82 Legacy Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Legacy

👍 Good Legacy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Legacy of Florence Nightingale
    Since Florence Nightingale’s framework was the first of its kind, many others that were developed later used it as a basis.
  2. Legacy of Love: Elie Wiesel’s Exploration of Father-Son Ties
    Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night presents one of the most prominent works of Holocaust literature, which captures the author’s experience in Nazi concentration camps.
  3. Basic Writing, Conflict, Struggle and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy
    The paper present analysis writings of Min-Zhan Lu and Lawrence, P. et al. which discuss education and definition of Mina Shaughnessy legacy.
  4. The Legacy of the Progressive Era
    The Progressive Era can be labeled as an attempt to improve American society, as the government introduced reforms, including the Regulation of Business, Greater Democracy, etc.
  5. Shikibu’s “Tale of Genji” as Japan’s Cultural Legacy
    Combining the ideas of hedonism with the emphasis on familial bonds, Shikibu’s “Tale of Genji” represents a unique slice of the Heian time period in Japan.
  6. Slavery’s Legacy in Kindred by Octavia Butler
    “Kindred” offers a thought-provoking perspective on the complexities of slavery. Octavia Butler examines power, control, and the ramifications of one’s choices in chapters 7 and 8.
  7. Frederick Douglass’s Narrative – Legacy of Resilience
    The paper discusses the “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”. It calls readers on a heart-wrenching journey through the life of Frederick Douglass.
  8. The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Legacy of White Supremacy by Pierre-Louis
    Kendra Pierre-Louis, in the article “The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Legacy of White Supremacy,” explores systemic racism and ethnic discrimination within the U.S. oil industry.
  9. Greek Legacy in Ancient Roman Culture
    Romans used the Greek philosophies and concepts to their advantage and developed one of the most powerful empires in the world.
  10. Genius and Digital Legacy: A Social Media Post
    Geniuses of the past centuries wrote letters and diaries; now, many years later, these artifacts can somehow get closer to the proper understanding of their personality.
  11. Classical Strategists and Their Legacy in Business Operations
    It is impossible to imagine modern business strategy without considering Sun Tzu’s influence on planning and assessment.
  12. The Legacy of the Gettysburg Address
    Abraham Lincoln delivered his most famous speech as president on November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech was intended to help mourn the troops who perished.
  13. Exploring Dorothea Lange’s Legacy in Words & Pictures
    Dorothea Lange is deemed one of America’s best photographers for her striking portraits of common people during the Great Depression and acute social awareness.
  14. Civil War: The Legacy in Ending Slavery
    The Civil War was among the worst wars that happened in America. However, it also left a legacy that caused the ending of slavery.
  15. Muhammad Ali and His Legacy: Informative Speech
    At the age of 12, Muhammad Ali started training as an amateur boxer under a police officer in Louisville, Joe Martin. At the Summer Olympics in 1960, he attained a gold medal.
  16. Colonial Legacy and Influence on Modern Africa
    From the political perspective, the worst consequence of the colonial period is the unnatural borders of the contemporary African countries.
  17. DuBois’ and Tocqueville’s Perspective on Legacy of Slavery
    The plight for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities has been one of the most long-standing issues in world history, with the history of slavery in the U.S.
  18. The War in Donbass as the Legacy of the Cold War
    The War in Donbass is one of the most obvious legacies of the past confrontation as multiple processes affecting the region remain similar to previous ones.
  19. Health Heritage Assessment of an Immigrant
    The purpose of this article is to explore how culturally diverse populations think about health care using the example of an immigrant who came to the United States.
  20. Arab Heritage: Patient-Centered Care
    Within a medical case study, the paper studies culturally congruent strategies of ensuring the patient’s concerns are addressed appropriately and they are given the necessary care.
  21. Legacy Leverage, Urbanism and City Renewal in Sydney and London
    This essay discusses the concept of legacy and issues related to urban renewal and examines whether the legacies of the London and Sydney Olympics games were a success or failure.
  22. Florence Nightingale’s Legacy Overview
    Florence Nightingale contributed to the development of modern nursing as a multifaceted medical area. Her activity is often linked to the Millennium Goals.
  23. European American Jewish Heritage Presentation
    European American Jews originated from Eastern Europe, mass immigration of the Jews from Europe to America started in the mid-1880s.
  24. The Legacy of the Gold Standard as a Medium of Exchange
    An economy that adheres to the gold standard accepts countries’ currencies’ value to be directly linked with the gold reserves that a country holds.
  25. Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions
    The present paper provided a summary of the heritage assessment test. Additionally, the paper provided a comparison of existing health traditions.
  26. Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy That Lives On
    The Transatlantic slave trade that took place between the 16th and the 19th centuries removed Africans from their homelands and brought them to Americas against their will.
  27. The Legacy of Emmett Till: The Power of Imagery in Media
    The story about the abduction and the ultimate gruesome killing of Emmett Till in 1955 at the age of 14 years birthed the Civil Rights Movement.
  28. The Book “Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and Its Legacy” by Jennifer Nedelsky
    The book “Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and Its Legacy” by Jennifer Nedelsky is one of the most progressive works.
  29. The Literary Legacy of Paul of Tarsus
    First, it is important to consider the direction of Paul’s life before the Damascus encounter, before turning to the encounter as supported by his epistles.
  30. Components of Abraham’s Legacy and Hinduism
    Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in the sense of their originating from India. They are considered nowadays to be the most influential religions in India.
  31. Augustine’s Legacy: “City of Gods” as the Main Aspects of His Work
    The author demonstrates the main aspects of his work, providing the reader with a short biography and main points represented in the City of Gods
  32. Elvis Presley’s Legacy in Las Vegas
    This paper aims to describe the Presley’s path that led him to the «sin city», the Vegas era in Elvis ‘ career, and the legacy that remained there after him.
  33. The Legacy of Ancient Civilizations Philosophy
    Ideas that are outlined in the ancient texts contain an actual information, a unique philosophy that should be taken into consideration and discussed.
  34. Maoist Legacy in Contemporary China
    The paper will critically analyze how the Maoist legacy is received in contemporary China. The author will use six examples to support their arguments.
  35. Florence Nightingale’s Legacy
    Nightingale revealed that nurses can influence positive changes in service delivery on a global scale, and every nurse is inspired by Nightingale’s legacy.

