61 Distracted Driving Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Distracted Driving

✍️ Distracted Driving Essay Topics for College

  1. Driving with Dogs in the Laps: The Main Dangers
    Even though driving with a dog in the lap is considered a dangerous act, some individuals perceive the conduct as a way of developing a healthy relationship with the pet.
  2. The Contradiction of Simultaneous Texting and Driving
    In today’s world, thanks to digitalization and technical globalization, alternative methods of communication to the standard one are available to almost everyone.
  3. The Dangers of Texting While Driving
    Today we discussed just how dangerous texting while driving is and why we should be more careful. We looked at solutions to solve this problem.
  4. Cell Phone Ban While Driving
    A person is talking on the phone, so his thoughts are directed in the other direction, and therefore the concentration weakens to some extent.
  5. Distracted Driving as a Dangerous Practice
    The research paper aimed at discovering the topic of distracted driving and proving that it can be as dangerous as drunk driving.
  6. Company Policy on Cell Phone Usage and Driving
    The use of cell phones while driving escalates the risk of harming other motorists and pedestrians. This paper proposes policies that will guide the use of phones in the company.
  7. Adolscents and Drunk Driving
    The essay describes the problem of the drunk driving of adolescents and provides recommendations on taking care of that problem.
  8. ADHD and Cell Phone Use While Driving
    This paper will show how the use of cell phones while driving leads to dangerous driving and possible fatalities on the road.
  9. Texting While Driving: Dangers and Policies
    People who drive while texting have an increased likelihood of colliding with other motor vehicles, running over foot travelers, and injuring travelers.
  10. Do Regulations on Texting and Driving Interfere with Individual Freedom?
    Texting and driving refers to the act of receiving, reading and sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle, which is a hazardous practice that causes many fatalities.
  11. Hands-Free Devices Use During Driving: Pros and Cons
    Driving and texting is one of the leading causes of road accidents in the United States. Hand-held devices were blamed for the rise of road accidents in the country.
  12. Creating Effective Safe Driving Programs: Public Health Strategies and Planning
    The paper analyzes the planning of the Safe Driving Education Program and the program against driving drunk, and proposes improvements to the planning process.
  13. Texting While Driving: Risks and Prevention
    The paper is relevant since it relies on facts and provides feasible problem-solving strategy to adequately handle the issue of texting while driving.
  14. Cell Phones During Driving: Threats and Solutions
    Drivers should always remember that while talking on the phone, texting, eating, smoking, or tuning the radio, they should not take their attention off the road.

🎓 Most Interesting Distracted Driving Research Titles

  1. Distractions While Driving: Visual, Manual, and Cognitive
  2. Distracted Driver Or The Consequences of a Text Message Behind The Wheel
  3. What Does Manual Distraction While Driving Include?
  4. Distracted Driving While Using a Handheld Electronic Device
  5. The Primary Factors Contributing to the Problem of Distracted Driving
  6. Opposing Perspectives and Solutions of Distracted Driving
  7. Distracted Driving and Its Effects
  8. Moving Objects in the Cabin Are One of the Factors of Distracted Driving
  9. Changing the Legal Driving Age to Eighteen
  10. Dealing with Teenage Drinking and Driving, and Teen Suicides
  11. A Virulent Disease of Society: Automobile Crashes Due to Texting
  12. Distracted Driving Prevention Act 2011
  13. Accident Rates Due to Distracted Driving in the US
  14. Evaluation of Whether Florida Does Enough to Prevent Distracted Driving
  15. Theta and Alpha Oscillations in Attentional Interaction During Distracted Driving
  16. Distracted Driving: The Danger of the Technological Age
  17. What Are Cognitive Distractions While Driving?
  18. The Cautionary Measures Against Distracted Driving Proposed by the State
  19. Dangerous Driving and the Effects on Youth
  20. The Problem of Texting and Driving and Ways to Eliminate It

💡 Simple Distracted Driving Essay Ideas

  1. The Most Dangerous Type of Distracted Driving
  2. Divided Attention While Driving
  3. America Needs Better Drunk Driving Laws
  4. Making Laws Against Distracted Driving
  5. Alcohol-Impaired Driving Crashes in the United States
  6. Why Has Distracted Driving Become a Societal Crisis?
  7. Distracted Driving Bans Should Be Stronger
  8. Overview of Visual Distractions While Driving
  9. Intervention to Boost The Understanding of The Effects of Texting and Driving
  10. Smartphone Driving Safety App to Avoid Distracted Driving
  11. Distracted Driving: The Preventable Killer
  12. Asymmetric Microscopic Driving Behavior Theory
  13. Distracted Driving: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies
  14. Alcohol Consumption and Driving Culture of Commercial Bus Drivers
  15. The Problem with Driving, the Age of Distracted and Entitled
  16. Types of Distracted Driving that Cause Car Accidents
  17. Texting and Driving Is Deadlier Than Drunk Driving for Teens
  18. The Ways of Discouraging Distracted Driving
  19. Public Health Effects Of Distracted Driving
  20. Distracted Driving as the Cause for Most Fatal Car Accidents

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StudyCorgi. "61 Distracted Driving Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/distracted-driving-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "61 Distracted Driving Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/distracted-driving-essay-topics/.

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