117 Renewable Energy Essay Topics & Research Ideas

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Renewable Energy

🌶️ Hot Renewable Energy Essay Topics

  1. Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology
    Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies.
  2. Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia
    This paper will provide background information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its energy resources, and how it may become more modern and efficient.
  3. Renewable Energy Technology in Egypt
    Climate change has made renewable energy a global priority to replace fossil fuel which continues to impact the environment negatively.
  4. The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages
    Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment.
  5. Environmental Degradation and Renewable Energy
    The global community relies on the surrounding environment for food production, transport, and economic development.
  6. Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls
    Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as an alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels.
  7. Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition
    Renewable energy in Japan became significantly important after the Fukushima Daiichi tsunami that struck Japan in 2011.
  8. Renewable Energy: Current State, Enablers, and Barriers
    The paper discusses the concept of sustainability takes a central role in the global discussion and presents of environment safety plan.
  9. The G20 Countries’ Competitiveness in Renewable Energy Resources
    “Assessing national renewable energy competitiveness of the G20” by Fang et al. presents an assessment of competitiveness in renewable energy resources among G20 countries.
  10. Future of 100% Renewable Energy
    This article explores the future of renewable green energy and a review the topical studies related to 100% renewable energy.
  11. Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages
    Renewable energy sources are being supported and invested in by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology.
  12. Discussion of Realization of Solar Energy
    Company ABC is interested in creating a “solar” project which will fully install and staff solar panels to ensure the safe transformation of solar energy into electricity.
  13. Profitability of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Australia
    Undoubtedly, the recent increase in popularity of campaigns to decarbonize the globe proves renewable energy to be a current and future trend globally.
  14. Renewable Energy: The Use of Fossil Fuel
    The paper states that having a combination of renewable energy sources is becoming critical in the global effort to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
  15. Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy?
    Renewable energy is obtained from the naturally-occurring elements, implying that it can be easily accessed, cheaply generated, and conveniently supplied to consumers.
  16. Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change
    The influence of solar energy on climate change has impacted production, the advancement of solar energy has impacted climate change in the geography of China.
  17. Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040
    The paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet the humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
  18. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization
    This paper aims at expounding the effectiveness of renewable energy and the utilization of energy efficiency in regard to climate change.
  19. Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination
    The following research is set to outline the prospects of utilization of solar energy for thermal desalination technologies.
  20. A World With 100% Renewable Energy
    Large corporations, countries, and separate states have already transferred or put a plan into action to transfer to 100% renewable energy in a couple of decades.
  21. Renewable Energy Programs in Five Countries
    Energy production is vital for the drive of the economy. The world at large should diversify the sources to reduce the over-usage of fossil energy that is a threat of depletion.
  22. Wind Energy as an Alternative Source
    While energy is a must for our survival, wind energy as a seemingly perpetual source of energy is the potential answer to the energy security of our generations to come.
  23. Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy
    The concepts of environmental conservation and sustainability have forced many countries and organizations to consider the best strategies or processes for generating electricity.
  24. Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment
    The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases.
  25. Solar Panels for Crumbs Bakery: Reducing Costs & Boosting Morale
    The purpose of the proposal is to request permission for research to install solar panels to reduce energy costs, which represent a huge part of the company’s expenses.
  26. Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring
    The proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will function on a captivating value statement in product strategy and customer relationships as the core instruments of sustainable operations.
  27. Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: Economic & Health Benefits
    The US should consider the adoption of renewable sources of energy, because of the high cost of using fossil fuels and expenses related to health problems due to pollution.
  28. Applying Lean Six Sigma to Company Processes at Toyota and RES Group
    The application of the Lean Six Sigma to the key company processes, creates prerequisites for stellar success, as the examples of Toyota and the Renewable Energy Systems Group have shown.
  29. Comprehensive Understanding of the Renewable Energy Concept: Trends and Innovations
    This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy.

🔥 Hottest Renewable Energy Topics for Research

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable or clean energy comes from unlimited, naturally replenished sources such as wind and sun. These sources harness natural elements to produce electricity but with less environmental impact. The advantage of using clean energy is that it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dependency on imported fuels. Normalizing renewable energy sources can help deal with climate change and ensure a greener future.

Adopting Renewable Energies

Clean energy is a powerful tool for solving climate change and environmental pollution. Energy sources like the sun or wind have numerous benefits since they reduce carbon emissions and promote energy independence. A full transition to renewables may require public awareness and policy support, but embracing this alternative will help create a better future for everyone.

