Much has been written about feminism, yet there always are good feminism essay topics and issues to debate about. Here, we invite you to delve into this movement advocating for gender equality, women’s rights, and the dismantling of patriarchal norms. With our feminist topics, you can encompass a wide range of perspectives and theories that challenge systemic discrimination and promote social change.
✊ TOP 7 Feminism Topics
🏆 Best Feminism Essay Topics
- Feminist Criticism of Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark”Hawthorne appears critical about Aylmer’s actions in that the ultimate result of his actions is the death of her wife and not the redemption it was meant for.
- Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”: A Feminist LookIn Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” the view of gender norms and femininity traits align with the patriarchal agenda in which the role of women is negated at worst.
- Feminist Movement: Women’s Rights Are Human RightsWomen across the globe deserve a voice and equal human rights, and they should be appreciated, and their contributions to society acknowledged.
- Feminism and Social Phallocentrism: Psychoanalytic ApproachFrench feminists Helen Cixous and Julia Kristeva criticized the representation of the concept of phallocentrism made by Jacques Derrida and Jacques Lacan.
- “Feminist Rethinking From Racial-Ethnic Families” by ZinnThe current paper explores “Feminist rethinking from racial-ethnic families,” the structure of the text, the themes raised by the author, and the target audience.
- A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, Feminist CriticismThis paper examines the play “The Doll’s House” from a Feminist criticism perspective, which is relevant to its central theme.
- Conflict Theories: Gay Marriages and FeminismConflict theories purport that, families can take different structures and do not view change as a clash or dysfunctional. This theory has been a catalyst for gay marriages and feminism.
- Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Masculinity and Feminism TheoryThe paper discusses Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in which she challenges traditional gender roles and offers a more nuanced view of masculinity and femininity.
- Feminism in the Play “Trifles” by Susan GlaspellDescribing women of that time in the play “Trifles”, their lifestyle, and relationships with their husbands, Susan Glaspell presents a unique approach to this topic.
- “The Salt of the Earth”: Feminist Criticism and Gender StudiesIn the film “The Salt of the Earth,” it is hard to overlook the acute imbalance of power and rights between the male and female parts of the commune.
- Feminism in Antigone: Term PaperThe paper analyzes the feministic statements provided in the “Antigone” play by Sophocle and how the feminist characteristics are demonstrated by the main character.
- Feminism and Domestic ViolenceThe paper analyzes the progress made in treating domestic violence, using multiple theories explaining this topic as an example.
- Madonna and Feminism in Her Songs and Everyday LifeMadonna’s artifacts were selected from a personal curiosity in the way she exposes the evolution of gender-specific roles, stances, and stereotypes with time.
- Cinderella and Girl: Feminist and Gender CritiqueAnne Sexton, in her poem Cinderella focuses on the position of women in society on the material of the well-known fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
- The Beauty Pageant Industry From the Liberal and Marxist Feminist PerspectivesThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the liberal and Marxist feminist perspectives on beauty contests and analyze the harmful effect of the industry on society.
- Feminism in Marie de France’s “Lanval” PoemMarie de France’s Lanval is a poem about a knight who has become a social outcast. The present paper offers an analysis of central themes from the point of view of gender roles.
- Postmodern Feminism and Its Theory of Gender as Social ConstructionPost modern feminists argue that there are no natural building blocks between genders. It is the society that structures human being in a particular way to keep differences.
- “Decolonizing Feminism”: Reproductive Violence in Canada“Decolonizing feminism: From reproductive abuse to reproductive justice” examines reproductive violence against Indigenous women in Canada.
- Nora as a Feminist Representation (from “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen)A character analysis of Nora, to bring out the various aspects of the changes she undergoes and their impact on her life. Discussion of Nora as a representative of femininity.
- Is Ibsen’s “A Doll House” a Marxist, a Feminist, or a Psychoanalytic Argument?The present paper argues that “A Doll’s House” refers to a feminist argument due to the fact that it suggests the intellectual and social equality of men and women.
- Cinderella Fairy Tale in Narratology and FeminismThis paper analyzes how women characters and women issues in general are treated in the Cinderella fairy tales that will be analyzed.
- Domestic Violence and Feminism in Bell Hooks’ TheoryThe main purpose of this paper is to summarize and assess the ideas of hooks’ theory regarding domestic violence.
- Feminist Perspectives’ Contribution to CriminologyThe principles of gender inclusivity, equality, and cultural implications bear fundamental roles in the development of criminology perspectives.
- Judith Butler’s “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism”Although the focus of Butler’s essay is the relationship between postmodernism and feminism, she observes herself as the theorist-who performs, and the academic context she performs in.
- Human Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Social WorkThis paper aims to review the main principles of human rights in order to understand the connections between the narratives of human rights and feminism.
- Analyzing Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ – Feminist Rebellion and MadnessIn Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper”, patriarchy plays an essential role in the deterioration of the narrator’s physical and mental state.
- Therapy Comparison: Gestalt, Feminist and Cognitive-BehaviouralThe paper comparison three therapy and point out that among all therapies, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is the most specific and solution-focused one.
