87 Samsung Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Samsung

🌶️ Hot Samsung Essay Topics

  1. Samsung Company: Green Reverse Logistics and Supply Chains
    The following paper will discuss the case study of the green reverse logistics and supply chains in the electronics industry promoted by Samsung.
  2. Samsung Electronics: Operations Management Performance Objectives
    In Samsung Electronics, it can be stated that one of the departments responsible for quality is Corporate Technology Office.
  3. Samsung Mobile in the UK Analysis
    Samsung entered the UK market in 1984 and has since seen explosive growth and success, especially within the mobile phone market, with projected revenues of ÂŁ995 million in 2005.
  4. Apple and Samsung Firms’ Technology Innovation
    Apple, Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd are in a business struggle that began in 2010. Both businesses are continually converging and changing from a business model standpoint.
  5. Apple vs. Samsung: Marketing Strategy & Business Strategy
    Both Apple and Samsung companies are in the electronics industry with specialty in mobile and computer technologies. Apple’s business strategies are different and depend on product models.
  6. Promotion and Advertising Strategies Used by Apple and Samsung
    The paper will be examining the similarities and differences of the promotional strategies applied by two firms competing in the Smartphones market.
  7. Bribery Charges Against Samsung Company
    Ethical issues in business create many problems that can extend negative effects on its reputation, productivity, and profitability.
  8. Samsung Electronics Company Sustainability Assessment
    Samsung Electronics has grown within the past four decades to become a leading provider of quality information and technology services.
  9. Samsung Electronics’ Marketing Plan
    The report outlines a marketing plan for Samsung Electronics. It focuses on the market situation, target market, marketing mix, external and internal environment, etc.
  10. The Samsung Company’s Financial Information
    Several reasons have fueled the growth of Samsung, including a strong brand image, marketing, product quality, and a strong concentration on research and development.
  11. The Samsung Firm’s Leadership Failure
    Samsung made several crucial leadership mistakes while designing the competitive mobile phone model – the organization could damage its reputation and lower customer loyalty.
  12. The Samsung Company’s Headphones Target Market
    The Samsung Company’s target market is diverse groups of people with different demographics, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics.
  13. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Product’s Risk Analysis
    The way a company handles risk-related issues is essential to other stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, and the government.
  14. Coca-Cola’s and Samsung ‘s Home and Host Marketing
    Home and host markets require different strategies depending on the nature of consumers present in the respective markets.
  15. Apple and Samsung Firms’ Social Media Analysis
    Apple’s brand voice communicates the high quality of its brand in a consistent manner. The majority of Samsung’s blog articles communicate the brand’s excellent quality.
  16. Apple Inc., Samsung, and Google and Their Business Models
    The vertical integration method will solve one of the most pressing problems of Apple and give it an advantage over competitors.
  17. Samsung: The Global Marketing
    Offering the wide product line that addresses the needs of many different target groups is the main idea of Samsung’s global strategy.
  18. Samsung Electronic’s Global Strategy Plan
    Samsung Electronic’s global strategy seems to be the main reason why Samsung continues to dominate the industry, overpassing Apple in market share.
  19. Samsung M620 Mobile Phone Evaluation
    This evaluation attempts to describe Samsung M620; my current phone model. Effective communication is the main reason behind the introduction of cell phones.
  20. Apple and Samsung in Smartphone Product Category
    Apple and Samsung are top-rated brands offering their customers a wide array of product categories, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and wearable accessories.
  21. Exploding Samsung Phones Apology
    It is necessary to talk about a recent issue regarding our new line of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. The phones are prone to catching fire and exploding.
  22. Technological Failures of Samsung Galaxy 7
    This paper discusses the technological failures using the example of the Samsung Galaxy 7. The main reason why this launch failed was the design flaw of the battery.
  23. Aspects of Samsung Marketing Plan
    Samsung is a very well-known smartphone brand. Marketing plan objectives for any firm incorporate short-term aims that contribute to the achievement of long-term goals.
  24. Samsung Products and the Impact of Technology on Marketing
    The paper states that applying novel technologies can prompt the marketing campaigns to become more diverse, covering various devices and platforms.
  25. Safety Responsibility: Samsung Case
    The Samsung case proves that the mandatory testing of products before selling them to consumers is an integral component of activities in working with potentially unsafe digital equipment.
  26. Samsung Mobile Gear VR Headset: Advertisement Analysis
    Samsung Mobile released an advertisement promoting the new Gear VR headset. The advertisement has engaged the hearts of the millions because of its beautiful story and strong message.
  27. Samsung Liquid-Crystal-Display Televisions Marketing
    The Samsung company revolutionized the way LCD TVs are sold through its unique approach. It makes available detailed price lists with options.
  28. How Samsung Gets Innovations to Market?
    Samsung company controls its designing, manufacturing, distribution and marketing process for its products via the consumer focused innovation team.
  29. The iPhone X vs. Samsung Galaxy S8 Smartphones Compared
    The newest flagship phones available on the market are the Apple iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8. This paper will provide a comparison between these two phones.
  30. Samsung and Child Labor: Business Ethics Case
    To make sure that no factory exploits child labor, Samsung claims to have compelled all the factories to install a hi-tech facial detection device.

