135 Research Topics on Money - Essay Topics, & More

Welcome to our list of money essay topics! Here, we’ve collected the most interesting research topics about money, titles for essays, presentation ideas, and even samples. Use them to get inspired!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Money

✍️ Money Essay Topics for College

  1. Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance
    Money is one of the most important influencing factors in modern life. Some scholars single it out as one of the three most distorting forces of human existence.
  2. Aspects of Money Management
    The paper states that money management is a critical skill, which will help improve the financial well-being and reduce the stress associated with money.
  3. Stealing Money From Corporations
    Stealing money from corporations affects the financial sector of the business and economy and reflects the ethical issues of the act.
  4. Time Value of Money in a Medical Organization
    A medical organization may use the concepts of the “time value of money” and “useful life” to organize the purchase of new equipment and to calculate the depreciation expenses.
  5. Money Issues in Romantic and Marital Relationships
    Money often causes issues in relationships because of changing roles in the household, increasing expenses, financial infidelity, and lack of financial goals.
  6. History and Role of the Money
    Money is any commodity or token that serves as a medium of exchange that is legally and socially acknowledged in payment for services and goods and in the disbursement of debts.
  7. Money and Relationship in King Lear by Shakespeare
    King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies, is a nihilistic story of destruction, money, and power conflicts that was originally performed in 1606.
  8. Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function
    Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply.
  9. Tradesmart Inc.: The Money-Back Guarantee
    Tradesmart Inc. is a fairly broad marketplace, which, in addition to low prices, also provides customers with a unique policy of returning money for the goods.
  10. Why Men Spend More Money Than Women?
    Men spend more than women because of various reasons. In this essay, the researcher seeks to discuss reasons why men tend to spend more money than women.
  11. Governmental Organizations: Value for Money Audits and Performance Audits
    Value for Money audit and performance audit have different objectives and complement each other, but neither is sufficient on its own to audit an organization’s performance.
  12. “Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not a Problem” by Jay Richards
    In his book “Money, Greed, and God,” Jay Richards, an American analytical philosopher, seeks to address the most common myths about capitalism.
  13. Money and Wealth in Paul’s Case by Cather
    One of the main themes in “Paul’s Case” story is money and wealth, as the main character is oppressed by his position, in which he is forced to take care of his earnings.
  14. Bitcoin: The Use of the Digital Money
    The paper has elaborated Bitcoin is used, its features, and its impacts on society. The digital currency has features similar to other currencies, such as durability.
  15. Foundations and Applications of the Time Value of Money
    This paper intends to discuss the concept of time value of money. The goal is to show that current cash flow is valued highly compared with future cash flows.
  16. Can Money Buy Happiness?
    This article analyzes Sandy LaMotto’s research that money brings happiness and that selfish spending is associated with a good mood.
  17. Art’ and Money Relations
    While the cultural value of many artworks exceeds material dimensions, it is hard to imagine how the masterpieces would be preserved without being involved in commodity-money relations.
  18. “Multiple Meanings of Money” by Smita Premchander
    The book Multiple Meanings of Money: How Women See Microfinances by Smita Premchander, V. Prameela, M. Chidambaranathan & L. Jeyaseelan (2009) explores the implications.
  19. Money and Wealth in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
    The paper discusses what money means for Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway and how this theme is essential for developing topics like the American dream and love.
  20. Is Money a Virtue or Evil: Discussion
    The study will have to document how money has been used in good ways through spreading the gospel and how it has been used in evil ways for personal or selfish purposes.
  21. Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth
    There are many different bond kinds, and each has benefits and drawbacks for the parties involved. Municipal and corporate bonds will be reviewed in this session.
  22. Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West
    Money in Christianity is a dangerous matter, which requires careful and proper management to stay on the path of Christ.
  23. Politics, Money, and Free Expression
    In 2011, the Supreme Court “decided that corporations and unions could contribute an unlimited amount of money to political campaigns.”
  24. Money to Charity: Moral Differences
    Many families across the globe continue living below the poverty line and cannot meet their basic needs like food, health, or even sleep.
  25. Aspects of Functions of Money
    Money is one of the vital tools in society. The paper looks at the feasibility of money-stably completing these functions in the near future.
  26. Inflation and Increase in Money Supply
    Even though the increase in the money supply might stimulate the economy, it is a dangerous strategy, and the Federal Reserve has to act with caution.
  27. The Federal Reserve System and the Money Supply
    The Federal Reserve (FR) has three main tools to control the money supply in the economy: the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements.