- Three Waves of Feminism in Cunningham’s “The Hours” Novel“The Hours” by Michael Cunningham follows and describes a day from three women’s lives. The actions of these women take place during different timelines and locations.
- Feminism and Social Change. Feminist MovementGender inequality is widely discussed in the modern world and inspires the feminist movement to promote its philosophy instead of the idea of male superiority.
- Feminist Theory Applied to the “Passengers” FilmFeminist criticism of cinema is a multifaceted effort that takes upon the tremendous objective of changing myths of representation of women in media.
- Transcendentalism and the Feminist MovementThis essay looks at transcendentalism by taking account of the transformations that it has undergone and looks at the relationship with the feminist movement.
👭 Feminist Essay Topics
Here are some prompts for feminism topics for essays and other projects about equality issues.
Feminism & Gender Equality
Feminism is a movement that encourages equal rights among all genders in the private and public scope. It reveals itself as an undertaking that promotes equitable gender representation in the workplace and the political sphere. Gender equality is a human right that ensures both men and women have equal opportunities in life.
Abortion as a Fundamental Right
Accessing safe and legal abortion is a fundamental human rights matter since it lowers maternal morbidity and mortality. Millions of women globally need to access safe abortion due to various circumstances. Denying this right is discriminatory and might lead to illegal (i.e., dangerous) abortions. Thus, governments should respect and protect the right to abortion to allow freedom of conscience, privacy, integrity, and bodily autonomy. Use one of our feminism subtopics on abortion to get some writing inspiration.
Feminism to Address Domestic Violence
The feminist theory surrounding domestic violence argues that women are more vulnerable due to the power imbalances brought about by patriarchy. Due to the gender-specific roles in a relationship, masculinity is more dominant and seen as more potent than femininity. Thus, domestic violence is more common among women since society allows men to control their partners. Look at our list of feminism topics for debate about remedies against violence.
⭐ Top Feminism Topics to Write About
- Critique of “We Should all be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieIn April 2012, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a speech entitled “We should all be feminists” at the TedxEuston event in London.
- Gender & Feminism in A Doll’s HouseThe paper uses a combination of gender focus and reader-response approaches and argues that in “A Doll’s House” women’s self-sacrifice is viewed as a regular responsibility.
- “Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism” a Book by Bell HooksAin’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism is a book that was written in 1982 by Bell Hooks. Hooks analyzes the past position of black women in America as slaves.
- Feminist Issues in the Poetry by Adrienne RichThe present article is devoted to the development of feminism in the poems by Adrienne Rich. The paper analyzes and interprets the verses written by the poet.
- Daly and Chesney-Lind: Distinctive Features of FeminismThe purpose of this paper is to discuss how Daly and Chesney-Lind contributed to the discourse in criminological thought with their insights on feminist theory.
- Tracey Emin as a Post-modernist Feminist ArtistThe main characteristic of a postmodern artist, like Tracey Emin, is anything that anyone does which has a profound effect on somebody or something else.
- Lysistrata: The First Feminist“Lysistrata”by Aristophanes focuses on the story of a young woman of the same name who attempted to better her community by stopping a war.
- Feminism: “Made in Patriarchy” Article by BuckleyThough women serve as powerful means of inspiration, and female stereotypes determine physical spaces at home and work, it is wrong to neglect the power of the patriarchy context.
- Standpoint Feminist TheoryThis paper is a response to standpoint feminist theory and its influence in today’s social, philosophical, and scientific circles.
- Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist TheoriesCritical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one.
- Feminism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte GilmanThe woman behind the yellow wallpaper presents the narrator and all the women in the society trapped by the societal expectations.
- Feminist Practices in “Little Women” Book by AlcottThis paper explores the feminist aspects of Louisa May Alcott’s novel “Little Women” and focuses on the representation of feminism and gender fluidity in the text.
- A Killjoy Manifesto: a Feminist KilljoyThe feminist killjoy advanced by Ahmed is an illustration of the manifesto that advocates for equality and justice in society.
- The Speeches “Is it a Crime to Vote?” by Anthony and “We Should All Be Feminists” by AdichieThis paper analyzes Susan Anthony’s speech “Is it a Crime to Vote?” and Chimamanda Adichie’s speech “We Should All Be Feminists” and identifies the elements of a political speech.
- Feminist Literary Criticism: Shoshana Felman’s IdeasAs a basis for the analysis, Felman’s arguments are cited that female inability to express personal experiences openly is a characteristic feature of modern society.
- Womanist and Feminist on Holy SpiritDifferent interpretations of the Holy Spirit are based on feminist and womanish ideologies and trisections. Womanism and Feminist approach (strengths and weaknesses).
- The Significance of Feminist Movement by Bell Hooks: Article AnalysisAt the beginning of the 20th century, women’s movement for equal rights happened to spread as an international phenomenon.
- Feminism in “The Wife of Bath” by Geoffrey ChaucerThis paper focuses on analyzing how Chaucer uses pilgrimage to a frame of stories and how this literary device is employed in “The Wife of Bath”.
