198 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

Are you looking for interesting pregnancy research topics? You’ve come to the right place! StudyCorgi has created a list of engaging titles and questions on pregnancy issues for your writing assignments. On this page, you’ll find:

đź“ť Adult & teen pregnancy topics for essays Look through the list of engaging titles below to find a good idea for your essay.
🔎 Pregnancy topics for research papers Explore different problems in obstetrics to write your pregnancy paper on.
âť“ Teenage pregnancy research questions Discover various issues to research about adolescent pregnancy.
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🏆 Best Pregnancy Topics to Discuss

✍️ Pregnancy Essay Topics for College

  1. Adolescent Pregnancy: Applying the Theory of Paradox
    Prior to gaining a deeper understanding of how the United States of America copes with the issue of adolescent pregnancy, it should be crucial to take a look at 42 million teenagers.
  2. Teenage Pregnancy Problem
    Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and a health problem that every government is trying to address.
  3. Pregnancy, Fetal Development and the Mother
    Considering the importance of the childbearing process and its delicate nature, it is important for mothers to ensure they adopt good lifestyles accompanied with exercises.
  4. Adolescent Pregnancy and Nursing Role in Prevention
    Adolescent pregnancy is a pressing issue in the United States that poses significant economic concerns, as well as risks to the health and wellbeing of the younger generation.
  5. Ectopic Pregnancy
    An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants in another location other than the uterine cavity. It’s life-threatening complication and at most times not viable.
  6. Teenage Pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough
    Teenage pregnancy is a global health concern that impacts the population of adolescent girls in many countries with different prevalence rates with similar persistence.
  7. Teenage Pregnancy in Columbia District
    District of Columbia is amongst the regions with a high number of teenage pregnancies. Girls between the age of 14 and 19 are highly likely to get pregnant and dropout of school.
  8. Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom
    Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom is a phenomenon that significantly affects the socio-cultural and economic domain of the country.
  9. Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy
    The type of food a woman consumes during pregnancy is very important because it is the baby’s main source of nourishment, and as a result, it determines the health of the baby.
  10. Teen Pregnancy as Public Health Concern
    Teen pregnancy is a significant public health concern that can have long-lasting implications for both the mother and child.
  11. Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaine’s Pregnancy
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss Elaine’s case in detail with a focus on the dilemma of adoption and the possibility of being sympathetic with Elaine.
  12. Teen Pregnancy in Fayette County: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
    The paper aims at discussing the causes of teen pregnancies in the United States and how they affect parents, children and the society.
  13. Understanding and Preventing Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
    Learn about the detrimental effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on fetal development and discover effective interventions to prevent PAE and support affected.
  14. Discussion: Alcohol in Pregnancy
    It is significant to emphasize that the safe level of alcohol that a woman can drink during pregnancy has not been confirmed.
  15. Teen Pregnancy as a Health Issue
    The economic and legal landscape related to teen pregnancy has positively and negatively impacted the American healthcare system.
  16. Pregnancies in Advanced Maternal Age
    Patients and medical experts believe advanced maternal age is linked with worse pregnancy effects. This is due to older women having a higher rate of long-term medical issues.
  17. Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Project Translation and Planning
    The paper seeks to enhance the quality of substance use disorder management in pregnant women by implementing a holistic approach following clinical guidelines.
  18. Public Health Efforts to Support Mothers During Pregnancy
    Obesity, hypertension, bleeding, malnutrition, and mental health issues are some of the common problems a woman may face during and after pregnancy.
  19. Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options
    Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  20. Pregnancy as an Adolescent Health Risk
    The urgency of the problem of teenage pregnancy forces us to continue to look for ways to reduce its prevalence. Although the actions are already working, they may not be enough.
  21. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    The paper discusses one of the most interesting and surprising equal employment opportunity laws. It is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
  22. Pregnancy and Workplace Accidents
    The current workplace problem has deep roots in the social and historical premises that lead to the currently observed situations in the company.
  23. Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
    Teenage pregnancy is a major problem, existing in all the countries all over the world, including the United States.
  24. Wealth, Opportunity, and Teen Pregnancy Relationship
    Girls from disadvantaged families are much more at risk of early pregnancy, as such children often suffer from a lack of sexual education.
  25. Teen Pregnancy: Effects on Teenagers
    Teen pregnancy can lead to a deterioration in the physical and psychological health of a teenager, as well as negative socio-economic consequences.
  26. Pregnancy and Reproductive Health in Public Views
    Depending on the society and culture in which the couple lives, the attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth may differ.
  27. The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization
    The examination of the existing literature and consideration of various opinions show that the arguments in favor of abortion decriminalization outweigh the opposite views.
  28. Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy
    Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A woman’s wholesome status impacts her well-being.
  29. Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
    There is no definite cause of ectopic pregnancy but there are some conditions that are linked with it. This paper also discusses diagnosis, treatment, prevention of such pregnancy.
  30. Drinking and Smoking During Pregnancy
    Smoking and drinking alcohol is a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child.
  31. The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History
    The paper states that the details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child.
  32. Aspects of Pregnancy and Childbirth
    The paper discusses the psychology of pregnancy and the stages of caring for a child up to adulthood. It studies the pregnancy process.
  33. The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US
    Teenage pregnancy in America is complicated by the fact that teenagers are not encouraged to embrace their sexuality although American media is dominated by this topic.
  34. Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development
    The study seeks to find out if the development of the nervous system of the fetus is closely influenced by the psychological wellbeing of the mother.
  35. Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario
    Despite the fact that the awareness concerning the threats of teen pregnancy has been raised efficiently, the instances of teen pregnancy still occur.

