135 Nationalism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Nationalism

✍️ Nationalism Essay Topics for College

  1. Korean Popular Music’s Contribution to Nationalism
    Korean popular music represents a music genre that shows how the cultural practices of the Korean people use music to advance nationalism and national identity.
  2. Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I
    Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward World War I. The Pan-Slavic movement was not created by Russia to achieve its political goals.
  3. Implications of Irish Nationalism
    The struggle for Irish nationalism is aptly captured in “The Guests of the Nation” and “The Rising of the Moon”. This works account of the struggle from the cruel British and French dominion.
  4. Nationalism as a Cause of World War I
    World War I was triggered by numerous causes, and nationalism is one of them. It is mainly perceived as a sense of pride experienced by a nation.
  5. World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism
    This paper analyzes how nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I, and how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.
  6. The Role of Nationalism in the Two World Wars: Mann’s Insights
    This article provides a critical analysis of the causal relationships between nationalism and World War I in different countries.
  7. History and Impacts of Nationalism
    The paper demonstrates the impact of the nationalist movement on the development of political, economic, cultural, and social spheres from the 18th century, when it emerged.
  8. Nationalism from the Ethno-Symbolic Perspective
    Dive into the intricate realm of nationalism with a focus on ethnic symbolism, unraveling the threads of cultural heritage, and myths.
  9. ‘Made in China 2025’ Plan and Economic Nationalism
    ‘Made in China 2025’ consists of a ten-year-long plan that aims to improve the manufacturing foundation of China, which is primarily led by the government.
  10. Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
    Hindu nationalism took its form during the colonial and post-colonial periods and was preceded by a movement toward an awareness of the Indian people’s own unity and independence.
  11. Virtues of Nationalism Ideology
    Nationalism is a movement that believes in the phenomenon that members of a nation should be superior within its borders. It has different principles.
  12. Nationalism and Shinto in Meiji Restoration
    Shinto acquired control of governmental operations toward the end of the 17th century, which led to the Meiji Restoration. In 1868 Shinto became the official religion of Japan.
  13. Women’s Rights, Abolition of Slavery, and Nationalism in the US
    This paper examines such important events in the US history as women’s rights convention, the abolition of slavery, and nationalism development.
  14. Nationalist Ideology on Women’s Reproductive Rights in Ireland and Iran
    Irish literature entails oral and published literature of the inhabitants of Ireland, which is geographically part of the UK.
  15. The First World War and Irish Nationalism
    It is necessary to analyze what contribution the First World War made to the development of nationalism in Ireland.
  16. Development of Nationalism During the First World War
    Religious nationalism entails the combination of religion with national goals. The essay analyzes how war which constitutes various religious identities, can lead to nationalism.
  17. The Connection Between Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism
    Korean nationalism in terms of food is different from that of American culture introduced by American fast food.
  18. Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism
    This work aims to identify both nationalism and patriotism and to analyze their relationship with Christian identity through the prism of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.
  19. Process of Globalization and Nationalist Movements
    The transition between globalism and nationalism is frequently perceived as a threat to the government and its people.

👍 Good Nationalism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Three Cases of Terrorism: Ideological, Nationalist and Religious
    The main aim of terrorism is to draw the attention of the local population, state, and the entire world to the cause of terrorists.
  2. Nationalism: The History of Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939 was the confrontation of two warring forces – the Republican Popular Front and nationalists supported by the Nazi countries of Europe.
  3. The Important of Globalism and Nationalism
    The issues of globalism and nationalism are essential for modern society that’s why researchers focus on examining processes in which they are manifested.
  4. America and the Great War, Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism
    The USA did not become a member of the League, although the state did cooperate with it; in the mid-1920s, the USA was more concerned with the economy.
  5. Impact of World War II on Balkan Nationalism, States and Societies
    To the Balkans, the impacts of World War II were enormous on states and societies. The interplay of military and political events from the war affected the region both positively and negatively.
  6. Myths of Nationalism in the US
    National myths are very important in bringing together a nation and hence there is democratic growth since a united nation will experience more efficiency in its political system.
  7. “Popular Sovereignty and Nationalism” by Bernard Yack
    In his article Yack proves the relationship between nationalism and popular sovereignty and shows that against popular belief, modernization is not a prelude to nationalism.
  8. Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789
    The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  9. The Role of the US and the Treaty of Versailles in WWI
    This paper addresses the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism as contributing factors to the start of World War I.
  10. Nationalism and Republicanism in Australia: Warhurst’s Article Review
    The article discusses the various steps that the Australian government has undertaken in the process of attaining its independence from the British government.
  11. Causes of World War I: Nationalism, Alliances, Strive for Domination
    The Great War caused the death of at least 8.5 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. The Great War maimed and injured 20 million people.
  12. World War I, Its Causes and the US Interference
    In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals.
  13. Common Goals: How Different People Formed Nations
    The nations that are available today are the result of human interventions. The term Nationalism was a helpful tool manifested by the developers of the idea to assign people certain ideals.
  14. Exploring the Development of Asian Nationalism: Historical Perspectives and Implications
    Nationalism in Asia bears a lot of similarity to nationalism movements in Europe and the rest of the Western world. In fact, the goals of nationalism in both regions are all the same.
  15. The League of Nations: Formation and Impact
    The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918.
  16. Nationalist Ideas: Their Role and Influence Across Various Ideological Perspectives
    Nationalist ideas have played a very important role in the history of humanity as these ideas have constantly reshaped political world maps.
  17. The Role of Race in Fascist Ideology and Nationalism
    Fascism is defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence. This essay will focus on the significance of race in the prism of the study of fascism.
  18. Ho Chi Minh’s Influence on the Vietnamese Nationalist Movement: Key Contributions
    Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Vietnamese nationalist movement that fought against the Japanese and the French colonialists. He was the President of North Vietnam.
  19. Economic Nationalism’s Role in Shaping US International Trade Policies
    This essay looks at the international trade in the United States with respect to its economic nationalism, barriers to trade, and the deficits and surpluses.

