🏆 Best Essay Topics on Jazz
👍 Good Jazz Research Topics & Essay Examples
- “Free to Be”: A Jazz Concert ReviewThe concert ‘Free to Be’ revolves around freedom, its joys, and its sorrows. The big band arrangement does the hard bop justice and sounds American to the core.
- Wynton Marsalis: Jazz in Marciac 2009Wynton Marsalis is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, musician, and composer. This paper dicusses the performance by Wynton Marsalis and the ensemble at the Jazz in Marciac festival in 2009.
- Five Innovative Jazz Techniques: OverviewThe five musical techniques discussed in this essay are innovative and open up new avenues for musical expression in the jazz style.
- Jazz Musician Comprehension: John “Dizzy” GillespieThe paper discusses the various events and people that shaped the life and career of Jazz musician John “Dizzy” Gillespie.
- Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour (Live in New York)The opening part of the concert set the dynamic for the remainder of the performance. The band’s rendition of “Fog” comprised a strong vocal part by Cécile McLorin Salvant.
- The Jazz Music Movement: A Listening JournalCharlie Parker, known as Yardbird, is one of the most significant music innovators of the 20th century because he brought bebop and influenced many musicians.
- Nate Smith’s Jazz Concert in VienneThis research paper examines Nate Smith’s jazz concert held at the Vienne Ancient Roman Theatre in Vienne, France.
- Jazz Music as Reflection of Social InjusticesDuring the civil rights movement, jazz music took a decidedly political tone to undertake an active role in the fight for civil rights.
- Jazz Music: Historical BackgroundJazz is a relatively young direction that quickly won its place in music. It started in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the States of Louisiana and New Orleans in the US.
- Charles Luckeyth “Luckey” Roberts in Jazz MusicThis report analyzes various aspects of Charles Luckeyth Roberts, commonly known as “Luckey”, such as the events and people that shaped his life and career.
- Jamison Ross’ Performance at Jazz San Javier FestivalJamison Ross is likely the most prevalent example as he embodies both the unconventional yet exciting changes to typical song standards.
- Jazz Styles and Artists: Louis Armstrong and OthersJazz is one of the most famous music genres, and the most famous jazz performers are Louis Armstrong, Ramsey Lewis, Miles Davis, and Duke Ellington.
- The Elio Villafranca Jazz Concert’s Special FeaturesThis essay analyzes the Elio Villafranca concert, which applies parallelism and juxtaposition through intricate rhythms and melodies and incorporates African retention.
- Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour ReviewThe music group that performed in the video is called the Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour. It is a band that consists of six of the fastest-rising stars in jazz.
- Two Genres of Music: Rap Music and Jazz MusicThe paper compares two genres of music: rap music and jazz music. Both genres of music once became a symbol of the protest of their time.
- Portico Quartet Jazz Concert ReviewIn their 2020 concert in Sala Apolo, Barcelona, Jack Wyllie, Duncan Bellamy, and Milo Fitzpatrick pushed the boundaries of the perception of jazz.
- Jazz Music and Civil Rights LiberationJazz music originated as a form of expression by Oppressed Black slaves in the 20th century but has grown into a popular genre in modern times.
- The YouTube Broadway Jazz ClassThe famous song “All That Jazz” from the musical “Chicago” largely contributed to the understanding of Fosse’s dance style.
- The Newport Jazz FestivalNewport Jazz Festival is a grand musical occasion held every summer in Rhode Island. It was initially established as the first annual American jazz festival.
- Jazz Music History and AppreciationMasterpiece jazz is a combination of soaring sophisticated Western music and jazz melodies. It originated in the United States in the early 20th century.
- Performing Arts. Minton’s Playhouse Jazz ClubMainstreaming the jazz sounds would take the establishment of popular night spots that featured this type of music, such as the famous Minton’s Playhouse in Harlem.
- Jazz and Politics: “The History of Jazz”Free jazz musicians had made moves in the thematic structure of music in that the songs that were sung were framed in a way that they were able to give melody.
- New York Jazz Festival: Diverse Talents & Authentic Jazz ExperienceIncorporating the elements of different cultures, the Monterey Jazz Festival featured an extraordinarily diverse and immensely talented band.
- Hillsong United: A Journey of Faith and MusicThe first opera appeared in Italy, in Florence at the turn of XVI – XVII centuries. It was composed by the members of a small company the admirers of ancient art.
- The Meaning of Freedom for Jazz InstrumentalistsJazz appeared at a very important period of time. African American musicians gathering in New Orleans to improvise and share their music could be taken as the founders of this music genre.
- Duke Ellington: Jazz Legend and Innovator in American Music HistoryDuke Ellington – a man whose talent was rare, whose improvising abilities were admired, and whose legacy continues to excite jazz lovers all over the world.
- The Influence of Jazz as a Cultural Object in Germany: Historical and Cultural InsightsThis paper focuses on the influence of jazz as a cultural object in Germany. It traces the ban of jazz by the Nazis and importation to Germany after World War II.
- Early New Orleans Jazz Piano StylesNew Orleans is considered the birthplace of traditional jazz music. It dates back to the 20s of the past century, right after the end of the World War I.