🎓 Most Interesting Pregnancy Research Titles

  1. Reducing Cases of Domestic Violence at All Stages of Pregnancy
    This essay suggests that intervention mechanisms should be established to reduce cases of domestic violence at all stages of pregnancy.
  2. A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy
    The improvements within the education should have been discussed in a more thorough manner; the means of increasing teen pregnancy awareness among Latin American students.
  3. Researching of Pregnancy and Alcohol Abuse
    In order to address the issue of alcohol abuse during pregnancy, the interprofessional team should consider the current trends and recommendations on maternal alcohol consumption
  4. Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens
    Teen pregnancy is common in the United States. This paper aims to explain what techniques and programs to help father teens exist in the United States.
  5. Adaptations to Pregnancy and Major Hormones
    During pregnancy, the human body has to undergo certain physiological changes to create appropriate conditions for the fetus and to maintain a woman’s health.
  6. Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy
    Diagnosis of heart diseases during pregnancy can be done through checking patient’s medical history, physical examination, and chest examination.
  7. Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication
    In the study “Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects,” Harding used the counterfactual causal framework.
  8. Optimal Growth and Development: Pregnancy
    Prenatal care and fetal development, nutrition during pregnancy, pregnancy care facilities and substance abuse during pregnancy are major issues in Australia Capital Territory.
  9. Physical Activity in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study
    The researchers recommend that additional studies on the subject of healthcare instructions for pregnant women should be conducted.
  10. Development of Protocols for Early Pregnancy
    This study analyzes the development of early pregnancy protocols that can be potentially useful to clinicians when dealing with the care of pregnant mothers.
  11. Teen Pregnancy and Single Young Mothers
    This essay intends to look at the health perspective that has been taken towards prevention of teenage pregnancies and promotion of health together with disease prevention.
  12. Discussion: Care Plans for Pregnancy
    This article focuses on developing a care plan that includes all the necessary procedures, treatments, and information that the mom-to-be will need.
  13. Asthma in Pregnancy and Intervention
    The goal of this treatment plan is to maintain optimal respiratory function, prevent chronic symptoms, and reduce exacerbation.
  14. A Qualitative Study of Pregnancy and Maternal Mortality in the US
    The paper explores how women endanger their pregnancies by their behaviors and what barriers to healthy lifestyles they encounter.
  15. Problems of Adolescent Pregnancy in Modern Society
    Adolescent pregnancy is a serious issue that needs much discussion as it is involved with the future citizens of the world.
  16. The Impacts of Substance Abuse on Pregnancy
    The consequences of substance abuse on pregnancy are very diverse: both physiological and psychological and there are many specific aspects which have not been fully discussed.
  17. Analysis of A. Ahmed’s Pregnancy Counseling
    Pregnant women receiving specialized advice during pregnancy may be crucial to increasing the quality of their well-being throughout the childbearing process.
  18. Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace
    It is appropriate to introduce a reporting system that would help the employees to provide their comments and deliver the necessary information if there is any suspicion of discrimination.
  19. Addressing the Complex Issues Surrounding Adolescent Pregnancy
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of adolescent pregnancy as a significant challenge that affects society across the globe.
  20. Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment: Methotrexate Injection Regimens
    Treatment of ectopic pregnancy (EP) with drug therapy is a relatively new decision since a surgical operation was considered the only way to eliminate the anomaly of the fetus.
  21. Problem of Teen Pregnancy in Society
    Teen pregnancy prevention is incredibly important because it helps to reduce the number of young mothers and complications that are associated with childbearing at this age.
  22. Nutritional Support During Pregnancy
    Pregnancy is a complex process which impacts the woman’s physiology, and its multidimensional effect on the organism can be mitigated by proper nutritional strategies.
  23. Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity
