121 Facebook Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Facebook

✍️ Facebook Essay Topics for College

  1. The Amazon and Facebook Firms’ Business Ethics
    This paper aims to discover which company is ethically worse – by appealing to the theories of duty-based, virtue, and consequentialist ethics – Amazon or Facebook.
  2. Has the Facebook Platform Lost Its Edge?
    The main reasons for the end of Facebook’s popularity are the network’s inability to compete with new networks and the overly formal representation of personal data.
  3. Bullying Through a Friend’s Facebook Page
    In contemporary society, cyberbullying through Facebook has become very common and serious because of the growth of the internet, particularly among students.
  4. The Facebook Outage Case and Its Key Stakeholders
    The most significant failure that has to be analyzed after assessing the case study is the fact that Facebook did not have a quick response strategy.
  5. Facebook Critique: “With Friends Like These…” by Tom Hodgkinson
    Tom Hodgkinson, in “With Friends Like These…”, is sceptical about the validity of Facebook’s business model as well as the motives behind its institution.
  6. Unpaid Content: The Case of Facebook
    This paper examines whether the user-producers are being abused by coming up with sensible contents while not receiving any pay for their work.
  7. Whistleblowing and Security of Facebook User Data
    Businesses should not bear all the responsibility for data protection. Consumers must consider what information they are providing to Meta in the first place.
  8. Facebook Ad Boycott: Social Media Advertising
    This might be the reason why Amazon has abstained from the boycott. Naturally, it profits from the situation because the participating companies need alternatives to Facebook.
  9. Using Facebook’s Current E-Commerce Offerings
    The paper states that Facebook stimulates online sales through advertising, whereas on Amazon people have to search for interesting offers on their own.
  10. Facebook Usage and Social Development of Children
    The paper indicates that Facebook is a unique means of socialization, but what matters is not its content but the nature of its use.
  11. Escalation of Commitment: Facebook
    Facebook can be considered as one of the examples of companies that have demonstrated escalation of commitment in recent years.
  12. Investment in Facebook Financial Statements
    Facebook is spending more to meet investors’ revenue expectations. Its business is based on advertising, and the behavior of this industry is unpredictable.
  13. Online Advertisements on Facebook
    Facebook offers companies and individual users to promote their products and services to prospective customers online through online adverts.
  14. The Lawsuit Against Facebook Company
    One of the lawsuits where the agency was the issue was a lawsuit against Facebook; the lawsuit accused Facebook of violating the privacy law of Illinois.
  15. Will the Facebook’s Social Audio Products Succeed
    Facebook has introduced Social Audio products to engage us in new ways, including soundbites, podcasts, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms, which are a great competitor to Clubhouse.
  16. Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation in Facebook Friend Acceptance
    Facebook is still one of the leading social networks. This application allows people to interact at various levels.
  17. “Small Change” and “The Facebook Dilemma “ Comparison
    The paper compares Gladwell’s article “Small Change” and the documentary The Facebook Dilemma about the role of new online media channels in social change.
  18. Ethical Issue Facing Facebook in Australia
    The political arena is the major ethical issue facing Facebook in Australia. It has a direct influence on the business operation as well as organizational manifestation.
  19. Community Health Education Campaign in Facebook
    Facebook should be viewed as the option for the New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training Center to consider as a means of enlightening people about the issue of STD.
  20. Analysis of Facebook and Pintor Oral Contract
    Pintor has no legal reasons and cannot enforce his contract with Facebook. This essay proved that Facebook had a legal prerequisite for terminating the contract.
  21. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in Activism and Revolution
    This paper will analyze the role of social media’s influence (Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube) in activism and revolution on the world stage.
  22. Facebook Company’s Marketing Development Plan
    This paper has presented key tenets of a marketing plan that should be considered by Facebook for adoption to increase its market share among users who are under 25 years.
  23. Review of Facebook Emotional Contagion Study by Kramer et al.
    The experiment was intended to research the ability of individuals to change their emotional state depending on the indicators used by their peers.
  24. Facebook: Advertising and Its Effectiveness
    Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after they sign up and add a personal profile.
  25. Facebook Platform and Business Model: Evolution and Growth
    In 2006, the CEO Zuckerberg turned down an acquisition offer of one billion dollars from Yahoo! with the claim that he could see Facebook going far on its own.
  26. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution
    Social media’s impact on the progress of social activism and revolution on the world stage is vital, as it provides the free exchange of data among unlimited numbers of persons.
  27. Facebook Inc.’s Leadership Practices
    One can distinguish several leadership practices adopted on Facebook. They are advocated by Mark Zuckerberg, who is the current CEO of this corporation.
  28. Unified Registration in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp
    There is a need to integrate the registration service among Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, so when registered on one of them, one can use the others with the same profile.
  29. Driving Innovation and CSR in Global Business Strategies
    The paper will support the launch of a new IT entrepreneurial project. The venture will perform in collaboration with Facebook, one of the Fortune 500 enterprises.
  30. Experiential Contextual Inquiry in Expert Evaluation of Facebook
    This paper analyzes the application of the method of experiential contextual inquiry in the expert evaluation and evaluates the mobile application (Facebook).
  31. Cyberactivism and Social Media in the Arab World: A Digital Revolution
    Social activists have relied no both Facebook and Twitter in recent years to organize and execute demonstrations against egalitarian regimes in the Arab world.
  32. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Creation History
    Zuckerberg is an extraordinary person who has not only changed the world but as well positively influenced the way the world communicates.
  33. Social Networking Site Facebook
    Facebook is a good social networking site for it allows its users to connect with friends, learn new cultures and share and/or solve some health-related issues.
  34. Communications: Facebook Social Media Platform
    Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. This paper focuses on discussing Facebook as an important tool for advertising and its effectiveness.