Climate Change and Alternative Energy Sources

Since climate change is among the main problems of the modern world, a shift towards alternative energy sources such as solar and wind is essential. It will offer cleaner energy production and decrease greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. Other advantages include economic growth and energy independence.

Biomass Renewable Energy

Biomass renewable energy uses organic plant- and algae-based materials to produce heat, electricity, and biofuels. This sustainable energy source decreases greenhouse gas emissions and waste. It also contributes to rural economic development and ensures energy security.

Evolution of Solar Energy in the US

After the energy crisis of the 1970s, the modern solar power industry was established in the United States. At that time, skyrocketing oil prices encouraged corporations and governments to develop “alternative” energy sources. Over the decades, solar energy has become a popular technology. The adoption was successful thanks to the declining costs and supportive policies.

👍 Good Renewable Energy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Renewable Energy Systems: Australia’s Electricity
  2. Accelerating Renewable Energy Electrification and Rural Economic Development With an Innovative Business Model
  3. Renewable Energy Systems: Role of Grid Connection
  4. Breaking Barriers Towards Investment in Renewable Energy
  5. California Dreaming: The Economics of Renewable Energy
  6. Marine Renewable Energy Clustering in the Mediterranean Sea: The Case of the PELAGOS Project
  7. Differences Between Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy
  8. Addressing the Renewable Energy Financing Gap in Africa to Promote Universal Energy Access: Integrated Renewable Energy Financing in Malawi
  9. Causality Between Public Policies and Exports of Renewable Energy Technologies
  10. Achieving the Renewable Energy Target for Jamaica
  11. Economic Growth and the Transition From Non-renewable to Renewable Energy
  12. Between Innovation and Industrial Policy: How Washington Succeeds and Fails at Renewable Energy
  13. Increasing Financial Incentive for Renewable Energy in the Third World
  14. Does Financial Development Matter for Innovation in Renewable Energy?
  15. Financing Rural Renewable Energy: A Comparison Between China and India
  16. Alternative Energy for Renewable Energy Sources
  17. Low-Carbon Transition: Private Sector Investment in Renewable Energy Projects in Developing Countries
  18. Effective Renewable Energy Activities in Bangladesh
  19. China’s Renewable Energy Policy: Commitments and Challenges
  20. Analyzing the Dynamic Impact of Electricity Futures on Revenue and Risk of Renewable Energy in China
  21. Driving Energy: The Enactment and Ambitiousness of State Renewable Energy Policy
  22. Carbon Lock-Out: Advancing Renewable Energy Policy in Europe
  23. Big Oil vs. Renewable Energy: A Detrimental Conflict With Global Consequences
  24. Efficient Feed-In-Tariff Policies for Renewable Energy Technologies
  25. Balancing Cost and Risk: The Treatment of Renewable Energy in Western Utility Resource Plans

🌱 Fresh Research Questions about Renewable Energy

What Problems Does Renewable Energy Solve?

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:

Green energy is seen as a way of avoiding climate change and environmental pollution issues. Since renewables reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they serve as an excellent substitute for fossil fuel energy.

What Is the Main Problem with Renewable Resources?

The main disadvantage of flow resources is that they are unpredictable and cannot be relied on. For instance, solar energy generation may depend on weather conditions or the time of day.

What Is the Biggest Problem with Non-Renewable Energy?

The most permanent with energy from fossil fuels is that it’s finite. Resources such as oil and natural gas can be exhausted. If this becomes reality, people will have no choice but to look for better options.

Is Green Energy Really Green?

Green energy sources such as wind, water, tides, and sunlight don’t pollute the environment like fossil fuels do. However, renewable energy production facilities, like big hydraulic energy dams, can actually be harmful. For that reason, more studies need to be conducted to assess the overall impact of green energy sources.

