🏆 Best Essay Topics on Intellectual Property
✍️ Intellectual Property Essay Topics for College
- Copyright Dispute: The Authors Guild vs. Google Legal Battle OverviewThe given paper is devoted to the investigation of the case Google vs. Authors Guild and ethical problems associated with it.
- Intellectual Property Rights Locally and GloballyThis paper discusses the challenges of protecting intellectual property rights on a domestic and global scale and the disadvantageous enforcement of IP rights in some nations.
- Intellectual Property Theft and Research PreservationWith the economic challenges linked to IP theft and loss, there have been long-lasting outcomes to the ability to share information and academic research freely.
- Streaming Media Technology and Copyright and Related Rights LawThis research analyzes the effects of updating these laws in regards to streaming technology and presents a candid opinion as well as recommendations based on knowledge.
- High Plagiarism Rate in Chinese UniversitiesThis research paper views the role played by culture in increasing the rate of plagiarism in most Asian universities and especially in China.
- Importance of Intellectual Property for EntrepreneurshipIntellectual property is a crucial aspect of the enterprise activity, protecting its processes, ideas, and inventions to maintain competitiveness.
- Copyright Law Regulation DebateThe following essay examines the extent to which copyright law can be used to promote efficient resource allocation and protect copyrights.
- Abolition of Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property raises many questions about the source of ideas, plagiarism and conflicts, so the author believes that it will be more beneficial to abolish it.
- Patenting Myriad Genetics’ DiscoveriesSupreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon.
- Intellectual Property Rules in Peer-to-Peer NetworksThe paper states that around the world, people have embraced a respect for all property rights that are known to be registered and enforceable.
- Modern Internet and Copyright ArgumentsThis paper aims to discuss arguments for and against downloading copyrighted books, music, and software from the Internet.
- Using Another Person’s Work Without Obtaining Their ConsentTrademark, copyright, and patent laws do not apply to creative works in the public domain because rather the public possesses these creations.
- Copyright Infringement in the “Blurred Lines” CaseIn 2015, Pharrell Williams was found guilty of stealing musical material, as the composition clearly contained elements of a Marvin Gaye song.
👍 Good Intellectual Property Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Intellectual Property Challenges in Information Technology SphereAs the sphere of IT continues to infiltrate other areas of society, IT managers encounter new challenges balancing the line between restrictions and open access to knowledge.
- An Intellectual Property Theft in MarketingIn a situation where ideas were stolen as plagiarism and then exhibited without the permission of the author, the one who owns this intellectual work will be right.
- Digital Piracy in the Modern WorldSome people do not care about the ethical implications of downloading content from unauthorized sources, while others morally justify their actions.
- Prevention of Intellectual Property TheftIn today’s world, data can be a commodity more valuable than any physical asset. Any organization must make the possible efforts to protect its data from unauthorized access.
- The US Copyright Law in the Oracle v. Google CaseIn the case of Oracle v. Google, the copyright law and related guidelines apply. The case can serve as a basis for reforming the law in terms of digital assets.
- Intellectual Property Protection and Commercial ProfitsThis paper will discuss intellectual property’s essential aspects, protection measures, and how value is secured.
- The CASE Act and the Copyright Law in the Modern GenerationOne of the legislative measures taken up by the USA’s house of delegates is the CASE Act, used to address better the problem of copyright infringement for smaller holders and entities.
- Intellectual Property and Issues Related to ItThis paper discusses intellectual property and issues related to intellectual property law and growth and why they are critical: Trademarks, copyright, patents, and designs.
- The Copyright Act of 1968 Overview and AnalysisThe Copyright Act, 1968 has been granted an absolute license in regulating copyright laws and primarily prevents other people from using, copying, circulating other people’s work.
- Application of a Design in TurkeyApplication of a design in Turkey involves preparation of a design application petition on an A4 plain white paper by the use of a typewriter to the institute of Patent in Turkey.