    This paper presents the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy and their implication in human development.
  24. Bioethical Decision-Making in Cases of Teenage Pregnancy: Challenges and Considerations
    The hypothetical situation that will be considered in the current paper is that of a girl aged 16 who got pregnant but then was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.
  25. Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes
    The issue of teen pregnancy is a well-established concern in the field of healthcare. The issue leads to several health problems for both mothers and their children.
  26. Adolescent Pregnancy Disparities in Black and Hispanic Youth
    This statement defines and explores the problem of adolescent pregnancy in Hispanic and black females and provides a position statement on the issue.
  27. Importance of Proper Diet During Pregnancy
    Health care experts argue that pregnant women should always have proper diet that provides their body with the essential nutrients.
  28. Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy
    Close attention should be paid to such things as pregnant nutritional requirements, the physiology and physiology of pregnancy, and factors that affect the nutrition during the pregnancy.
  29. Symptoms and Treatment of Asthma During Pregnancy: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers
    This paper analyzes a case of asthma during pregnancy, provides classification of symptoms, and submitted suggestions of treatment.
  30. Adolescent Pregnancy: Understanding Causes and Developing Effective Interventions
    The issue of adolescent pregnancy is of concern to the US policy makers because of its effects. Statistics show that at least one million teenagers become pregnant each year.
  31. Drug Addiction in Pregnancy: Social Justice and Unborn Child Rights
    When a pregnant mother is addicted to alcohol and drug, she may end up causing irreparable damage to the unborn child.
  32. Teen Pregnancy Among Latino Girls: A Social Process Analysis
    This article offers the best concepts towards dealing with teen pregnancy. The findings are also applicable in different societies. The authors have used the best approach to get their results.
  33. Latino Teen Pregnancy Study: Pacific Northwest Insights
    The research explored the relationships and cultural habits of the Pacific Northwest community that encouraged or prevented the rate of teenage pregnancies.
  34. Complication of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
    The childbirth class, which was held at Sibley Memorial Hospital taught parents how to handle experiences that they undergo during the first, second, and third trimesters.
  35. Impact of School-Based Sex Education Programs on Teenage Pregnancy Statistics
    The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy.
  36. Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes
    Teenage pregnancy is a public health issue because of its negative effects on prenatal outcomes, long-term morbidity, high prevalence of poverty and low level of education.
Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Psychological Vulnerability During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
  2. Analysis of the Consequences of Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
  3. Can Teenage Pregnancy Prevent Academic and Professional Progress in Nigeria
  4. General Information About the First Trimester and Exacerbations of Pregnancy
  5. Alcohol Abuse, Self Esteem and Teenage Pregnancy Among Adolescents
  6. Pregnancy, Viral Infection, and COVID-19
  7. How the Pregnancy Affect Working Women’s Professional Experiences
  8. Fetal Abuse During Pregnancy
  9. How Exercise Affects the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
  10. Prenatal Development and Birth Pregnancy
  11. Connection Between Teenage Pregnancy and Socioeconomic Status
  12. Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in Pregnancy
  13. Myasthenia Gravis Can Have Consequences for Pregnancy and the Developing Child
  14. Diagnosing and Treating Acute Myocardial Infarction in Pregnancy
  15. Depression During Pregnancy: Nursing Role, Interventions
  16. Immunological Tolerance, Pregnancy, and Preeclampsia: The Roles of Semen Microbes and the Father
  17. African American Teens and the Psychological Impact of Pregnancy
  18. High-Risk Pregnancy and Women With Complex Health
  19. Can Getting Enough Vitamin D During Pregnancy Reduce the Risk of Getting Asthma in Childhood?
  20. Healthy Pregnancy Pilates Helps Expecting Mothers
  21. Child Pregnancy Prevention Program on the United States of Diverse Found
  22. Gestational Diabetes and How to Treat the Disease During Pregnancy
  23. How the Pregnancy Affects Your Lifestyle Choices Affect You and Your Bab
  24. Race and Pregnancy-Related Care in Brazil and South Africa
  25. Addiction and Substance Abuse During Pregnancy