đź’ˇ Simple Samsung Essay Ideas

  1. Factors That Triggered the Growth of Samsung in the Global Handset Market
  2. Electronic Document and Record Management Systems Implementation at Samsung
  3. Integrated Marketing Communication Tools of Samsung
  4. Technological Capabilities and Samsung International Production Network in Asia
  5. Dynamic Capabilities and the Investment Development Path in Samsung
  6. The Approaches Samsung Have Used to Become a More Socially Conscious
  7. The Effect of Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance in Samsung
  8. Evolution of the Samsung Exynos CPU Microarchitecture
  9. The Strategic View and Development of Corporate Social Responsibility at Samsung
  10. The Changing Business Environment of Samsung
  11. New Foundation and Platform for Samsung Business Strategy
  12. Methods of Protecting “Smart” Devices on Example of Samsung TV
  13. The Conflict Between Apple and Samsung From a Marketing Perspective
  14. Framework of Digital Forensics for the Samsung Star Series Phone
  15. Samsung’s Align-And-Differentiate Approach to Semantic Textual Similarity
  16. Samsung and the Role of Innovator in Mobile Computing Industry
  17. Restructuring Samsung Retailing in Korea
  18. The Trilemma Phenomenon for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy
  19. Development of a Gyro Test System at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
  20. The Growth Pattern of Samsung Electronics: A Strategy Perspective
  21. Circumvention of Samsung Secure Boot Enforced Common Criteria Mode
  22. The History and SWOT Analysis of Samsung Group
  23. How Samsung Became a Design Powerhouse
  24. Samsung Relationship With Its Customers
  25. Key Drivers for Future Growth Management of Samsung

đź“Ś Easy Samsung Essay Topics

  1. Product Life Cycle Stages of Samsung
  2. Advantages of Operation Management for Manufacturing Samsung Electronics
  3. Porter Generic Strategies and Samsung Electronics
  4. How Samsung Entered Into the Electronic Industry
  5. Samsung’s Mission, Brand Positioning and Core Competencies
  6. Online Marketing Strategy and Organizational Usefulness in Samsung
  7. Possible Strategic Choices for Samsung Galaxy S22
  8. Samsung Phones and Its Effect on Communication
  9. Marketing Plan for New Product Development Samsung New Model in India
  10. The Effects of Advertising and Price Promotion on Brand Equity Dimensions of Samsung
  11. Military Base Personnel and the Use of Samsung Wireless Phones
  12. Samsung Value Innovation and Change Creativity
  13. Corporate Governance Index and Its Determinants in Samsung Company
  14. Should Samsung Make Changes of the Orientation Program?
  15. Samsung and McDonald’s Job Design Comparison and Why Samsung Is Leading in Enriching
  16. Business Operations and Logistics at Sony and Samsung Companies
  17. Are Samsung’s Consumers Aware of Counterfeit?
  18. Samsung’s Core Benefits, Actual and Augmented Products in 2022
  19. Development of Flood Inundation Area GIS Database for Samsung
  20. The Effect of Brand Ambassador, Image, Product Quality, and Price on Purchases of Samsung
  21. Consumer Behavior of Nokia and Samsung Mobile Users
  22. How to Develop Accessibility UX Design Guideline in Samsung
  23. Creating First-Mover Advantages at Samsung Electronics
  24. Knowledge Transfer in Economic Organizations on Example of Samsung
  25. Scientific and Technological Links From Samsung on Lithium Batteries and Graphene

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "87 Samsung Essay Topics." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/samsung-essay-topics/.

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