management: Homeland Security
    The article is important since it provides information on the functionality of Homeland Security, which is an essential department in terms of maintenance of security.
  39. Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
    A crisis is an event that results in a hazardous and detrimental situation that affects a group, community, country, region. One of the catastrophes that happened in the past was Hurricane Katrina.
  40. NASA’s Focus on Schedule Over Design Quality
    One of the causes of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster is that NASA put more emphasis on the timeframe of the project as compared to the quality standards of the project.

✅ Natural Disaster Title Ideas: How to Choose

Not sure what to write in your paper? Try our free writing toolkit:

In case you need some help choosing a natural disaster title, here are some tips that will surely help you:

  • Make sure the area of research is exciting enough for you. Otherwise, the work on the paper would drag along painfully long and won’t bring you any pleasure.
  • Check with the requirements from your supervisor. It will help keep your search within the necessary limits.
  • Choosing topics that are as wide as the research areas is a bad idea since it would be hard to squeeze so much information into one paper. Instead, narrow it to something specific.

And here is the list of some intriguing natural disaster research areas to inspire you:

  1. Early warning systems.
    Do early warning systems need improvement? You can evaluate the available data on the casualties after the chosen natural disaster and compare it to the events when early warning wasn’t used.
  2. Natural hazards prevention.
    Another attractive research area is the geospace methods that inform people about natural hazards in real-time.
  3. Technology and natural disasters.
    After the occurrence of powerful natural disasters, victims need efficient and timely rescue. You can look into the use of tech equipment in life-saving operations.
  4. Natural disasters and society.
    This research area analyzes how people interact and cooperate under stressful circumstances of a natural disaster.

✍️ Disaster Essay Topics for College

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StudyCorgi. "287 Disaster Title Ideas for Research & Essays + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "287 Disaster Title Ideas for Research & Essays + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/disaster-essay-topics/.

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