đź“Ś Easy Pregnancy Essay Topics

  1. Reducing Teen Pregnancy With Sex Education
  2. Does School-Based Intervention Help Prevent Teen Pregnancy
  3. Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood: Recent Evidence and Future Directions
  4. Gaining Weight Too Slowly During Pregnancy
  5. Physical and Psychosocial Changes During Pregnancy With Early
  6. Consuming Alcohol During Pregnancy Causes Significant Damage to the Fetu
  7. Factors That Affect the Health of Women During Pregnancy
  8. Adolescent Sexual Activity and Pregnancy
  9. Eating Well Even After Your Pregnancy
  10. How Alcohol Drinking During Pregnancy Is Associated With Hyperactivity in Children
  11. Alcohol Consumption and Smoking During Pregnancy
  12. Pregnancy, Birthing, and Postpartum Experiences During COVID-19 in the United States
  13. How Preterm Labor Occurs During the Last Stages of Pregnancy
  14. How Pregnancy Affects Memory and Attention
  15. Applications for Bacteriophage Therapy During Pregnancy and the Perinatal Period
  16. Special Dietary Requirements for Pregnancy
  17. Addressing the Social Concerns in Teenage Pregnancy
  18. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS Children Pregnancy
  19. Early Pregnancy Among Adolescent Females With Serious
  20. Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: A Marked Propensity to Triple-Negative Phenotype
  21. How Pregnancy Pillows Can Save Your Back
  22. High School Dropout Rates and Teen Pregnancy
  23. Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy Accelerates the Development of Cognitive Deficits in Offspring in a Model of Tauopathy
  24. Psychosocial Development and the Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
  25. Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index and Weight Gain During Pregnancy

🔎 Good Research Topics about Pregnancy

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Genetic Testing and Counseling in Pregnancy
  2. Artificial Conception, Early Pregnancy and Other Issues Concerning Fertility
  3. Prenatal Care and Pregnancy Outcome in Cebu, Philippines
  4. How Teenage Pregnancy Stops Students From Finishing What They Started
  5. Health Capital and the Prenatal Environment: The Effect of Maternal Fasting During Pregnancy
  6. Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy
  7. Healthy Lifestyle Can Minimize Pregnancy Risk Factors
  8. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Causes and Treatments
  9. Child Raising Costs From Pregnancy to the Child’s First Birthday
  10. Contraceptive Methods for Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy
  11. The Importance of Taking Folic Acid During Pregnancy
  12. Immunogenicity and Clinical Efficacy of Influenza Vaccination in Pregnancy
  13. Drug Addiction and Teenage Pregnancy Criminology
  14. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome During Pregnancy
  15. Adolescent Pregnancy Among Hispanic Youth
  16. Drug Use During Pregnancy and Its Effect on Prenatal Development
  17. Pregnancy, Smoking and Babies’ Low Birth Weight
  18. General Information About Safe Yoga for Pregnancy
  19. Exercise and Nutrition During Pregnancy
  20. Animals and Pregnancy Behaviors
  21. Problems With Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma
  22. Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbirth Is an Important Public
  23. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Planning Pregnancy
  24. Pregnancy and Mental Illness Treatment
  25. Antiphospholipid Antibodies and Antiphospholipid Syndrome During Pregnancy: Diagnostic Concepts

