111 DNA Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on DNA

✍️ DNA Essay Topics for College

  1. DNA Retention: Advantages and Disadvantages for DNA Collection
    During the last decade, DNA samples have become a popular tool of criminologists to find and prove the criminal behavior of an individual.
  2. The Usage of DNA Technology in Forensic Science
    DNA typing technology gives the forensic science an opportunity to uncover the information considered by the society “intensely private”.
  3. Natural Sciences: Junk DNA Has an Important Role
    The paper examines the phenomenon of the junk DNA and provides the agruments why it is truly not junk and acts as a key role in the evolution of mankind.
  4. DNA Sequencing and Its Adverse Effects
    Sequencing a baby’s DNA to find hidden diseases or future ailments is risky because the results may not be reliable and can cause unnecessary anxiety.
  5. E. Coli: DNA Identification With Gel Electrophoresis
    The purpose of this work was to qualitatively identify a cellular sample of DNA isolated from E. coli using gel electrophoresis technology.
  6. Complete Mapping of DNA‐Protein Interactions by Liu et al.
    The regulation of genetic information is important and must occur within the confines of specific conditions to ensure the expression of the target genes.
  7. Genomic Data: The Role of Deoxyribonucleic Acid
    Deoxyribonucleic acid commonly referred to as DNA is a heredity carrier in living organisms containing genetic information on growth and development.
  8. Genomic Analysis DNA of Bacillus Subtilis
    In the case, there is the genomic DNA of Bacillus Subtilis given to compare the utility of different types of DNA sequencing technologies.
  9. Transcription and DNA Replication
    DNA replication is the most important process in the regulation of cell life, contributing to efficient cell division and preservation of genetic material through generations.
  10. Evidence of Non-Random Mutations in DNA
    Although the results discussed prove that non-random mutations occur in thale cress, there is a high probability that similar processes will happen in other live organisms.
  11. Encoding and Saving Data in DNA for Business
    The desire for constant development might become a basis for the innovation implementation and integration the DNA information technology into business operations.
  12. DNA Fingerprinting Technology: Description and Use
    Invented in 1984, DNA fingerprinting still remains relevant to this day, and it is used in many fields, including criminology.
  13. Privacy Concerns Over DNA Sequences
    This essay will review the presented issue of privacy concerns over DNA sequences from the position of the scientific community and lawmakers.
  14. DNA for Identifying Convicts: Article Response
    In his 2006 article, Danny Hakim addresses a somewhat controversial issue of using DNA to identify possible suspects among known convicts in case of a crime.
  15. Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA Analysis and the CODIS Database
    Short tandem repeat (STR) is a molecular biology tool mainly exploited in forensic science in order to determine certain locations known as loci present on the nuclear material DNA.
  16. DNA and Proteins as Evolutionary Tape Measures
    DNA and proteins can be used as tape measures of evolution but their usage depends on the concept of a linear sequence of nucleotides.
  17. An Experiment in DNA Cloning and Sequencing
    The aim of this experiment is to clone a fragment of DNA that includes the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) gene into the vector pTTQ18, which is an expression vector.
  18. Types and Causes of the DNA Mutations
    Mutations occur when mistakes occur in DNA duplication and are classified based on different premises; all of them are rare and lead to abnormal alleles.
  19. DNA Analysis in Forensic Science
    This paper aims to describe its details, such as the PCR process, loci and their relation to CODIS, and the functions of touch DNA.
  20. DNA and the Birth of Molecular Genetics
    Molecular genetics is critical in studying traits that are passed through generations. The paper analyzes the role of DNA to provide an ample understanding of molecular genetics.
  21. Relationships Between Reproduction, Heredity, and DNA
    Genetic information in DNA is transcribed to RNA and then translated into the amino acid sequence of a Protein.
  22. Ancient DNA Studies and Current Events Analysis
    The study of DNA, starting with the human genome, has broadened to allow researchers to explore changes in various animal patterns.
  23. DNA Manipulation in Control of Mosquitoes and Gene
    The DNA sequence specific to the mutated PLA2 (PLA2) would be finally placed in the downstream region of a mosquito midgut-specific promoter.
  24. DNA Profiling: Genetic Variation in DNA Sequences
    The paper aims to determine the importance of genetic variation in sequences in DNA profiling using specific techniques.
  25. Cell DNA and Protein Synthesis
    The most prominent one in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus, which contains the DNA and controls the cell’s operations.
  26. The Relevance of DNA Computers in the Modern World
    The researchers propose as an alternative to use natural biomolecules contained in the organisms of all living things, namely, DNA.
  27. Is DNA a Foolproof Way of Identifying a Person?
    This post aims to discuss different ways of using DNA to determine if it is a reliable source of identification.
  28. Cancer Interference With Dna Replication
    Reports indicate that a greater percentage of human cancers originate from chemical substances as well as environmental substances.
  29. Ethical Use of DNA in Golden State Killer Case & Genetic Tools
    One of the most recent tools available for crime investigations is a DNA match of one’s profile in a publicly available genealogy database.
  30. Genetics Seminar: The Importance of Dna Roles
    DNA has to be stable. In general, its stability becomes possible due to a large number of hydrogen bonds which make DNA strands more stable.
  31. DNA Fragment Cloning and Southern Blot Techniques: An Overview
    Southern blotting can either be used in the determination of small fragment of a single gene or a large DNA sequence such as part of the genome of an organism.