đź‘Ť Good Money Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Financial Planning. Money Management Skill
    Financial literacy can be defined as knowledge about financial planning and management that allows making reasonable choices about money spending and saving.
  2. Social Work Assignment: Gender, Money, and the Charity Organization Society
    Throughout the history of its development, the sphere of social work has witnessed the work of various contributors dedicated to achieving social equality.
  3. Money, Happiness, and Materialism Correlation
    The paper concludes that happiness doesn’t depend on material goods, and it should be understood that respect and empathy are superior to any material wealth.
  4. Financial Management: Where Does the Money Go
    It is increasingly possible to hear about the importance of financial literacy in the modern world, which largely boils down to thoughtful money management.
  5. How Money Laundering Practices Violate Financial Ethics
    Corruption is one of the biggest problems a government can face, and in this blog, the author aims to explain how money laundering practices violate financial ethics.
  6. Forecasting and Time Value of Money
    Time value of money is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period and significantly impact investing decision.
  7. Money as a Means Rather Than a Result of Achieving Happiness
    The paper states that one can note that money is a tool that allows buying things that make a person happy, but money itself does not bring happiness.
  8. Analysis of Anti-Money Laundering Strategies
    Money-laundering has been a significant problem for Canada because such a practice enables and facilitates many criminal activities such as drug trade, fraud or even global terrorism.
  9. Money Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism Issues
    Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa is largely attributed to the abject poverty that at times seems to be endemic.
  10. Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group
    Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa. This phenomenon is attributed to the abject poverty that seems to be endemic in this region.
  11. This American Life: Toxie Asset by Planet Money
    When recounting the story of Toxie, the reporters explain how “she” came to be, and how her life began at the peak of the housing market, progressed through the years.
  12. Montley Fool Money Guide: A Book’s Review
    It is an educative book that gives an insight into saving, spending, and investing. The author tries to bring out the foolish things people do with their money.
  13. Money Supply in the United States
    This essay discusses the money supply, what constitutes it, and the current supply in the US. It will also examine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the M2 supply in the country.
  14. Lloyd’s Tsb Bank Is Under Fire for Money Laundering Offense
    This research article discusses the role of the bank, either knowingly or unknowingly, in laundering the money obtained by cheating.
  15. Finance, Currency Alternatives, and Money in the Bible
    The currency used in all countries nowadays is an example of fiat money, meaning that it lacks intrinsic value.
  16. ”Money Supply” Article by Enam Ahmed Analysis
    In this article, Enam Ahmed explains why central banks should use the Divisia approach to measure the effectiveness of monetary policies.
  17. Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances’ Article Review?
    Amy Livingston’s article Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances provides comparative gender-related research.
  18. The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment
    A vast number of individuals fail to take up drug treatment because they are unable to raise the money that is required to enroll in such a program.
  19. Exchange Rate and Price: U.S. and Chinese Money
    The exchange rate quotation is derived by stating the number of units of term currency that can be bought in terms of the unit currency, which is also known as the base currency.
  20. Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy in the United States
    There are various monetary policy tools which can be used by the fed in order to achieve its desired policy objectives.
  21. Illegal Immigrants – They Are Money
    The paper looks at the issue of “illegal immigrants” to the US from the perspective of their value to businesses as cheap labor and as a market for their goods like credit cards.
  22. “Rivers of Blood and Money” Article by Burden
    The article “Rivers of Blood and Money” by Burden takes a different approach when analyzing the issue of anti-Semitism and events before and during the Holocaust.
  23. Money and Happiness: Insights from Economic Theories
    The pursuit of additional wealth and income usually becomes addictive thereby reducing an individual’s time with their family members and friends and limiting their social life.
  24. Healthcare Reform: Obama’s Immediate Challenges
    Having initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met stiff opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. It would be disadvantageous and made them lose revenue.
  25. The Time Value of Money and Interest Rate Risk: Financial Principles Explained
    Time value of money (TVM) is a financial concept, which implies that money available to an individual or a company at the present time is much more valuable.
  26. Innovative Fundraising Strategies for American Cities’ Growth
    One of the main ways through which urban governments in the United States can avert revenue problems is through prudent reduction of services that they currently offer.
  27. “Where Does the Money Go?” by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson
    In their book Where Does the Money Go?, Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson focus on the growing national debt of the United States and examine inefficiencies that led to the crisis.