🎓 Most Interesting Nationalism Research Titles

  1. Industrialization, Nationalism, and Democratic Ideals
  2. Nationalism and Civil Society in Romania
  3. Emerging Nationalism After the American War of 1812
  4. America’s Fight Against German’s Nationalism in World War II
  5. Korea and Vietnam’s Rising Nationalism
  6. Connection Between Nationalism and Archaeology
  7. French Revolution and Nationalism
  8. Culture, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Nationalism
  9. French Canada and Quebecois Nationalism
  10. Frantz Fanon and Cultural Nationalism in Ireland
  11. Black Nationalism and the Revolution in Music
  12. Japanese Nationalism and Its Impacts in East Asia
  13. Hungary, Nationalism, and Securitization
  14. Free Nationalism Under the Modernist Perspective
  15. Balfour Declaration and Arab Nationalism’s Rise
  16. International Relations and Nationalism
  17. Indian Nationalism and Indian Independence
  18. Existence, Ideologies, and Forms of Nationalism in the United States
  19. Individualism, Nationalism, and Multiple Identity Issues
  20. African American Nationalism and the Revolution in Music
  21. Decolonization, Nationalism, Imagining and Representing
  22. Finland: Nationalism, Development, and Values
  23. Differences Between Arab Nationalism and Political Islam
  24. Chinese Nationalism and Chinese Culture
  25. Constitutional Nationalism from 1800 to 1921
  26. Differences Between Nationalism and Imperialism
  27. Constitutional and Revolutionary Nationalism in Ireland
  28. Globalization and Economic Nationalism in Asia
  29. Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts in the Transcaucasus
  30. Middle East’s Religious States and Secular Nationalism

💡 Simple Nationalism Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Historical and Contemporary Examples of Nationalism in Canada
  2. Consumer Nationalism and Multilateral Trade Cooperation
  3. Forces Between Nationalism and Sectionalism in the 19th Century
  4. American Nationalism and Its Impact on American Architecture
  5. Ethnicity, Politics, and Nationalism
  6. Colonial Rule and the Rise of Nationalism
  7. Catholic Nationalism and Protestant Unionism in Ireland, 1879-1918
  8. International Political Economy Interpreted Through Nationalism, Liberalism, and Marxism
  9. German Nationalism and the Unification of Germany
  10. Economic Nationalism and the Global Financial Crisis Assignment
  11. Aggression, Nationalism, and the World Wars
  12. Land Hunger and Nationalism in Ukraine, 1905-1917
  13. Commonality Between Nationalism and Colonialism
  14. Different Definitions and Forms of Nationalism
  15. Civil Rights Movement and Black Nationalism
  16. Differences Between Nationalism and Integration
  17. European Integration, Nationalism, and European Identities
  18. Marxism vs. Liberal Theories of Nationalism
  19. Canadian Nationalism and Quebec’s Quest for Independence
  20. China: Nationalism and Communist Revolution
  21. French Literature and Nationalism
  22. Hindu Nationalism and Its Impact on India
  23. Ideologies, Nationalism, and Their Core Foundation
  24. Nationalism and Its Effects on the World
  25. Democratic Policies and the Protection of White Nationalism
  26. Canadian Nationalism and the Notion of Unity in Canada
  27. Existentialism, Reconstructionism & Nationalism
  28. Nationalism and Its Impact on the World War I
  29. Jewish Nationalism and the Middle Ages
  30. Austria, Germany, and Nationalism

❓ Nationalism Essay Questions

  1. Can the European Union Be Considered a Compensator for Serbian Nationalism?
  2. Does Taglit Birthright Israel Foster Long-Distance Nationalism?
  3. How Did Adolf Hitler Implement a Distinct Form of Nationalism?
  4. Was Nationalism the Most Important Force of Change in Europe Up to 1870?
  5. Did Nationalism Reveal Itself Through Films During World War II?
  6. How Did Black Nationalism Help Civil Rights?
  7. Does Nationalism Solidify a Country?
  8. Why Has Nationalism Become Such a Powerful Force in the Mode?
  9. How Did Comanches and Nationalism Help Young United States?
  10. Was WWI the Result of Tensions Caused by German Nationalism?
  11. How Did Nationalism Arise in Southeast Asia History?
  12. What Came First Nations or Nationalism?
  13. How Does Globalization Affect Nationalism?
  14. What Can the Study of Nationalism Contribute to Our Understanding of International Relations?
  15. How Did Nationalism Influence Europe During the 20th?
  16. What Explanations Are Offered for the Development of Nationalism?
  17. How Does Nationalism Shape China’s International Relations?
  18. What Has Nationalism Done to Europe?
  19. How Far Has Nationalism Changed Over the Last Hundred Years?
  20. Did Nationalism Exist Before the 18th Century?
  21. How Has Nationalism Arise in Southeast Asia History?
  22. What Roles Did Religion and Nationalism Play in the Belgian Revolution of 1830?
  23. How Important Has Nationalism Been in Shaping the Modern World?
  24. What Were the Commonalities and Differences Between Zionism and Arab Nationalism in Palestine?
  25. How Does Radical Nationalism Affects Society?
  26. When Does Nationalism Become Ultranationalism?
  27. How Similar Were the Achievements and Limitations of Nationalism in Southeast Asia Before 1941?
  28. Why Did Chinese Nationalism Fail?
  29. How Strong Was Nationalism in the Second Reich?
  30. Why Did the Ideal of Liberal Nationalism Fail in 19th Century Germany?

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