- History and Influence of Feminist PsychologyFeminist Psychology has been impactful in protecting women from workplace harassment and other forms of discrimination in society.
- Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil: Feminism in FacesAmrita Sher-Gil’s feminism is more about the emancipation and freedom of Indian women, while Frida Kahlo’s feminism is more about individualism and women as individuals.
- Radical and Reformist FeminismThe belief in the equality of women and men has a long history. However, until the first wave of feminism in the 19th century.
- Feminist Ideas in the Works of Angela CarterThe works of Angela Carter are saturated with feminist ideas that critique traditional patriarchal fairy tales. Carter’s feminist focus defies stereotypes.
- Misconceptions of Feminism CaseThe paper briefly discusses a misconception of feminism encountered, either in interactions with others or in popular media.
- Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist ManifestoJudy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood.
- Feminism in Kate Chopin’s Book “The Story of an Hour”The “Story of an Hour” captures the reader’s attention from the onset. Kate Chopin shows that women at the time existed solely to fulfill their husbands’ dreams.
- How Has Feminism Influenced the Art of Animation?Superiority between mediums has been points of contention among scholars but this paper shall focus on how feminism has influenced the art of animation.
- Kate Chopin: Early Feminist WriterKate Chopin is the quintessential early feminist writer because she was not afraid to portray women in a different light.
- Literary Analysis Methods: Feminist CriticismOverall, any work of literature should be analyzed from various standpoints such as for instance, cultural, social, historic etc, certainly if it is possible.
- Artemisia Gentileschi’s Art in Feministic ContextArtemisia Gentileschi was a follower of the naturalistic tradition developed by Caravaggio. This essay analyzes some major works by Artemisia Gentileschi in the feministic context.
- Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and HomophobiaFeminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought, has found an important place in modern social studies.
- Artemisia Gentileschi: Feminist TheoryNowadays, deemed that Artemisia Gentileschi is the actual forerunner of feminism in the West. This work aims the rationale behind such a point of view.
🧓 Feminist Argumentative Essay Topics
Myths about Feminism
Feminism is a concept that campaigns for universal gender equality. However, numerous misconceptions and myths have compromised the movement.
People who don’t understand feminism say that it is an anti-men crusade invented by the Western countries to elevate women. Others assume that all feminists have a similar pattern of thinking and acting, which is a myth. Another misconception is that feminism should defy tradition, which is wrong because all women have the freedom to choose their path in life. Pick one of the feminist topics to write about and dispel a popular myth.
Feminism Interactions with Socialism
Socialist feminism is a women’s movement that focuses on gender and capitalism. It argues that for women to attain complete gender equality, class inequality should be addressed. Also, patriarchy and capitalism encourage the oppression of women. Thus, social feminists deal with gender and class to highlight the economic gaps globally and fight for equal pay for women rather than unrewarded labor at home. Use our suggestions for feminist argument topics on socialist issues.
Feminism in Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is an unmarried feminist who is working and independent. She represents feminism since she is a liberated woman with her own money and power because of her working-class status. When it comes to marriage, she is principled and does not allow herself to become a victim of patriarchal oppression. Jane rises above the old tradition and overcomes male domination. Her ability to live a conscious lifestyle, pursue love, and fight unfair treatment depict her as a liberal feminist.
🗣️ Feminism Topics for Debate
- Is Feminism Still Relevant in Modern Society?
- Should Gender Quotas Be Implemented in Political and Corporate Leadership Positions?
- Does the “Pink Tax” Represent a Form of Gender-Based Price Discrimination?
- Is the Concept of “Leaning In” Effective in Achieving Gender Equality in the Workplace?
- Should Schools Teach Feminism as Part of the Curriculum?
- Is the Portrayal of Women in Media Improving or Regressing?
- Is the Feminist Movement Inclusive of All Gender Identities and Expressions?
- Should Reproductive Rights Be Considered a Fundamental Human Right?
- Is the #MeToo Movement an Effective Tool for Combating Sexual Harassment?
- Are Beauty Standards Perpetuated by the Media Harmful to Women’s Self-Esteem?
- Is the “Motherhood Penalty” a Significant Barrier to Women’s Career Advancement?
- Is There a Double Standard in Societal Expectations for Men and Women?
- Should Paid Parental Leave Be Mandated to Promote Gender Equity in Parenting Roles?
- Is the Concept of “Choice Feminism” Empowering or Problematic?
- Should Women Have the Right to Opt Out of Traditional Feminine Roles Without Judgment?
- Is There a Need for Stronger Legal Protections Against Online Harassment and Doxxing?
- Does the Media Contribute to the Objectification of Women’s Bodies?
- Should Gender-Segregated Sports Be Replaced with Inclusive Alternatives?
- Is “Girl Power” Merchandise a Meaningful Expression of Empowerment or a Marketing Tactic?
- Should Affirmative Action Policies Be Implemented to Promote Gender Diversity in Workplaces?
- Is the Representation of Women of Color Adequately Addressed in Feminist Discourse?
- Should Sex Education Include Discussions on Consent and Healthy Relationships?
- Does the “Motherhood Penalty” Impact Women’s Ability to Achieve Leadership Roles?
