155 Social Problems Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about

Are you looking for the best social issues topics? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has prepared a list of social problems research topics and questions for your speech, essay, and other writing assignments. You’ll find titles about inequality, teenage pregnancy, violence, hunger, and other problems facing contemporary society.

⚠️ 7 Social Issues Topics 2025

✅ Easy Social Issues to Write About

If you need to write a paper on social issues and wonder what social problems to write about, here are a few easy options you can consider:

🏠 Homelessness Explore the causes of homelessness, its economic and social consequences, and its relation to human rights.
🍲 Hunger Investigate the link between hunger and other social issues, like poverty, conflict, and inequality.
😟 Bullying Analyze how bullying occurs in different social settings, such as school, work, or intimate relationships, and how to fight it.
🤰 Teenage pregnancy Discover the connection between adolescent pregnancy and poverty, substance abuse, or poor education.
🧒 Childhood obesity Write about the social effects of childhood obesity, such as bullying, stigma, and social isolation.

🏆 Best Social Issues Essay Topics

  1. American Modern Social Problem
    The United States is not renowned to having one of the best systems of health care worldwide, rather the U .S. is known for its best system in emergency care worldwide.
  2. The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System
    The present paper focuses on the connection between the social problem of bullying and the school system, describing each of these concepts.
  3. Solving Social Problems With a Nudge
    The speaker’s perspective is on the human mind’s diversity and complexity, making people manufacture irrational behavior, perpetuating poverty, corruption, and discrimination.
  4. Social Problem and Policy Analysis
    Human rights and social work perspectives show how standardized testing promotes inequality and increases the barriers for non-white individuals.
  5. Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs
    The present paper will explain the content of three articles relating to the issue of Alcohol and drug use while also providing a personal reflection on the readings.
  6. How Does Gang Affiliation Become a Social Problem?
    Despite the intention to create a positive and supportive environment, there are many conditions under which people continue experiencing social pressure.
  7. Educational Institutions’ Social Problems: Juvenile Delinquency
    Juvenile delinquency is the problem that profoundly affects educational institutions as its representatives are people involved in education the most.
  8. Social Problems and Policy: Youth Unemployment and Mental Health
    In the history of the US, the federal and state governments have been at the forefront to facilitate effective social programs.
  9. Modern Social Problems Through the Sociological Imagination Prism
    This paper aims to discuss the concept of the sociological imagination and its significance in understanding contemporary social problems.
  10. The Role of Social Workers in Addressing Teenage Obesity
    The social worker should be the bridge uniting obese individuals and society advertising social changes, and ending injustice and discrimination.
  11. Social Problems Assignment: Juvenile Delinquency
    Juvenile delinquency or illegal behaviors committed by underage children is a significant social problem in the United States and worldwide.
  12. Social Problem Analysis: Social Inequality in Education
    This paper encompasses the persistent issue of social inequality that we can witness as a routine practice every day. This topic analysis social inequality in educational institutions.
  13. A Framework for Analyzing Social Problems
    The paper provides a framework for analyzing social problems by defining what constitutes a social problem and identifying credible social science data.
  14. Analyzing Social Problems – Case Study: Jake Levy
    The analysis of Jake Levy’s case led to lobby the state legislature to start a suicide prevention program for veterans who are getting mental health services.
  15. Rawls vs. Nozick on Social Problems and Criminal Justice
    The essay reflects on the articles of Rawls and Nozick to compare their key points and determine whose theory is most applicable to social problems and criminal justice.
  16. Social Problems of People with Disabilities
    People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence.
  17. Queer (LGBTQ) Community as a Social Problem in Canada
    The Canadian government has shown interest in LGBTQ matters in recent years. Canadian queer persons are more likely to be victims of violent crime.
  18. Policies for Social Problems
    Social problems dominate in different parts of the world. Good policies should be devised to make it possible to pronounce dominant sociological problems.
  19. The Use of Statistics in Evaluating Social Problems
    Statistics are an important tool for researchers and policymakers when analyzing particular social-related issues. The types of statistics are objective or subjective.
  20. The Covid-19 Related Social Problems
    The paper discusses the Covid-19 pandemic that has caused devastating social disruption where millions of individuals have fallen into extreme poverty.
  21. Social Problems Within Educational Institutions
    It is necessary to understand and analyze the connection between various social problems within U.S. educational institutions.
  22. Perspectives on the Central Social Problem in Modern Society
    Social ills plaguing modern society have been a basic concern for many prominent philosophers throughout the ages.