- Patent System in Sustaining R&D in the Private SectorThis paper discusses the role played by the patent system in sustaining research and development in the private sector.
- The Designs and Patents ACT 1988In its present form, the Designs and Patents ACT 1988 does not serve the purpose of protecting one’s intellectual property from being unlawfully copied.
- Michael A. Smyth v. The Pillsbury CompanyIn the case of Michael A. Smyth, the primary issue lies in the misconception of the understanding of the primary definitions of private and intellectual property.
- Doctrine of Confidential Information: Professor Peres’ CaseThe presentes paper suggests covering the case of professor Peres under the doctrine of confidential information.
- Business Torts and Intellectual PropertyFor businesses, the tort law has become a key concern because it leads to a tort liability that is considered a significantly illogical expense.
- EU Intellectual Property LegislationThe essay highlights that Intellectual property is a very precious commodity in today’s business world; hence it should be comprehensively studied and developed.
- Business Torts, Real and Intellectual PropertyBusiness laws continue to ensure there is ‘sanity’ in business and that any wrongful act has consequences on the person initiating, promoting, or overseeing the act.
- Protecting a Company’s Intellectual Property RightsIn the automobile industry, a manager should protect the following intellectual property rights: patent rights, trademarks, designs, and website addresses
- Case Law Analysis: Intellectual PropertyThe following is a presentation of a legal case most relevant to the current operations of the Wixen Music Publishing company.
- Intellectual Property Law – The Case of “High-Friend!”This paper discusses the major concepts of intellectual property law and how they may be applied to the fictional case of the “High Friend” product.
🌶️ Hot Intellectual Property Ideas to Write about
- Freedom of Expression and Intellectual Property RightsThe problem of finding the balance between ethics and free access to extensive information online is a challenge for present-day companies and entrepreneurs.
- IPR Violations in Software DevelopmentThe copyright law protects the statement and not the software idea. This regulates people from copying source code without seeking permission.
- Creative Commons and Open Source as Alternative Approaches to CopyrightThere are benefits of appropriate implementation of copyright strategies to protect the authored materials against the increasing breakdown of copyright laws.
- DRM: The Good, the Bad and the Downright UGLYDigital Rights Management is currently a collection of different strategies and devices to prevent the copying and digital distribution of media.
- Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market ResearchThe aim of this research will therefore be to draw a relationship between the use and the ownership of intellectual property rights in the entertainment industry.
- Intellectual Property Theft in the USThis paper reviews the jurisdictional implications of intellectual property theft, discusses the legislation in the US, and makes a case for an appropriate penalty.
- Copyright Law of the United States: Protecting Intellectual PropertyIn the U.S., the Copyright Act of 1976 is the primary legislation guiding people through various aspects of using other individuals’ work.
- Workplace Security and Intellectual Property TheftWorkplace security measures ensure the provision and support of safety regulations and respect for the human and legal rights of the employees and customers.
- Plagiarism in the Research WorkPlagiarism is wrong on many levels. Everyone must know the rules of using someone else’s works, and make an honest effort in learning and understanding the concepts of other people.
- Intellectual Property Law in Architecture and DesignThis paper examines the importance and impact of protection laws as far as copyright and patents are concerned, as well as the cartels formed by the law.
- Piracy in the Audiovisual Industry: Penberthy’s Article InsightsThose engaged in piracy of movies are not interested in making any profit, but instead they do it for recreational purposes.
- Engineering Ethics, Patent and Legal IssuesThe issue of an engineer failing to communicate with his employer about the legal implications of patent rights does not create favorable conditions for his efforts.
- Intellectual Property: A Valuable Commodity and Wealth GeneratorThis paper overviews intellectual property, covering its various aspects, issues that it concerns, and the abuse of the legal system that companies perpetrate in this field.
- PharmaCARE: Product Safety & Intellectual PropertyUsing the case of PharmaCARE, this paper discusses legal and ethical considerations in marketing and advertising, product safety, and intellectual property.