- Is the “Glass Ceiling” Still a Significant Barrier for Women in Achieving Career Advancement?
- Is Feminism Compatible with Religious Beliefs and Practices?
- Should Feminism Address the Unique Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Individuals?
- Should Governments Provide Free Menstrual Products to Combat Period Poverty?
- Is the Concept of “Body Positivity” Effectively Challenging Beauty Standards?
- Is the Portrayal of Women in Video Games and Media Contributing to Sexism?
- Should Anti-Street Harassment Campaigns Be Implemented to Create Safer Public Spaces?
🦄 Inspiring Feminism Title Ideas
Look through the following list of feminism research topics that approach feminism from a cultural angle.
How Has Feminism Changed Culture?
Feminism has influenced culture since women have equal access to education, employment, and other political freedoms. The movement also has a significant impact on modern society since women have a right to vote, equitable pay, access to risk-free abortion (not everywhere, though), and other fundamental rights. In addition, feminism has empowered women to challenge harsh cultural practices in some communities.
Feminism in Hamlet
William Shakespeare depicts feminism in Hamlet through Ophelia. She represents femininity and the death of a woman caused by an oppressive environment. Ophelia’s life and her mental illness reflect the stifling expectations that society places on women. Apart from Ophelia, other female characters in Hamlet are dismissed and considered weak. Find more feminist topics for discussion in this literary piece.
Can Men Be Feminists?
Feminism is a concept that believes men and women deserve equal opportunities in employment and social and political spaces. Thus, men can be feminists who advocate for equal rights of all genders. Besides, men who participate in gender parity campaigns strengthen the efforts of feminists globally. Thus, men can also be feminists by challenging societal norms. Study our suggestions for topics about feminism and men.
👍 Catchy Feminist Topics
- “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy and the Concept Feminism“Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy in spite of its seeming calmness, filled with anger and despair – it seems thatbthe poem could be the anthem for the XXI century feminism.
- Gender Pay Gap From Feminist PerspectiveFeminists are in the best position to comprehend and articulate the causes of the problems women face in society, which include the gender pay gap.
- Art Activism, Feminism, and Social MediaFeminist art refers to works created during the era of the feminist movement, which began in the late 1960s and flourished in the early 1970s.
- Feminism and Identity Crisis in PoliticsThe paper states that politics has an issue with feminism. That remains why there is never an equal representation of women in politics.
- Feminism in Literary Works of Murray, Franklin, and FullerThe paper states that Murray, Franklin, and Fuller express pro-feminist and pro-equality views using a variety of writing techniques.
- Global Misunderstanding of the Idea of Feminism and Gender EqualityGlobal misunderstanding of the idea of feminism and gender equality in education leads to devastating consequences that cannot be allowed.
- Women in Society According: Feminism and FunctionalismTalk to about modern feminism without considering the history of the movement and the individuals who were fighting for the rights people take for granted in the 21st century.
- Audre Lorde’s Feminism and CounterargumentsVarious stakeholders, including renowned filmmakers and playwrights such as Maggie Nelson, Gloria Jean Watkins, and Audre Lorde among others, have presented feminism differently.
- Artemisia Gentileschi’s Influence on Feminism and Art HistoryArtemisia Gentileschi (1593-1656) was one of the most outstanding Italian Baroque artists of the post-Renaissance period. Nowadays, Gentileschi is considered to be one of the earliest feminists.
- Theme of Feminism in Brookner’s Literary WorksTwo literary works that will be analyzed from the perspective of feminism in the scientific work are Brookner’s “Leaving home” and “Undue influence”.
- Female and Male Gender Roles and Sexualities in Feminist Literature and American NationThe essay explore women’s perspectives on such fundamental pillars of femininity as gender and sexuality through the works of Jamaica Kincaid and Maxine Hong Kingston.
- Black Feminism: Marches in Support of Black WomenBlack feminism is a part of feminist theory that was created by black women. One of the main priorities of black feminism is the fight against racism and inequality.
- Feminist Perspectives in ‘Trifles’: Analyzing Susan Glaspell’s PlayOne of the main points made by the play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell, is how women and their interests remain unnoticed by the men, who have more power.
- Unveiling the Gender Gap: Feminist Theory in SociologyFeminist theory in sociology shifts the emphasis from men to women and from social structure to the lived experiences of individuals.
- The History of the Modern Feminist MovementThe commonalities existing between feminist theories of various generations lie in the expansion of female rights and can be explained by the logical progression.
- Perspectives on Muslim Women’s Rights and FeminismThe purpose of the chapter written by Nash is to identify the problems associated with feminism in the context of the Middle East.
- The Role of Semiotics in Shaping the Feminist Discourse in Palestinian CinemaThis paper explores the significance of semiotics in shaping feminist discourse within the context of Arabic cinema, discusses the evolution of film studies within feminist theory.
- Feminism Across Decades: AnalysisImplying the expansion of the movement, it set the premises for global outreach, incorporating the principles of intersectionality.
- Feminist Ideas of Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-GilFeminist narratives are found in painting, and the representatives of these currents are the artists Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil.