🎓 Most Interesting Facebook Research Titles

  1. The Issue Surrounding Facebook and How It Affects Teenage Sex and Health
  2. Children’s Facebook Usage: Parental Awareness, Attitudes, and Behavior
  3. Facebook Against Google and Microsoft in E-Commerce Strategy
  4. Into the Digital Wild: Utilizing Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook for Effective Science and Environmental Communication
  5. Applying Social Interactionism Paradigm to Facebook
  6. Social Media Under the Skin: Facebook Use After Acute Stress Impairs Cortisol Recovery
  7. How Facebook and Social Media Have Had an Impact on American Culture
  8. Facebook Friendships: Appropriate With Teachers?
  9. Like What You Like or Like What Others Like? Conformity and Peer Effects on Facebook
  10. Exploring the Relationship Between Facebook and Self-Esteem Among Students
  11. Facebook Addiction and Aggression: Is There a Profound Relation?
  12. Customer Loyalty Through Social Networks: Lessons From Zara on Facebook
  13. Facebook: Motives for Use and Effects on Personality
  14. Seeking Personal Autonomy Through the Use of Facebook in Iran
  15. Are People Ore Free to Express Their Opinions on Controversial Topics on Twitter Versus on Facebook?
  16. Facebook: Exploiting Loneliness and the Fear of Being Alone
  17. Relationship Between Need for Belongingness and Facebook Addiction: Mediating Role of Number of Friends on Facebook
  18. Engaging Fans and the Community in Social Media: Interaction With Institutions of Higher Education on Facebook
  19. Flow Experience and Self-Traits as Antecedents of Facebook Addiction: Factorial Validity of the Daily Facebook Addiction Scale
  20. Facebook’s Non-Compliance With Canadian Privacy Laws
  21. Social Media and Academic Performance: Does the Intensity of Facebook Activity Relate to Good Grades?
  22. Associating Facebook Measurable Activities With Personality Traits: A Fuzzy Sets Approach
  23. How Facebook Addiction Affects the Lives of Teenagers
  24. Facebook Use and Individual Well-Being: Like Me to Make Me Happier
  25. Redefining Face With Facebook and Extrinsic Motivation