🎓 Most Interesting Jazz Research Titles
- Edward Ellington: Greatest Composer in Jazz History
- Most Influential Jazz Singer, Billie Holiday
- Jazz and Its Influence on African American Communities
- Babylon Revisited: Life after Jazz
- The Roaring Twenties, the Jazz Ages, and the Age of Paranoia
- Jazz Music and Its Impact on the 20th Century
- The Most Influential Jazz Musicians of All Time
- Lewis Armstrong and His Influence on Jazz History
- Understanding the Joys and Pains of Playing Jazz on the Trumpet
- The Correlation Between Jazz Musicians and the World of Addictive Substances
- The Origin and Development of Jazz Music in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Jazz and Literature Representative Works
- Blue Notes: Slovenian Jazz Festivals and Their Contribution to the Economic Resilience of the Host Cities
- The Definition and History of Jazz in America
- Chicago and New York as Focal Points in Jazz in the 1920s
- Early Jazz and How It Affects Music Today
- The Jazz Age Was One of the Many Highlights of the 1920s
- Jazz Music and Its Influence on African Americans
- The Definition and History of Jazz Music and How It Changed the Shape of the Nation
- The Jazz Age: Aftermath of War and Prelude to Depression
- Folk and Jazz Influences On Igor Stravinsky’s Compositions
- Southern Florida and Jazz Music
- The Music Life and Legendary of Max Roach in the Jazz World
- Listeners’ and Performers’ Shared Understanding of Jazz Improvisations
- Correlation Between Baroque Music and Cool Jazz
- Female Trendsetters During the Heyday of Jazz and Big Band
- The Similarities Between Classical Music and Ellington’s Jazz
- Improvisation and Other Jazz-like Techniques in Jack Kerouac’s Writing
- Latin Jazz Orchestra Players and to the Right the Trombone
- Jazz and World War II: Reciprocal Effects and Relationships Assignment
💡 Simple Jazz Essay Ideas
- Brief Jazz History and Django Reinhardt
- The Mysteries and Intricacies of Jazz
- Blues, Jazz, and the Early Civil Rights Movement Assignment
- The Evolution and Impact of Jazz Dance on the World
- Jazz Music- The Roots of Our Everyday Life
- Heroin and Its Effects on the Lives of Jazz
- Temperance, Prohibition, and Jazz
- French Jazz and French Classical Music
- The Origin and Growth of Jazz Music in the United States
- Jazz Music and Its Impact on America‘s Music
- Black Culture and Jazz Music
- The Jazz Era That Introduced Many New Innovations to Literature
- Jazz Music and Its History
- Paving the Way for the Jazz Age
- Jazz Music and Its Development
- The Original Dixieland Jazz Band Influence
- The Jazz Industry and Had a Big Influence on Music
- Miles Davis and the Development of Improvisation in Jazz Music
- Rhythm and Blues: The Harmonic Connection Between Jazz and Blues
- The History and Influence of Jazz in America
- The New Orleans Jazz and Music
- Jazz, Society, and Technology
- Civil War and the Age of Jazz
- Tracing Back the Origins and History of Jazz Music in America From the Early 1800s
- Jazz Music, Freedom, and Women
- The Life and Musical Accomplishments of the Greatest Jazz Musician, Miles Davis
- Jazz Music During the Industrial Revolution
- The Guitar, Its Evolution Into Jazz, and Innovations Guitarists Have Developed Within Jazz
- Youth Behaviors and the Jazz Age
- The Gypsy Swing Cats and the Beginning of Jazz
❓ Questions About Jazz
- What Are the Three Approaches to Defining Jazz?
- What Are Some Misconceptions in Linking Free Jazz With the Civil Rights Movement?
- What Is a Concentric Model for Jazz History?
- What Are the Roots of Jazz and the Dance in Place Congo?
- What Is the Evolving Role of the Electric Bass in Jazz?
- What Jazz Techniques Did Sidney Bechet Use?
- Who Are the Most Influential Jazz Musicians of All Time?
- How Did American Culture Change During the Jazz Age?
- What Is the Origin and Development of Jazz Music in New Orleans, Louisiana?
- How the American Jazz Age Is Imaged in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”?
- How Swing Dance and Jazz Music Impacted America?
- How the Terms Temperance, Prohibition and Jazz Are Related?
- What Is the Connection Between Jazz and Innovation?
- How Jazz Came From Various Elements into One Complex Genre?
- How Commerce Has Helped Put Jazz Out of Business in Today’s World?
- How Gershwin and Jazz Influenced American Composer?
- What Are the Historical Origins and Development of the Cool Jazz Movement?
- What Was the Status of Female Trendsetters During the Heyday of Jazz and Big Band?
- What Were Social, Technological and Political Changes in the American Jazz Age?
- What Are the Main Characteristics of a Specific Style or Period in Jazz Since World War II?
- What Is Bebop Jazz and How Did It Influence the Whole Genre?
- What Do Baroque Music and Jazz Have in Common?
- What Were Cultural Developments During the Age of Jazz?
- What Were Folk and Jazz Influences Upon Igor Stravinsky’s Compositions?
- What Was the Influence of Saxophone on Advancement of Jazz Music?