- Interpersonal Deception Theory and Feministic Muted Group TheoryInterpersonal Deception Theory investigates how individuals’ consciousness and unconsciousness react to deception in face-to-face communication.
- Liberalist, Feminist, and Anti-Racist MovementsNational governments should accept liberalism, feminism, and anti-racist movements to aid in the fight against atrocities inflicted on contemporary society due to inequalities.
- Men’s Participation in the Feminist MovementThis work aims to support the controversial point of view that men have the right to participate in the feminist movement as they can bring more benefit to it.
- Should Everyone Be a Feminist?Individuals should be feminists as it explores the importance of changing social beliefs and gender constraints that leads to inequalities between men and women.
- The Feminism Theory in Modern SocietyWomen perform significant social, work, and parenting functions on an equal basis with men. However, in some cases, they barely have the same rights and freedoms as men do.
- Gender Inequality and Feminism in a TV SeriesGender inequality indicators measure quantifiable aspects of biases against women or men. It is the women who suffer the most from gender discrimination.
- Transnational Feminism and OppressionThe “four “I’s” of oppression” provide a set of four kinds of repression that women suffer due to their gender and association with male-dominated societies.
- Women Playwriters’ Development of Feminist AgendaThe works of the three playwrights became key in the development of a feminist agenda in the theater, as each conveyed topical issues.
- Analysis of Kate Chopin’s Impact on FeminismKate Chopin was a prolific figure and a writer of the mid-to-late 19th century, who has contributed significantly to the growth of feminism in the United States.
- Feminism in Works of Sylvia Plath, Lorrain Hansberry, and Anne SextonIn this essay the works of Sylvia Plath, Lorrain Hansberry, and Anne Sexton will be analyzed to determine how feminism was affecting society in the middle of the twentieth century.
- Feminism and Its Impact on Woman in the Modern SocietyThe article argues feminism has had a significant impact on the legislative system and the society in general.
📊 Feminism Topics for Presentation
Use one of our argumentative essay topics about feminism to make an excellent presentation!
How Does Religion Correlate with Feminism?
The relationship between religion and feminism is based on the main religions contributing to women’s subordination and still reinforcing patriarchy in various societies. However, some feminists argue that not all faiths subdue women. Other early religions valued women and had influential goddesses and female figures at the helm of leadership. Below are thought-provoking topics related to feminism and its interaction with religion.
What Is Feminist Psychology?
Feminist psychology focuses on the gender inequalities and injustices encountered by females. It criticizes the conventional views and research conducted by men with a biased view that supports patriarchy. Thus, feminist psychology ensures people understand the experiences and perspectives of women in equal measure to men’s viewpoints. Find a great idea among our feminism essay questions related to psychology.
Women’s Economic Empowerment
Economic empowerment entails safeguarding women’s rights to equal work opportunities, social protection, education, and market access. It aims to raise women’s status in society so that they can control their lives, time, resources, and bodies. Hence, empowering women promotes gender parity, eradicates poverty, and guarantees positive economic growth.
🔥 Hot Feminism Argumentative Essay Topics
- Feminist Literary Theories in the Age of #MeTooOne of the feminist literary theories is based on structural and economic inequality. Another feminist literary theory is based on objectification and gender roles.
- The Focus of Feminism Today and Current ProblemsThis essay will examine modern feminism, and analyze the topics of participation and underrepresentation of women in the public sphere and street harassment.
- Evolution of the Feminist MovementDespite the changes that have been made, on numerous indicators, women are disadvantaged relative to men, be it in earnings, poverty likelihood, the risk of violence, and opportunities.
- Characteristics of Feminism: Inequality in the Aging ExperienceThe purpose of feminism revealed through literature is to convey the idea of the importance of equalizing women in rights with men.
- Gender, Power, Privilege, and Feminism in the USAThe so-called era of feminism is one of the most significant and socially important phenomena in the USA, as it focuses on the role of the female sex in society.
- Perkin-Gilman’s Feminist Theory and View on Gender DiscriminationIn “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Gilman depicts in novel structure how the house turns into a women’s jail and how being shut in could lead to mental distress in women.
- Feminism Oppression in IslamThis essay looks into feminism oppression in Islam in the modern world. It will analyze what the term modern feminist means and then take a look at feminist oppression in Islam.
- Woolf’s vs. Brady’s Feminist Articles ComparisonSuch figures as Virginia Woolf and Judy Brady have made a significant contribution to the development of the feminist movement by publicly speaking on the matter.
- What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime?The most notable impact of feminism on women could be illustrated through the emerging interest of researchers to females in vulnerable communities.
- Socialist Feminist Theories, Solutions and ChangesRegarding the important issues in feminism, it is necessary to examine the issues of dualistic typification, beauty ideals, and the beauty industry in the context of feminism.
- The Notions of Misogyny, Feminism, and Sexual Freedom in Sam Mendes’s SkyfallThe overall socio-linguistic context of the notion of human sexuality has now generally been vastly misinterpreted by many people regardless of their racial, social, or ethnic affiliation.