đź’ˇ Simple Facebook Essay Ideas

  1. Asking for Facebook Logins: An Egoist Case for Privacy
  2. How Facebook Becomes the World’s Biggest Social Network Platform
  3. Facebook vs. Google: The Battle for Internet Dominance
  4. Can Facebook Ads and Email Messages Increase Fiscal Capacity?
  5. Facebook-To-Facebook: Online Communication and Economic Cooperation
  6. Building Your Personal Presence on Facebook
  7. Online Social Networking and Trade Union Membership: What the Facebook Phenomenon Truly Means for Labor Organizers
  8. How Brand-Related User-Generated Content Differs Across YOUTUBE, Facebook, and Twitter
  9. Facebook and Its Effects on People’s Real-Life Interactions
  10. Social Networking Sites and Youth Transition: The Use of Facebook and Personal Well-Being of Social Work Young Graduates
  11. Online Political Communication: The Role of Image Upload on Facebook
  12. Intercultural Marketing: Culture and Its Influence on the Efficiency of Facebook Marketing Communication
  13. Effective Facebook Marketing for Real Estate Business
  14. Privacy and Perceptions: How Facebook Advertising Affects Its Users
  15. Facebook Has Changed the Face of Social Media
  16. Suicide and Social Media Composition: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
  17. Cultural and Personality Predictors of Facebook Intrusion
  18. Facebook Friends: How Many Do I Need to Be Cool?
  19. Exploring the Eco-Attitudes and Buying Behavior of Facebook Users
  20. Should Teachers Take Students’ Facebook Profile Into Account When Evaluating Their Conduct?
  21. Facebook and Harmful Effects: Internet Addiction
  22. How Facebook and Myspace Affect Communication in the Physical World
  23. Google, Facebook, Amazon, eBay: Is the Internet Driving Competition or Market Monopolization?
  24. Facebook: Social Network Service and Young Generation
  25. The Facebook Paradox: Effects of Facebooking on Individuals’ Social Relationships and Psychological Well-Being

âť“ Facebook Research Questions

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Can Facebook Develop and Sustain a Communications Monopoly?
  2. How Is Facebook Affecting the Way Businesses Serve Their Customers?
  3. Does Facebook Have Public Salaries?
  4. Can Facebook Be Used to Support Learning in the Workplace?
  5. What Year Was Facebook Invented?
  6. Is It Ethical for Facebook to Sell Users Personal Information to Employers?
  7. What Contractual Issues Might Arise Between Facebook and Its Users?
  8. Does Facebook Use Data Mining?
  9. How Do Network Effects Help Facebook Fend Off Small Social-Networking Rivals?
  10. Does Facebook Consider Real Location for Targeting?
  11. What Are the Opportunity Costs of Using Facebook?
  12. How Does Facebook Support E-business?
  13. What Safeguards Should Facebook Implement to Prevent Acts of Violence From Being Broadcast?
  14. Does Facebook Have an Ethics Officer or an Oversight Committee?
  15. How Does Mark Zuckerberg Make His Wealth From Facebook?
  16. How Would an Unethical IT Breach Impact Facebook and the Community?
  17. Should Employers Be Allowed to Verify Employees’ Facebook Pages?
  18. Why Have Critics Called For Zuckerberg to Resign His Position as CEO for Facebook?
  19. Why Facebook Video Advertising Averages For?
  20. How Has Facebook Live Helped Meteorologists?
  21. What Is the Percentage of Adult Facebook Users in the World?
  22. How Can a Business Increase Their Facebook Quality Ranking in Ads?
  23. What Is the Name of the Financial Market That Facebook Traded On?
  24. Is Facebook Considered Mass Media?
  25. What Steps Should Facebook Take To Increase the Confidence of Users in Its Innovation Strategies?
  26. How Can Employers Use Facebook to Enhance Relationships With Their Employees?
  27. Can You Take Someone to Court for Slander on Facebook?
  28. What Was the Impact of Facebook News on Publishers’ Revenues?
  29. What’s the Price of a Single Share of Facebook Stock?
  30. Why Do Businesses Use Facebook for Marketing?

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