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72 Obamacare Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Obamacare

đź‘Ť Good Obamacare Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Obamacare for Healthcare Managers
    The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has contributed to the coverage of citizens with medical assistance programs depending on their eligibility.
  2. Obamacare: Prevention and Emergency Care Services
    This paper analyses the importance of aspects of the Act that should be retained, such as the coverage of pain management, prevention, and emergency care services.
  3. Healthcare Reform and Ethics: Obamacare Act
    This paper discusses conflicts that exist between ethics and healthcare reform that has been brought upon the execution of the affordable care act of Obamacare.
  4. US Healthcare Sector: ObamaCare and Ethical Problems
    ObamaCare includes the programs according to which a practice of bundled payments is introduced. It means that hospitals receive a certain sum for treating a certain disease.
  5. Obamacare’s Milestones and Benefits
    This paper analyzes the major milestones of president Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its benefits for health care service.
  6. Obamacare, Centralized Control and Limitations
    The Affordable Care Act (or ObamaCare, as it was also called) was expected to make health care more accessible for all citizens of the US.
  7. Nursing in Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Era
    Nowadays, the nursing profession is not simple since it not only enhances patient’s medical condition but also requires treating them with respect.
  8. Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Obamacare
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The implementation of new regulations required certain payment reform.
  9. Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage
    It is paramount to provide universal health care insurance if the U.S. population is to have a better health level, and, consequently, a higher quality of life.
  10. Ethics of Obamacare and Trumpcare
    This paper discusses conflicts that exist between ethics and healthcare reform that has been brought upon the execution of the affordable care act aka Obamacare/Trumpcare.
  11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Obamacare
    This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Obamacare. It will conclude by determining if the Obamacare is the solution to the challenges of the healthcare system in the US.
  12. Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Ethical Challenges
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves several ethical issues connected with failing to protect some of the most fundamental rights.
  13. Obamacare: The Solution to the Healthcare Problem
    ObamaCare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) is a US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxes.
  14. ObamaCare Role in the US Healthcare System
    In 2010, one of the most memorable events took place in the US healthcare system. President Obama approved the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare.
  15. Obamacare Policy-Making in the Federal System
    The Obamacare policy is termed disastrous because of its incompatibility with the policies that had been developed at the state and county levels in the U.S.

🎓 Most Interesting Obamacare Research Titles

  1. Obamacare and Its Benefits: Why It Should Be Repeated
  2. Arguments for and Against the Implementation of Obamacare
  3. Unintended Consequences: The Financial Assumptions and Economic Theory of Obamacare
  4. Obamacare Wars: Federalism, State Politics, and the Affordable Care Act
  5. How the New Deal Defines the Debate Over Obamacare
  6. ObamaCare: The Current and Future Failure of the Affordable Care Act
  7. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Is an Attempt to Create Competition and Reduce the Cost of Healthcare in the U.S
  8. How Obamacare Increases Unemployment
  9. The Healthcare Debate and the Issues Surrounding Obamacare in the United States
  10. Why the New Obamacare Is a Better Choice for More Americans
  11. Obamacare and Trumpcare Are Different Policies Regarding Health Care
  12. Health Insurance Coverage Before and After Obamacare
  13. The National Media’s Biased Coverage of Obamacare
  14. Obamacare’s Contraception Coverage Faces Controversy
  15. The Need for Health Care Reform in the United States of America, the Development of Obamacare, and the Roles of the Federal Government and States
  16. Federal Health Care Policy: The Obamacare
  17. The Obamacare Issue and the Need for Healthcare in America to Be Privatized Due to Its Cost
  18. ObamaCare and Its Analysis in Jim Conway’s Book
  19. The Affordable Care Act, the Medicaid Coverage Gap, and Hispanic Consumers: A Phenomenology of Obamacare
  20. Obamacare Impact on the Number of Uninsured Citizens to Get Insurance
  21. Six Ways Trump Has Sabotaged the Obamacare
  22. Obamacare: Against the Odds, It’s Working
  23. The Impact of Obamacare on Patient Coverage and Access to Care
  24. Obamacare Has Changed America’s Health Care System
  25. How Obamacare Helped Americans With Disabilities

đź’ˇ Simple Obamacare Essay Ideas

  1. The Health Care Fiasco That Ended in Obamacare
  2. Obamacare: Legal and Ethical Issues in Access to Care
  3. Universal Health Care: ObamaCare Is Not Enough
  4. The Timeline and Evolution of Obamacare
  5. ObamaCare: The Main Features and Characteristics
  6. The Truth Behind the Economics of Obamacare
  7. New Obamacare Rule Expands Transgender Rights
  8. Obamacare Provisions and Implications on the Medical Frater
  9. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare in America – The Negative Effects
  10. How Obamacare Will Re-Shape the Practice of Medicine
  11. Understanding the Effects of Obamacare on Employees Working in Foreign Missions
  12. The Pre-existing Conditions and Benefits of the Obamacare
  13. Why the Obamacare Is Bad for US Citizens
  14. Obamacare Act: Pros and Cons, Problems and Solutions
  15. Repealing Obamacare and Its Effects on the Health Care
  16. The Affordable Care Act: Can Obamacare Regulate the RN Nursing Market?
  17. Healthcare and Its Evolution Due to the Obamacare
  18. ‘A Monumental Effort’: How Obamacare Was Passed
  19. Obamacare: Why Is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) So Controversial?
  20. Why Congress Shouldn’t Increase Obamacare Spending
  21. 10 Ways Obamacare Has Improved Health Care in the Past Decade
  22. Obamacare: What’s the Effect on Coverage and Access?
  23. Social, Political, and Economic Effects of Obamacare
  24. Health Care Lifeline: Obamacare and the COVID-19 Pandemic
  25. Obamacare Subsidies Reduce Health Care Costs for Low-Income Americans

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StudyCorgi. "72 Obamacare Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obamacare-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "72 Obamacare Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obamacare-essay-topics/.

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