- Ariana Grande & FeminismAriana Grande’s manifesto was caused by her discontent about too much interest in her private life. It was a wise and high-spirited step that introduced her as a moderate feminist.
- Beauty Through the Prism of FeminismThe paper aims to analyze modern standards of female beauty through the prism of liberal and Marxist feminism and the psychological consequences of internalizing these standards.
- Winterson’s “Written on the Body”: Feminist TextThis paper aims to prove that Written on The Body is a feminist text, providing a discussion of feminist criticism.
- Delia and Jig as the Feminist Women CharactersDelia and Jig are dynamic characters, and the circumstances that create conflict for Delia and Jig were named.
- Radical Feminism Explains ProstitutionRadical feminists reject the idea of mental differences but see prostitution as social and economic oppression only.
- Radical Feminism vs. EqualityRadical feminism seems to fuel the tensions between men and women and does not contribute to the resolution of the conflict.
- Book Review “Religious, Feminist, Activist ” by Laurel ZwisslerReligious, Feminist, Activist by Laurel Zwissler examines the political and theological patterns of women who claim that their activism is tied to religious beliefs.
- Feminism and Criminology in the Modern Justice SystemFeminist research is a promising method for studying the psychography of crime, motivation, and the introduction of women’s experience in the field of forensic science.
- Why Feminism Is Present at Work According to Bell HooksBell Hooks accentuates the need of fighting poverty and low quality of life and claims that the role of women in the workforce is to be reconsidered.
- Feminism: Historical Perspective and Implications to Christian Understanding of the WorldThis paper focuses on analyzing how feminism changed the mindset of people, which affected the position of women, gender relationships, and Christian views.
- Artemisia Gentileschi: Significant Role in the Development of an Early Feminist MovementArtemisia Gentileschi is one of the most prominent Italian artists, a talented follower of Caravaggio, and an inspirational personality within the evolvement of feminism.
- Women’s Lib: A Feminist Counterculture MovementThe history of the movement indicates that Women’s Lib came into existence in the late 1980s at the time when the second wave of the feminist movement came to an end.
- Feminism Concepts in “Cinderella” Fairy TaleModern culture is still very much affected by folk tales like “Cinderella” even though nowadays standards of morality undergo significant changes.
- “Feminism Is for Everybody” Book by Bell HooksThe most important task of the feminist movement is the popularization of a healthy and happy woman; such a woman makes use of her rights cleverly.
- Feminist Ethics: History and ConceptsFeminist ethics dates back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and amongst its pioneers include feminists such as Mill, Beecher, Stanton, Gilman, and Wollstonecraft.
- Feminism in “Trifles” by Susan Keating GlaspellThe play Trifles was published in 1916 during the peak of the Feminist Movement. The play’s title refers to something insignificant or very trivial, which holds no importance.
- Modern Status of Feminism From Multicultural PerspectivesThe notion of feminism comprises movements and theories disclosing the issues of women equality, gender differences and supporting female interests and rights.
- Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” From a Feminist PerspectiveThe Yellow Wallpaper is a literary piece written from a feminist perspective. In the Yellow Wallpaper men are perceived to be domineering and the primary bread winner in the family.
- Social Science and Sexuality: Aspects of FeminismThe life of human beings on this Earth has always been a very complicated matter. This has been so due to some factors – natural, physical, psychological, and others.
💬 Feminism Speech Topics
Fashion and Feminism
Fashion has a direct correlation to feminism throughout history. It plays a significant role in feminist movements to symbolize social change. Although fashion might be seen as an oppressive tool, it allows women to express themselves freely while promoting progressive ideas. Moreover, fashion brands are always at the forefront of supporting women’s rights campaigns.
Feminist Modern Art
Feminist art aims to reveal the differences that women often experience in societal and political spheres. Some of the themes depicted in feminist modern art include patriarchy, racism, misogyny, gender roles, etc. This art form shows how the world is changing positively, bringing about liberation and gender equality.
Provocative Methods in Feminism
Provocative feminism is an approach that challenges societal norms and aims to empower the modern woman. It encourages women to embrace unconventional methods and question the foundation and expectations of traditional gender roles. Women use their unique experiences to assert power and create an equitable world that aligns with their beliefs.
✍️ Feminism Essay Prompts
- “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee: Conceptual Inconsistency of Neo-Liberalism and FeminismWe need to refer to Lee’s novel as to what it really is – a literary tool of depriving White Americans of their racial immunity.
- Themes of Feminism & Gender in A Doll’s House by Henrik IbsenIbsen is considered one of the most successful play writers of the 19th century. He has a large body of work in various genres of literature.
- Patriarchal Oppression in Chopin’s Feminist WorksThe works of Kate Chopin, a prominent American writer, traditionally focus on women’s biased position in marriage.
- National Women’s Party and Ongoing Gender InequalityThe purpose of this paper is to reveal the causes of inequality that still remain in the eyes of society in spite of the great steps feminist organizations have made.
- Understanding the Male Gaze: Sanders vs. PonterottoDuring the Second Wave, the feminist movement coined the term “male gaze” to describe the dynamics of sexual politics and how men view the female body.