🎓 Most Interesting DNA Research Titles

  1. Major Experiments and Scientists Involved in the Discovery of DNA as Our Hereditary Material and Its Structure
  2. DNA Mutations and Their Effects on Humans
  3. Bacterial Chromosome Replication and DNA Repair During the Stringent Response
  4. Using Integrative Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Data in Multiple Tissue Types
  5. Advanced DNA-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostic Methods for Plant Diseases Detection
  6. Bioinformatics Tools and Databases to Assess the Pathogenicity of Mitochondrial DNA Variants
  7. Cell-Free Fetal DNA Testing Market to Make Great Impact in Near Future by 2026
  8. Age-Related DNA Methylation Changes: Potential Impact on Skeletal Muscle Aging in Humans
  9. DNA Analysis Using Polymerase Chain Reaction: Implications for the Study of Ancient DNA
  10. Aging Neurovascular Unit and Potential Role of DNA Damage and Repair in Combating Vascular Disorders
  11. DNA Damage: From Chronic Inflammation to Age-Related Deterioration
  12. Complete Pattern Matching for DNA Computing
  13. AIDS Virus and Possible Control Through a DNA Vaccine
  14. DNA Fingerprinting and Polymerase Chain Reaction
  15. Alternative Splicing and DNA Damage Response in Plants
  16. Correcting for Errors Inherent in DNA Pooling Methods
  17. Beyond DNA Repair: Additional Functions of PARP-1 in Cancer
  18. Moral and Ethical Issues Associated With Recombinant DNA Technology
  19. Analyzing Cloned Sequences: What Exactly Is a DNA Sequence
  20. Cancerous Genes: Their Presence in Human DNA
  21. Anti-double Stranded DNA Antibodies: Origin, Pathogenicity, and Targeted Therapies
  22. Chromatin Modifications and DNA Repair: Beyond Double-Strand Breaks
  23. Assessing DNA Sequence Alignment Methods for Characterizing Ancient Genomes and Methylomes
  24. Binary Auto-Regressive Geometric Modelling in a DNA Context
  25. Associations Between Behavioral Effects of Bisphenol A and DNA Methylation in Zebrafish Embryos

💡 Simple DNA Essay Ideas

  1. High-Quality DNA From Peat Soil for Metagenomic Studies: A Minireview on DNA Extraction Methods
  2. Cost-Effective Method for DNA Purification
  3. DNA Analysis and Facial Reconstruction of Human Skull
  4. Blood-Based DNA Methylation Biomarkers for Type 2 Diabetes: Potential for Clinical Applications
  5. How Recombinant DNA Techniques May Be Used to Correct a Point Mutation
  6. Bioethical Issue: Mandatory DNA Fingerprinting
  7. DNA Abnormalities That Manifest as Disorders
  8. Asymmetric Cell Division and Template DNA Co-Segregation in Cancer Stem Cells
  9. How the Discovery of Non-coding DNA and RNA Can Change Our Understanding of Addiction
  10. The Origin of DNA and Molecular Structure
  11. DNA and Seed Developmental Genes
  12. Analyzing Conserved Non-Coding DNA Sequences
  13. Barry Scheck’s Innocent Project and DNA
  14. DNA Vaccination and How It Can Greatly Impact the Medical World
  15. Convicted Criminals and DNA Mandatory Testing
  16. Analytical Techniques for DNA Extraction
  17. Differences Between Plasmid and Chromosomal DNA in Bacteria
  18. Cloning: DNA and Artificial Embryo Twinning
  19. DNA-Based Markers Throughout the World of Molecular Plant Breeding
  20. Cell Biology: The DNA of Both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
  21. Adjusting for Batch Effects in DNA Methylation Microarray Data
  22. DNA Studies Using Atomic Force Microscopy: Capabilities for the Measurement of Short DNA Fragments
  23. Genetic Engineering and DNA Technology in Agricultural Productivity

❓ Questions About DNA

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Does DNA Profiling Live Up to Its Expectations?
  2. How Accurate Are DNA Paternity Tests?
  3. What Are DNA Sequence Motifs? Why Are They Important?
  4. How Are the Structures of DNA and RNA Similar?
  5. What Are DNA Vaccines?
  6. How Are the Young People in DNA Affected by the Crimes They Commit?
  7. What Are the Base-Pairing Rules for DNA?
  8. How Can Paint and Fiber Evidence Be Overshadowed by the More Glamorous DNA Evidence in Cases Today?
  9. What Are Three Key Structural Chemical Differences Between RNA and DNA?
  10. How Could the Ethical Management of Health Data in the Medical Field Inform Police Use of DNA?
  11. What Are the Principles of DNA Fingerprinting?
  12. How Does DNA and DNA Profiling Work?
  13. What Can DNA Exonerations Tell Us About Racial Differences in Wrongful Conviction Rates?
  14. How Is DNA Technology Used in Solving Crimes?
  15. What Data Obtained From the Chemical Analysis of DNA?
  16. How Does DNA Control Cell Activity?
  17. Which Technique Rapidly Replicates Specific DNA Fragments?
  18. How Does DNA Play a Role in Inheritance?
  19. Does Radiation Damage DNA?
  20. How Does Recombinant DNA Differ From Normal DNA?
  21. What Can DNA Sequencing Detect?
  22. How Does Recombinant DNA Technology Work?
  23. Can Plant DNA Be Patented?
  24. How Is DNA Sequencing Used in Identifying Organisms?
  25. Who Is the Mother of DNA?

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