💡 Simple Intellectual Property Essay Ideas
- Intellectual Property Rights Business Management Practices: A Survey of the Literature
- The Frontiers of Intellectual Property: Expanded Protection vs. New Models of Open Science
- Antitrust Policy and Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Emerging Markets
- Profiting From Innovation and the Intellectual Property Revolution
- What Can the Economics of Intellectual Property Learn From the Economics of Insurance
- Intangible Heritage and Intellectual Property Challenges & Future Prospects
- Patenting the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Intellectual Property, and Technological Control
- Valuation of Intellectual Property: A Review of Approaches and Methods
- The Moral Legitimacy of Intellectual Property Claims: American Business and Developing Countries
- Protecting Intellectual Property Rights: The Special Case of China
- Technological Market Conjuncture: Risk Assessment Commercialization of Intellectual Property
- Are Intellectual Property Rights Detrimental to Innovation?
- Challenging Intellectual Property Law on the Internet: Legal Implications of the MP3 Technology
- Intellectual Property Rights: An Overview and Implications in Pharmaceutical Industry
- Formulating Effective Pro-Development National Intellectual Property Policies
- Differentiated Intellectual Property Regimes for Environmental and Climate Technologies
- Bidding for Brains: Intellectual Property Rights and the International Migration of Knowledge Workers
- Management of Intellectual Property Rights: Strategic Patenting
- Addressing the Global Scope of Intellectual Property Crimes and Policy Initiatives
- Venture Capital and Intellectual Property Rights Effects on Innovation in Different Socio-Economic Environments
- Evidence‐Based Intellectual Property Policymaking: An Integrated Review of Methods and Conclusions
- Repositioned Drugs: Integrating Intellectual Property and Regulatory Strategies
- Values and Competencies in University Intellectual Property Commercialization
- Ex Ante vs. Ex Post Justifications for Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Theft and Organized Crime: The Case of Film Piracy
🎓 Most Interesting Intellectual Property Research Titles
- Genes and Patent Policy: Rethinking Intellectual Property Rights
- The Ideology of Intellectual Property Rights in the International Economy
- WTO Waiver From Intellectual Property Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments
- Intellectual Property Reform for Genetically Modified Crops: A Legal Perspective
- Affiliate and Non-Affiliate Intellectual Property Transactions in International Business
- Intellectual Property and Industrialization: Legalizing Hope in Economic Growth
- Patenting Pluripotence: The Next Battle for Stem Cell Intellectual Property
- Economics of Intellectual Property in the Context of a Shifting Innovation Paradigm
- Grand Theft Audio: Popular Music and Intellectual Property in Video Games
- Intellectual Property in Medical Imaging and Informatics: An Independent Inventor’s Perspective
- The World Intellectual Property Organization and the Development Agenda
- Contemporary Tendencies in Educational and Institutional Aspects of Intellectual Property Training
- How Inadequate Intellectual Property Rights in the Fashion Industry Affect Global Sustainability
- When It Is Lawful to Use Other People’s Intellectual Property in Franchising
- A Property Right in Self-Expression: Equality and Individualism in the Natural Law of Intellectual Property
- The Invisible Meets the Intangible: Culture’s Impact on Intellectual Property Protection
- Digital Art as ‘Monetized Graphics’: Enforcing Intellectual Property on the Blockchain
- International Intellectual Property Litigation as a Vehicle for Resurgent Comparativist Thought
- Protecting the Origin of Foodstuffs in the EU: Origin and Trademarks as Intellectual Property Tools
- Creativity or Coercion: Alternative Perspectives on Rights to Intellectual Property
- Who Owns Ideas: The War Over Global Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Rights: Dispute Prevention and Settlement
- Dominating Global Intellectual Property: Overview of Patentability in the US, Europe, and Japan
- The Perspective of Moral and Financial Rights of Intellectual Property in Islam
- Intellectual Property Rights and Globalization: Implications for Developing Countries