- Feminism in Chinese Literature, Culture, SocietyPlacing the feminist movement in the cultural context of China requires taking a retrospective view of the works of early Chinese feminists, such as Xiao Hong’s “Hands.”
- Poem: Writing of Self – Exploring Feminist Themes and Self-ConfidenceEarly feminism was a movement represented mostly by women, who wanted to have equal rights such as a right to vote.
- Christianity and Feminism: Differences in BeliefsChristianity is contradictory to feminism as it is the ideology of the individual who may not be eager to build a family but can contribute to society in other ways.
- Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop MusicHip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States.
- Autonomist Feminists & Unwaged Labor: Web 2.0 & CapitalismResearch question regarding autonomous feminists and contributions to the capitalist economy, and the question of unpaid Web 2.0 work.
- Themes in Color Feminism: Intersectionality and Racial PrioritizationStasiulis enumerates two themes of color feminism. The first theme demonstrates the racial hegemony of white women over women of color while preaching against gender differences.
- Domestic Work and Motherhood in Feminist CriticismThe importance of women’s work has always been of primary interest in feminist discussions. The notion of women’s domestic work has always been accepted with criticism.
- Role of Feminist Organizations in Advancing Women’s Rights and StatusFeminism is a branch of knowledge that seeks to revise the existing societal structure to incorporate women in each aspect.
- Abortion and Care Ethics: Moral Perspectives on PersonhoodAbortion is one of the most discussed topics of bioethics. It is one of the oldest topics and, at the same time, one of the most divisive.
- Artemisia Gentileschi: Pioneer of Feminist Art in the 17th CenturySince the beginning of her artistic career, Artemisia Gentileschi challenged Counter-Reformation taboos of that time.
- How Domesticity Slowed Gender Equality in 19th-Century AmericaWhile the Declaration of Sentiments itself as a legal document was an incredible achievement in the battle for equality, there are a few things that make it truly significant.
- Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and FeminismFor centuries, women suffered from discrimination that caused a lot of social, legal, psychological, and medical problems for them.
- What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet?This study examines the article that speculates upon the increasing sexism that currently dominates online spaces, and the ability of feminist theory to change this situation.
- Artemisia Gentileschi Influence on Feminist HistoryThe purpose of this paper is to describe and understand the value of Artemisia’s self-portraits referring to the development of the feminist movement.
- Feminist Themes Explored in “Two Sisters” and “The Chirashi Covenant” StoriesThis paper proposes to explore female characters and their contribution to modern feminism based on works by E. Pauline Johnson and Naomi Hirahara.
- Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits: A Feminist Perspective and Artistic AnalysisPortraits and paintings Artemisia Gentileschi, a Renaissance painter from Italy, allowed her to become the first female member of the Italian Academia of Art and Design.
- Artemisia Gentileschi’s Art and Feminist ImpactArtemisia Gentileschi is regarded as one of the most prolific artist of the seventeenth century at a time when women were stigmatized and considered incapable of practicing any form of art.
- Artemisia Gentileschi: Impact of Self-Portraits on Early FeminismGentileschi’s self-portraits are considered not only as those masterpieces that made her recognized but also promoted the development of early feminism.
- The Journey of Feminism: Analyzing Losses and Victories Throughout HistoryAnalyzing the specifics of the present-day feminism, one can possibly realize what challenges the feminists of today face, as well as the possible ways to face these challenges.
- The Study of the Feminist MovementThe Feminist Movement is one of the powerful social movements that have continued to shape diverse discourses in the modern society.
- Radical Feminism as a Significant Step in the Development of Feministic TheoriesThe present paper focuses on radical feminism as a significant step in the development of feministic theories.
- Gender Studies: Feminism VarietiesThe author notes that women are gaining consciousness to an extent that some have organized into political groups with an aim of forming strong alliances to enable them to fight for their rights.
- Rhetoric and Stereotypes: Their Impact on Social InteractionStereotyping takes place in people’s lives at one point of their lives concerning people who they view as outsiders.
- Important Issues in the FeminismThe important issues in the feminism are the term of socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals and the beauty industry in the context of the feminism.
🎓 Interesting Feminism Topics
- Influence of Radical Feminism on Reproduction
- Brazilian Feminism and the Empowerment of the Female Gender in Brazil
- Feminism and Cultural Relativism in Human Rights Discourse
- The History and Goal of Feminism and the Battle for Equality in America
- Feminism and Anti-feminism From 1830 to Nowadays
- Feminism and Political Reconstruction: The Gynocentric Aesthetics in the Wife’s Revolt and a Question of Power
- The French Lieutenant’s Woman and the Possibility of Feminism
- Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism
- The Relationship Between Marxism, Radical and Liberal Feminism
- The Issues Accompanying the Photographic Movement: Realism, Feminism, and the Male Point of View
- Modern Young Women and Their Role in a Society – Challenges for Feminism and a Constant Fight Against Social Prejudices
- Overview of Social Issues Facing Feminism
- The Importance of Feminism and Feminist Movement in India
- Liberal, Conservative, and Social Ideals vs. Feminism Before the 20th Century
- How Did Feminism Change New Zealand?