âť“ Research Questions About Pregnancy

  1. What Is the Effect of Nonobstetric Operation During Pregnancy?
  2. Wha Is the Relationship Child Sexual Abuse and Teenage Pregnancy?
  3. Does Certain Economic Factors Affect Abortions in Teenage Pregnancy?
  4. Does Parental Consent for Birth Control Affect Underage Pregnancy Rates?
  5. Does School Based Intervention Help Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
  6. Does the Pregnancy Necessarily Mean Parenthood?
  7. How Can Society Prevent and Avoid Unwanted Teenage Pregnancy?
  8. How Early Suction Abortion Is Performed Before the Pregnancy Test Is Positive?
  9. How Exercise Affects the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?
  10. How Nutrition and Lifestyle Through the Periods of Pregnancy?
  11. How Physical Activity Affects the Mother During Pregnancy?
  12. How Preterm Labor Occurs During the Last Stages of Pregnancy?
  13. What Is the Influence of Pregnancy on the Sensitivity of the Cornea?
  14. What Genetic Conflicts in Human Pregnancy Are There?
  15. What Is Surgical Management of Leiomyomata During Pregnancy?
  16. What Are Some Recent Developments in the Government of Pregnancy?
  17. How Teenage Pregnancy Affects the High School Dropout Rate?
  18. How the Pregnancy Affect Working Women’s Professional Experience?
  19. What Is the Role of Mycoplasmas in Pregnancy Outcome?
  20. What Is Relationship of Psychological Factors in Pregnancy to Progress in Labor?
  21. Is Pregnancy Anxiety a Distinctive Syndrome?
  22. What Are the Effects of Drug Abuse on Pregnancy?
  23. What Is the Epidemiology of Diabetes and Pregnancy in the US?
  24. Why Comprehensive Sex Education Can Help Prevent Teenage Pregnancy in Philadelphia?
  25. Why Does Poverty Increase the Risk to Teen Pregnancy?

🔎 Research Questions about Teenage Pregnancy

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How does sex education affect teenage pregnancy rates?
  2. What are the social and economic effects of teen pregnancy?
  3. How does family support influence teenage pregnancy outcomes?
  4. How do media portrayals affect public attitudes toward teen pregnancy?
  5. What are the psychological effects of adolescent pregnancy?
  6. What is the difference in teen pregnancy rates in urban and rural areas?
  7. What challenges do teenage fathers face?
  8. What are the long-term health impacts of adolescent pregnancy?
  9. How do cultural norms affect teenagers’ decisions about sexual activity?
  10. What challenges do teenage parents face within the education system?

đź““ Teenage Pregnancy Topics for an Essay

  1. The impact of teenage pregnancy on career opportunities.
  2. Effectiveness of teen pregnancy prevention programs.
  3. The influence of stigma surrounding adolescent pregnancy.
  4. Teen pregnancy challenges faced by LGBTQ adolescents.
  5. The link between adverse childhood events and teen pregnancy.
  6. The connection between substance abuse and teenage pregnancy.
  7. The effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education programs.
  8. The effects of teen pregnancy on young mothers’ physical and mental health.
  9. Comparing teen pregnancy rates in developed and developing countries.
  10. The link between child marriage and teen pregnancy.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "198 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/.

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