🎓 Most Interesting Social Issues Research Topics

  1. The Social Problems Behind the Military Suicide
  2. How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems?
  3. Ethical and Social Problems of Genetic Engineering
  4. The Economic and Social Problems of the 1930s
  5. Social Problems Among College Students
  6. Alphonso Pinkney’s Black American: Chronic Social Problems
  7. Race and Gender Impact on Social Problems
  8. Behavior and Social Problems in Classrooms
  9. Social Problems About School Drop Outs
  10. Current Political and Social Problems of Pakistan
  11. Social Problems Associated With Street Gangs
  12. Social Problems and the Theories of Emile Durkheim
  13. Unemployment and Social Problems in the Post-war United States
  14. Social Problems and Issues in Pakistan
  15. Sociology and Various Social Problems
  16. The Major Social Problems Facing the Teenagers of Today
  17. Values, Social Problems, and Balanced Development in Malaysia
  18. Political, Economic and Social Problems of France
  19. Social Problems Associated With Health and Happiness
  20. The Environment and Social Problems
  21. Social Problems Amongst the Homeless
  22. Mauritius: Tourism and Social Problems
  23. Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways To Solve Them
  24. Nature and Social Problems
  25. Social Problems and Drug Abuse
  26. Critical Social Problems Affecting African Americans
  27. Social Problems Arise From the Views and Values of the Society
  28. Connection Between Social Problems and Urbanization
  29. Unemployment Social Problems Faced by China and West
  30. Social Problems Among Youth in Malaysia

👍 Good Social Problems Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Social Problem: Hunger in the United States
    Hunger problem, income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural regions, and COVID-19 outbreak have severe effects on the hunger problem.
  2. Potential Threat of Coronavirus as a Social Problem in Haines City, Florida
    SARS coronavirus is only a potential threat for Haines City so far, but preventing misinformation and potential panic is still an important social problem.
  3. Analyzing Social Problems: Health Disparities
    This discussion will examine the unequal access to healthcare and its cause, investigate its prevalence, describe vulnerable populations.
  4. Juvenile Delinquency as Social Problem of Vulnerable Populations
    The theme of this paper is such a problem of vulnerable populations as juvenile delinquency, its interconnection with other social problems, and possible ways of its solution.
  5. Benchmark as Social Problems
    The impact of social phenomenon, for instance, social inequality, vulnerable population and other problems with politics, on poverty from a macro and micro perspectives.
  6. Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types
    There are four main social problems; crime, violence, drug abuse, and environmental problems. The other social problems are very closely related to the above.
  7. Childhood Obesity: Medical Complications and Social Problems
    The children have also suffered from the adverse effects that have been instilled into our society. Obesity has become a common problem in children of American and European countries.
  8. America’s Social Problems Through the Song “Cookie Jar” by J. Johnson
    The song Cookie Jar is a song written by Jack Johnson song talks about the blame game that is going on and in American society.
  9. American Social Problems of Women and the Elderly
    The issues of social discrimination experienced by women and elderly people have their roots in two fundamental perspectives of social life.
  10. Modern American Social Problems
    The essay lists the current American social problems and describes the key point of each problem the society faced nowadays.
  11. Americas Social Problems Nowadays
    The article explains the social, economic, political, technological, and legal impacts of war and how the global community can address the reality of terrorism.
  12. American Social Problems: Family and Education
    The family and education are major socializing agents in society and to be particular the United States of America.
  13. Social Problems in Wilson’s “Fences” Play
    People who have been subjected to social oppression have a good chance of developing mental health problems in the future.
  14. World Poverty as a Global Social Problem
    Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise.
  15. Meth Epidemic as a Social Problem: Film Analysis
    Drug consumption has become a major social problem for many states in the US as many drug users and addicts consider meth as their top choice.
  16. Development of Children’s Friendship and Social Problems
    This analysis was reached upon following a close thirty-minute observation of infants, and it suggests various types of behaviors presented by children in play.
  17. Addressing the Complex Issues Surrounding Adolescent Pregnancy
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of adolescent pregnancy as a significant challenge that affects society across the globe.
  18. Do Regulations on Texting and Driving Interfere with Individual Freedom?
    Texting and driving refers to the act of receiving, reading and sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle, which is a hazardous practice that causes many fatalities.
  19. Oppression as a Social Problem
    The paper defines oppression in terms of marginalization, exploitation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence: the key facets of oppression according to Iris Young.
  20. Psychology’s Role in Solving Social Problems and Treating Mental Illnesses
    This paper will discuss the movie, Not Easily Broken and the intergenerational model as well as the main issue addressed in the movie.
  21. Social Problem of Inequality
    Studies of social inequality included non-urban areas and social inequality factors that had not been included in previous studies.