- The Impact of Radical Feminism on the Legal Business
- Liberal Versus Marxist Feminism and Women in Corporate America
- Analysis of the Relationship Between Feminism and Anthropology
- Suzanne Collins Challenges the Norm of Feminism in Her Novel the Hunger Games
- Women on Screen: Feminism and Femininity in Visual Culture
- Principles of the Double Standard: Sexuality and Feminism
- Feminism and the Social, Economic, and Political Equality
- The Disadvantaged Elite: Upper-Class Men and Feminism in the Age of Innocence
- Overview of the Link Between Nationalism and Feminism
💡 Simple Feminism Topics for Debate
- How Does Radical Feminism Suppress Women’s Freedom?
- Feminism: Women’s Suffrage and Early Twentieth Century
- The Feminism and Equality Brought Out by the Ideals of Love in Plato’s Symposium
- Second Wave Feminism and Its Attitude Toward Women
- Latin American Feminism and Women’s Suffrage
- General Characteristics of the Problem Between Homosexuality and Feminism
- Traditionalism, Feminism, and Homosexuality in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Problem With Feminism Is the Misunderstanding of Its Definition
- Liberal Feminism and Its Effect on Equality
- What Are the Main Theoretical and Political Differences Between “First” and “Second” Wave Feminism?
- Relations Between Lingerie, Feminism and Post Feminism
- Symbols, Symbolism, and Feminism in Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler
- The French Revolution: Olympe de Gouges and Mary Wollenstonecraft Role in Feminism
- Principles of Feminism and Feminist Social Theory
- Characteristics of Social Constructivism and the Message of Feminism
- The Discrimination Against Women and the Response of Lesbian Feminism to It
- Victorian Women and Feminism in Bram Stoker’s Dracula
- Constructivism and Feminism Ideas Identity and Gender
- Feminism and the Legal Equality and Fairness Doctrines
- The Marxist Feminist Theory and the Social System
- The First Wave Feminism: ‘The Forfeited Self’
- Political Feminism and Marx’s Theory Versus Liberalism
- Connections Between Feminism and Social Justice
- Brazilian Feminism: The Struggle to Overcome Male Dominance
- Characteristics Black Feminism and African American Women
📌 Easy Feminism Topics
- Influence of Black Feminism on Identity Issues
- Pornography Causes Violence Against Women Feminism
- Comparing and Contrasting Liberal, Socialist, and Radical Feminism
- The Complicated Relationship Between Pornography and Feminism
- Beyonce and Her Promotion of Feminism Through Her Music
- The Power and Pride That Comes With Feminism
- How Teenage Magazines Express the Post-feminism Culture?
- General Characteristics of Mexican Culture and Chicana Feminism
- Overview Feminism and Gender Discrimination on Women
- Social Media: Media for the Benefit of Feminism
- The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism
- Postcolonialism, Feminism, and Development: Intersections and Dilemmas
- How Does Feminism Explain Gender Differences in Comparison to Mainstream Psychology?
- Radical Feminism Versus Liberal Feminism
- Difference Between Liberal and Difference Feminism
- Overview of Multicultural Feminism and Collective Representation
- Overview Feminism and China After Chinese Economic Reform
- Post-colonial Female Gender Roles and Feminism in Haiti
- The Fight for Feminism in the Life of Julia Ward Howe
- How Ignoring Societal Standards and Feminism Opens?
- Constructing a Theory of Capitalist Patriarchy and Socialist Feminism
- General Information About 19th and 20th Century Feminism Culture
- The Real Trailblazers: Feminism in “That Boy From Georgia”
❓ More Feminism Research Questions
- Does Feminism and Masculinity Define Who People Are Today?
- What Is the Real Meaning of Feminism?
- What Is the Opposite of Feminism?
- Does Arab Feminism Exist?
- What Are the Three Types of Feminism?
- Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?
- When Did Feminism Start in Europe?
- What Is Eurocentric Feminism?
- Has Feminism Achieved Its Goals?
- What Is Western Feminism?
- Has Feminism Benefited the American Society?
- How Did Feminism Change New Zealand?
- What Are the First, Second, and Third Wave Feminism?
- How Did Second-Wave Feminism Affect the Lives of Women?
- What Is Marxist Feminism Theory?
- How Does the French Feminism Theory Manifest Itself?
- What Is Radical Feminism Called?
- How Feminism Changed the Lives of Women, Men, and Families?
- How Feminism Threatens Male Control and Alters Their Dominance in Society?
- What Is Critical Feminism?
- What Is Patriarchy in Feminism?
- How Has Economic Development and Globalization of South Korea Influenced the Role of Feminism?
- What Does Feminism Have on Women?
- What Do the Stepford Wives Say About Women and Feminism?
- What Are the Major Feminism Theories?
- Why Has Patriarchy Proved Such a Contentious Issue for Feminism?
- What Is Feminism in Simple Words?
- What Is the Main Goal of Feminism?
- Are Feminism and Gender Equality the Same?
- When Did Feminism Start in the USA?