🎓 Most Interesting Legacy Research Titles

  1. Columbus and the Impact of His Discoveries on America‘s Legacy
  2. Adam Smith’s Legacy for Ethics and Economics
  3. Between Slavery and Capitalism: The Legacy of Emancipation in the American South
  4. Augustus Caesar and His Historical Legacy
  5. Hitler’s Legacy Still Haunts the World
  6. How Albert Einstein Impacted the Legacy of Ideas That Resulted in Modern Civilization?
  7. Alexander the Great’s Lasting Legacy
  8. Agricultural Legacy, Individualistic Culture, and Technology Adoption
  9. Inequality, Crime, and the Long-Run Legacy of Slavery
  10. Alan Turing’s Life, Contributions, and Legacy
  11. Fifty Years Later: The Legacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  12. Haitian Revolution: Causes and Legacy
  13. Individualism and Its Corruption of the Political Legacy of President Ronald Reagan
  14. Dorothy Parker’s Bold and Controversial Legacy and Writing Style
  15. How Ancient Greece Emulated the Egyptians and Left an Everlasting Legacy of Science, Art, and Trade?
  16. Economic Development and Freedom: The Legacy of Peter Bauer
  17. Erik Erikson’s Theory and Legacy
  18. Andrew Jackson’s Presidential Legacy
  19. Colonial Legacy, Polarization and Linguistic Disenfranchisement: The Case of the Sri Lankan War
  20. Alexander Nevsky: His Life and Legacy

💡 Simple Legacy Essay Ideas

  1. Hippocratic Oath Legacy for the Present Theology Religion
  2. Abraham Lincolns Legacy Analysis
  3. Agriculture and Political Reform in Japan: The Koizumi Legacy
  4. Family History, Religion, Nationality, and Legacy
  5. An in-Depth Analysis of Cuba’s Post Revolutionary Legacy
  6. Bob Marley: His Music, His Words, His Legacy
  7. Ancient History: The Legacy of Hatshepsut
  8. Americas Political Legacy Issues
  9. Black Enterprise and the Legacy of Slavery
  10. Colonization and Education: Exploring the Legacy of Local Elites in Korea
  11. Frank Lloyd Wright: Literary and Architectural Legacy
  12. Corporate Finance and the Legacy of Miller and Modigliani
  13. Art and the Legacy of the Puritans
  14. Ancient Egypt: Greatest Legacy
  15. Colonization’s Development and Its Legacy
  16. The Influence and Legacy of Western Civilization in the Development of Modern Singapore
  17. Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx: Legacy on Capitalism and Morality
  18. Dutch Disease and Economic Growth: The Legacy of Indonesia
  19. Albert Einstein: Biography, Publications, Legacy
  20. Adolf Hitler: World Wars, Nazi Party, Legacy

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