💡 Simple Social Issues Topics for Project

  1. Social Problems Exam Practice
  2. PRS and Its Social Problems
  3. Social Problems and Legalization of Marijuana
  4. The Increasing Social Problems of Violence in the 20th Century
  5. Child Abuse – Social Problems
  6. Social Problems and Solutions Chart
  7. The Social Problems Facing Homeless Youth
  8. Social Problems Are Due to Society’s Tolerance of Immorality
  9. Realist and Constructivist Approaches to Social Problems
  10. Social Problems During the Industrial Revolution
  11. Emile Durkheim and Social Problems
  12. Literature During the Old Times Until Now Contribute To Address Social Problems
  13. Substance Abuse and Social Problems
  14. Public Education and the Impact of Social Problems
  15. Social Problems Facing Our US Veterens
  16. Physiological and Social Problems in the Middle East
  17. Social Problems and Homelessness in Savannah, Georgia
  18. Technical and Social Problems of Nuclear Waste
  19. Social Problems Associated With Interfaith Marriages
  20. Technology and Social Problems
  21. Social Problems Affecting Students and Schools in the US
  22. Ethnography: Social Problems
  23. Social Problems Affecting Society, Big and Small
  24. Appalachia: Culture and Social Problems
  25. Social Problems Associated With Racial Discrimination
  26. Political, Economic, and Social Problems in India
  27. Social Problems Behind Sexual Deviance
  28. Poor Neighborhoods Give Rise to Social Problems
  29. Literary Realism and Social Problems
  30. Prevalent Social Problems That Impacts Society

❓ Research Questions on Social Issues

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Are the Ethical and Social Issues of Genetic Engineering?
  2. What Social Problems Occur in Substance Abuse?
  3. What Are the Main Social Issues among the Youth in Malaysia?
  4. What Are the Social Problems behind War Suicide?
  5. What Are the Economic and Social Issues of Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey?
  6. What Are the Incentives for Solving Social Problems?
  7. What Business and Social Problems Does Data Center?
  8. Why Do Poor Neighborhoods Give Rise to Social Problems?
  9. What Are the Reasons for the Social Problems of Adolescents?
  10. What Are the Economic and Social Issues of the Caribbean?
  11. What Social Problems Arise Because of Society’s Tolerance for Immorality?
  12. What Are the Various Social Issues Faced by Black Women in the American South?
  13. How Social Problems Caused by the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601?
  14. What Are Pakistan’s Current Political and Social Problems?
  15. What Are the Common Social Problems Affecting Society?
  16. What Is the Influence of Literary Realism on Social Problems?
  17. What Business and Social Problems Does Data Center Power Consumption Cause?
  18. How Does the Media Impact Social Problems?
  19. What Social Problems Are Revealed in the Great Gatsby?
  20. How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems?
  21. What Are the Social Problems Associated with Interfaith Marriages?
  22. Should the State Pay More Attention to Solving the Pressing Social Problems of Our Time?
  23. What Is the Connection between Social Policy and Social Problems?
  24. What Are the Social Problems Faced by Homeless Youth?
  25. What Are the Physiological and Social Problems in the Middle East?

🔎 Current Research Topics on Social Issues

  1. Online misinformation and its effects on society.
  2. Racial bias and discrimination in policing.
  3. The impact of populism on democracies.
  4. Factors perpetuating the gender pay gap.
  5. The influence of climate change on vulnerable populations.
  6. The impact of automation on the job market.
  7. The effects of cyberbullying on adolescents.
  8. The social consequences of rapid urbanization.
  9. Youth unemployment and social exclusion.
  10. Social implications of genetic modification technologies.

🗣️ Social Issues Topics for Speech

  1. Strategies to prevent cyberbullying and online harassment.
  2. The impact of social media on youth.
  3. Access to quality education for all.
  4. The importance of safeguarding personal information online.
  5. Encouraging youth to get involved in the democratic process.
  6. The influence of technology on social interactions.
  7. Ways to combat human trafficking.
  8. Raising awareness of human rights violations in conflict zones.
  9. The effects of social media on body image.
  10. Why should guns be prohibited?

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StudyCorgi. "155 Social Problems Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-problems-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "155 Social Problems Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-problems-essay-topics/.

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