80 Refugee Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Refugee

🌶️ Hot Refugee Essay Topics

  1. Refugees’ Adjustment and Accessibility of Healthcare
    Although the integration into a foreign country is a difficult process, the parts of it can be modified to be more easily comprehended by the refugees.
  2. Refugee Health-Related Challenges
    Refugees have unequal access to primary healthcare and face barriers in terms of preventive and screening services.
  3. The Health of Refugee Communities in California
    The paper evaluates the degree to which the lack of interpretation services during medical appointments impacts the health of refugee communities in California.
  4. The Problem of Refugees Crossing into Canada from the US
    America is the world’s center of migration, and therefore a large number of migrants residing in the country are there illegally.
  5. Healthcare Language Barrier for Afghani Refugees
    The proposed study will analyze whether there are any policies, laws, or regulations regarding the language barrier at medical appointments.
  6. The Greek Council for Refugees
    The geopolitical situation in Ukraine has made refugees once again the most pressing issue for many European governments.
  7. Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees
    A complex world situation has aggravated the past few years with many conflicts. Many people lose their homes and become forced refugees seeking shelter.
  8. St. Louis Hopes Afghan Refugees Boost Its Population
    This article discusses the decline in St. Louis’s population and the city’s efforts to attract Afghan refugees to reinvigorate its urban areas.
  9. ‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border
    This paper’s purpose is to response to the article “‘It was hell’: Long lines of Ukrainian refugees at Poland border” about Ukrainian refugees due to the invasion of Russia.
  10. “Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada”: Aims and Principles
    “The Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada” is centered around the issue of returning refugees from third countries who are ineligible claimants for asylum.
  11. Perception of Refugees in Europe
    Article analysis Bruneau et al. which focus on the effect of rhetorical dehumanization of Muslim refugees that entered the EU during the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2014-15.
  12. Syrian Refugees in Germany vs. Mexicans in US
    “Quality of Life Among Syrian Refugees in Germany” describes how refugees receive the necessary assistance, protection, and guidance despite modest living conditions.
  13. Capping on Refugees During Trump’s Tenure
    Wars and crises are among the factors forcing people to flee their home countries. The US plays a leadership role in ensuring that refugees are allowed to start their lives again.
  14. The Story of Eritrean Refugees Escaping From the Country
    The paper examines one of many stories of refugees and the hardships they face. Charlotte McDonald-Gibson tells the story of Eritrean refugees escaping from the country.
  15. Integration of Refugees and Radicalization Prevention
    The paper discusses that refugee crises cause myriad problems. The role of the UAE cannot be overestimated concerning this crisis.
  16. Immunization in Refugee and Immigrant Population
    The partners are chosen due to their roles in such processes as communication, care provision, and resource allocation, helping the nurse develop immunization programs.
  17. What Being a Refugee Means, Characteristics That Define a “Refugee”
    Being a refugee is considered to be perceived as living in a state of constant search for oneself, native land, and culture. It is psychologically difficult to experience.
  18. Refugees of Today Are Essentially an Urban Phenomenon
    The rising trend of refugees has been observed globally from 2002 to 2006 (UNHCR 2007). The migratory trend of refuges crossing international borders is expected to increase in the years to come.
  19. Current Refugee Crises in Europe: Causes and Effects
    Even though many refugees seek to enter European nations due to war, some nations like Britain still consider them marauders escaping poverty.
  20. European Migrant Crisis: Refugee Portrayals in Media
    This report analyzes the image of the refugees and migrants as demonstrated by news portals and the relationship between the refugees and the hosting states.
  21. World Refugee Crisis: Insights from the Rio 2016 Olympics
    One subtheme of this essay is the recognition of refugees. For refugees who took part in the Rio Games as the Refugee Olympic Team, the goal was far from winning medals.
  22. Why UAE Must Lead in Regional Refugee Resettlement
    This paper discusses how can the UAE and Europe work together to further the integration of refugees from Syria, Libya, and Iraq and prevent radicalization.
  23. Care Initiatives for Syrian Refugee Children within Canadian Communities
    The ensuing discourse explores the ethics of care that can be used by advanced democratic societies such as Canada to safeguard the rights of Syrian children asylum-seekers.

👍 Good Refugee Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Historical Aspects of Refugee Movements
  2. The History of Refugee Crises: From World War II to the Present
  3. Refugee Movements During the Cold War and Its Aftermath
  4. The Role of Refugee Camps During and After Conflicts
  5. Analyzing the Syria Refugee Crisis
  6. The Armenian Genocide and the Formation of a Refugee Diaspora
  7. Jewish Refugees During and After the Holocaust
  8. The Refugee Crisis in the Aftermath of the Vietnam War
  9. Assigning Protection: Can Refugee Rights and State Preferences Be Reconciled?
  10. The Palestinian Refugee Issue: Causes and Consequences
  11. Refugee Protection and Burden-sharing in the European Union
  12. The Rwandan Genocide and Its Impact on Refugee Flows
  13. Why Hide the Facts About Refugee Costs and Benefits?
  14. The Darfur Conflict and the Challenges of Sudanese Refugees
  15. Refugees: Economic Burden or Opportunity?
  16. Syrian Refugee Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and International Responses
  17. What Happens When Refugees Come to the United States
  18. The Refugee Situation in Afghanistan After the Withdrawal of Foreign Troops
  19. Canada’s Refugee Strategy: How It Can Be Improved
  20. The Refugee Surge in Europe: Economic Challenges
  21. Lessons From Germany’s Refugee Crisis: Integration, Costs, and Benefits
  22. The Plight of South Sudanese Refugees in East Africa
  23. Challenges Facing the Refugee Students in Ontario, Canada
  24. Legal and Humanitarian Aspects of Refugees
  25. The 1951 Refugee Convention and Its Significance for Refugee Protection

💡 Simple Refugee Essay Ideas

  1. The Role of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in Refugee Assistance
  2. Refugee Rights and Access to Education: Challenges and Solutions
  3. The Economic Impact of Syrian Refugees in Sweden
  4. Refugee Resettlement Programs: Benefits and Challenges
  5. The Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention in Refugee Crises
  6. Gender-Based Violence and Protection for Refugee Women and Children
  7. The Real Economic Cost of Accepting Refugees
  8. Differences Between Economic Migrant and Political Refugee
  9. The Mental Health Impact of Displacement on Refugees
  10. Climate Refugees: Addressing the Challenges of Environmental Displacement
  11. The Causes and Consequences of Refugee Flows
  12. Impact of the Syrian Refugees on Turkey
  13. Refugee Integration Policies: Promoting Social Inclusion and Self-Sufficiency
  14. Refugees: Risks and Challenges Worldwide
  15. Global Responses to Refugee Crises
  16. The Responsibility-Sharing Model: Sharing the Burden of Refugee Protection
  17. Domestic Violence Against Immigrant and Refugee Women
  18. International Cooperation in Responding to Refugee Crises
  19. Regional Approaches to Refugee Protection in Africa, Asia, and Europe
  20. Art and Creativity as Expressions of Refugee Identity and Resilience
  21. The Impact of Refugee Flows on Host Communities and Economies
  22. Conflict and the Refugee Crisis in the Developing World
  23. Refugee Repatriation and the Challenges of Returning Home
  24. Media’s Portrayal of Refugees: Framing, Bias, and Stereotypes
  25. The Preservation of Cultural Identities Among Refugee Communities

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StudyCorgi. "80 Refugee Essay Topics." September 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/refugee-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "80 Refugee Essay Topics." September 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/refugee-essay-topics/.

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