🎓 Most Interesting Research Topics about Money

  1. World Money: From the Eurodollar to the Sinodollar
  2. Treasury Operations, Bank Credit, and the Money Market
  3. Working From Home Can Earn You Money
  4. The Money Demand Function for the Euro Area: Some Empirical Evidence
  5. Trade Credit and the Money Market
  6. U.S. Domestic Money, Inflation and Output
  7. The U.S. Money Market and the Term Auction Facility in the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009
  8. Varying the Money Supply of Commercial Banks
  9. The Uses of the Money in the Six Century B.C
  10. Tight Money Policies and Inflation Revisited
  11. Working Through the Distribution: Money in the Short and Long Run
  12. Utilizing the Time Value of Money
  13. Women Are Working and Spending Money Same as Men
  14. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
  15. Velocity and Money Growth Variability: Evidence From Japan
  16. The Swiss Sovereign Money Initiative
  17. Velocity and the Variability of Anticipated and Unanticipated Money Growth in Malaysia
  18. The Translog Utility Function and the Demand for Money in the United States
  19. Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique?
  20. Triodos Bank: Conscious Money in Action
  21. Transactions Costs, the Wage Rate, and the Demand for Money
  22. The Obsession With Money and the New Consumer Culture of the 1920s
  23. U.S. Banking and Money
  24. The Relationship Between Government Deficits, Money Growth and Inflation
  25. Understanding How Money Works

Simple Money Topics to Write About

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. The Rules for Saving Money by Consolidating Debt
  2. Thinking About Monetary Policy Without Money
  3. The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Money Laundering
  4. Work Can Provide More Than Money
  5. Velocity and the Growth of Money in the United States, 1970-1985
  6. Trade, Money, and Employment in Intertemporal Optimizing Models of Growth
  7. Unemployment, Real Wages and the Money Supply in Australia
  8. The Money Demand and the Loss of Interest for the Euro in Romania
  9. Wealth, Financial Liberalization, and the Demand for Money in Japan
  10. The Relationship Between Mobile Money Technology and Financial Development
  11. U.S. Narrow Money for the Twenty-First Century
  12. Working for Little Money: Does Germany Need a Minimum Wage?
  13. Where Has the Money Gone? The Case of Value Added Tax Revenue Performance in Indonesia
  14. The Trouble With Money: A Prescription for America’s Financial Fever
  15. Why Most PPC Advertisers Lose Money?
  16. Unconventional Monetary Policy and Money Demand
  17. Winning Money Online With Web Analytics
  18. Utility Function Transformations and Money Illusion: Reply and Further Results
  19. The Relation Between Money, Income and Prices in South Africa
  20. York Times Victims Money Fund
  21. Why Isn’t Money Considered Capital in Economics?
  22. Tight Money and the Sustainability of Public Debt
  23. Wealth and How Money Influences People’s Lives
  24. Tight Money-Tight Credit: Coordination Failure in the Conduct of Monetary and Financial Policies

âť“ Research Questions About Money

  1. Can Money Buy Happiness and Freedom?
  2. Does Money Equal Power in American Politics?
  3. Does Money Improve Academic Achievement?
  4. Does Ones Success Depend on the Amount of Money a Person Earns?
  5. What Are Some Fundamental Strategies for Saving Money?
  6. How Does Federal Reserve Control the Money Supply?
  7. How Does Inflation Affect the Function of Money?
  8. How Does Shakespeare Present the Issues of Love and Money in His Plays?
  9. How Does the RSPCA Persuade Us to Part With Our Money?
  10. How Money and Appearance Control the World?
  11. How Money Changes the Way We Think and Behave?
  12. How Money Has Become the Enemy of Our Society?
  13. How Money Was Created and the Basic Political Ideology of Money?
  14. How Much Money Does California Get From the Federal Government?
  15. What Are the Anticipations and the Nonneutrality of Money?
  16. What Is the Role of the State and the Hierarchy of Money?
  17. What Alternative Approaches to Money and Growth Are There?
  18. What Are the Statistical Mechanics of Money?
  19. What Is the Influence of Money on Medical Science?
  20. What Is the Development of a Money Attitude Scale?
  21. Will Money Increase Subjective Well-being?
  22. What Is the Structure and Performance of the Money Management Industry?
  23. Why Is There a Difficulty With the Optimum Quantity of Money?
  24. What Are the Distributions of Money in Model Markets of Economy?
  25. What Are the Monetary Policy Implications of Digital Money?

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