💡 Simple Renewable Energy Essay Ideas

  1. Active and Reactive Power Control for Renewable Energy Generation Engineering
  2. Mainstreaming New Renewable Energy Technologies
  3. Carbon Pricing and Innovation of Renewable Energy
  4. Economic Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Renewable Energy and Globalization
  5. Figuring What’s Fair: The Cost of Equity Capital for Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets
  6. Distributed Generation: The Definitive Boost for Renewable Energy in Spain
  7. Biodiesel From Green Rope and Brown Algae: Future Renewable Energy
  8. Electricity Supply Security and the Future Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Brazil
  9. Contracting for Biomass: Supply Chain Strategies for Renewable Energy
  10. Advanced Education and Training Programs to Support Renewable Energy Investment in Africa
  11. Domestic Incentive Measures for Renewable Energy With Possible Trade Implications
  12. Affordable and Clean Renewable Energy
  13. Catalyzing Investment for Renewable Energy in Developing Countries
  14. Better Health, Environment, and Economy With Renewable Energy Sources
  15. Afghanistan Renewable Energy Development Issues and Options
  16. How Economics Can Change the World With Renewable Energy?
  17. Are Green Hopes Too Rosy? Employment and Welfare Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion
  18. Marketing Strategy for Renewable Energy Development in Indonesia Context Today
  19. Biomass Residue From Palm Oil Industries is Used as Renewable Energy Fuel in Southeast Asia
  20. Assessing Renewable Energy Policies in Palestine
  21. Chinese Renewable Energy Technology Exports: The Role of Policy, Innovation, and Markets
  22. Business Models for Model Businesses: Lessons From Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries
  23. Economic Impacts From the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies: The German Experience
  24. Key Factors and Recommendations for Adopting Renewable Energy Systems by Families and Firms
  25. Improving the Investment Climate for Renewable Energy

🎬 Renewable Energy Topics for Presentation

Renewable energy is a relevant and widely discussed topic, so it’s an excellent theme for a presentation. Here are some interesting suggestions:

  • The evolution of wind energy. Look at how the use of wind energy has evolved through time. You can mention benefits, challenges, and prospects.
  • Solar energy technologies. Here, you can explain how sun energy works and mention some of the most commonly used solar technologies.
  • Trends in renewable energy. In your presentation, discuss developments like floating solar arrays, solar paint, and renewable hydrogen.
  • Geothermal energy benefits. Explain the advantages of using geothermal energy compared to other energy sources.
  • Bioenergy and biomass explained. Examine how organic materials can be used for heat, electricity, and biofuel production.

❓ Renewable Energy Research Questions

  1. How Will Renewable Energy Play a Role in Future Economies?
  2. What Are the Advantages of Renewable Energy?
  3. What Is the Term for a Renewable Energy Source That Taps Into Heat Produced Deep Below Ground?
  4. What Are the Basic Problems of Renewable Energy?
  5. Why Is Solar Energy the Best Resource of Renewable Energy?
  6. How Can You Make a Potentially Renewable Energy Resource Sustainable?
  7. What Is a Possible Cost of Using Renewable Energy Resources?
  8. What Is the Contribution of Renewable Energy Sources to Global Energy Consumption?
  9. How Do Renewable Energy Resources Work?
  10. What Is the Most Viable Renewable Energy Source for the US to Invest In?
  11. Why Isn’t Renewable Energy More Widely Used Than It Is?
  12. Is Coal Still a Viable Resource Versus Windpower Being Renewable Energy?
  13. What Is the Difference Between Non-renewable and Renewable Energy?
  14. Why Is It Necessary to Emphasize Renewable Energy Sources in Order to Achieve a Sustainable Society?
  15. Is Aluminum an Example of a Renewable Energy Resource?
  16. What Fraction of Our Energy Currently Comes From Renewable Energy Sources?
  17. What Are the Disadvantages of Renewable Energy?
  18. What Would Have to Happen to Completely Abandon Non-renewable Energy Sources?
  19. Why Are Renewable Energy Better Than Fossil Fuels?
  20. How Could a Renewable Energy Resource Become Non-renewable?
  21. How Have Renewable Energy Resources Replaced a Percentage of Fossil Fuels in Different Countries?
  22. How Can Water Be Used as a Renewable Energy Resource?
  23. What Is the Most Practical Renewable Energy Source?
  24. What Steps Are Necessary to Further the Use of Renewable Energy Resources in THE US?
  25. Why Is Renewable Energy Use Growing?
  26. What Type of Renewable Energy Should Businesses in Your Region Invest In?
  27. How Does Renewable Energy Reduce Climate Change?
  28. Can the Development of Renewable Energy Sources Lead To Increased International Tensions?
  29. How Do Renewable Energy Resources Affect the Environment?
  30. Why Have So Many Governments Decided to Subsidize Renewable Energy Initiatives?

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StudyCorgi. "117 Renewable Energy Essay Topics & Research Ideas." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "117 Renewable Energy Essay Topics & Research Ideas." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

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